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Danny Nolan

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Posts posted by Danny Nolan

  1. I've actually had this problem before once, too. Come to find out that SL was trying to use the wrong network adapter. At the time I had Hamachi installed, which is basically software that fakes a LAN connection. Anyway, I'd get that message when SL was trying to use the Hamachi network adapter rather than my normal one. Might want to try and see if that could possibly be what's up.

  2. I think it's openjpeg.dll. I was messing around on kirsten's viewer, and tried his experimental build of the .dll that he compiled, and it actually is working a LOT better. My client still likes to only partially rez my avatar's baked textures, but everything else is a lot better and responsive.

    However, his experimental .dll is, indeed, experimental. Textures like to come in red and corrupted sometimes. Traded one problem with another. haha

  3. Yeah, I've been installing various iterations of the snowstorm project, and it seems to be getting worse as more builds come out. It'd be cool if someone actually knew how it worked so we could help get it resolved. It's really been a showstopper.

    I wonder, sometimes about my internet, too. Tried logging on SL one day, which failed, then suddenly I couldn't do anything with my net for the rest of the night. So I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised. Had this modem for a loong time. haha

  4. This was a feature that I LOVED in 1.x, and I really realllly would love to see come back for viewer 2.

    Quick example: I have 89275 things from the store fri.day. Everything you buy from there starts with "fri". So, let's say I open my inventory and hit F. Should bring me right to the first folder that starts with an F.

    Why is this useful? Why use this over filter? Filter, can be somewhat laggy, and just unnecessary. It filters out every folder/item that has an instance of what I typed. If I know exactly the name of the folder, or the few letters it starts with, I can go right to it instead. Plus, sometimes filter will show things from my clothing folder, or body parts folder, which I don't need, and just fills up the screenspace. Plus 2, I don't need it to show all the items in subfolders that match. I just need the folder. Plus 3, if I want to show my inventory as normal I have to clear the filter box, which again has to re-draw, and relist the inventory.

    Side note: if you guys have a windows machine, you can tell what I mean by just typing while at your desktop. Start typing "recycle bin" and it'll go right to it. 

    The code for this, I think, is actually still in the viewer, just not operational. And I know it works for the gesture "select sound" dropdown just fine. Just need to make it work for inventories too.


    I may actually have to "beg" LL for this one. I actually like 2.0, been using since it came out. But this one feature is the only thing that's bugged me (or maybe more multi-threaded code, and SLI support :smileywink: ), and such a small addition that would make a big difference for me, and I'm sure others.


    Made a JIRA for it. Link is here. Thanks guys. Post if you agree! Let's make some noise.


  5. I was curious, has anybody been seeing a degeneration of the texture rezzing? I just walked into a sim, I've been standin here for about 5-7 minutes. Sim time dilation is 1, FPS is 45, physics 45, and my ping to the sim is 160. My internet has about 1 to 1.5kbps going downstream, but there's not a single texture loading. I'd say roughly 40-50% of the textures right now are not grey, and the rest are just blurry and not continuing to load.


    I didn't look at any of the networking code whatsoever when I played with the engine previously, but how does the client know when to send requests for a texture? It seems like somewhere along the line, the texture engine just seems to stop and forget halfway through, and then never bother to start back up and continue to request textures from the servers.

    Ideas, anyone? Anyone also been having these problems?


    Govindira Galatea wrote:

    Even Windows has this: in inventory under version one, if the folder or item I wished to access has an initial letter known to me, just hitting that letter key gets me to the next instance of that letter as an initial letter.  A simple shortcut that makes a large inventory manageable, makes organizing inventory worthwhile, and a simple shortcut that has been eliminated in the 'advances' of the V2 UI.  V2 has some undoubted advantages functionally, but the UI does not adhere to these simple standards of functionality.

    And some are saying, "Move on, get over it," because they really don't know what they are missing.  Pie menus are a matter of taste.  Changing something from 1 or 2 clicks to 4 clicks is not a matter of taste; it's bad design.


    This is one of the biggest things bothering me at 2.0 ever since it was released. I've actually used it this whole time, and I'm completely used to the 2.0 UI now. I actually liked it form the start, just cause it was fresh and new.


    I made a JIRA about this, Govindira, but idk how the JIRA is going to work here soon, since you can't vote on them on past the 8th.


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