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Danny Nolan

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Posts posted by Danny Nolan

  1. Honestly, I've used V2 since it came out. It was buggy at first, sure, as is a lot of software when it's been radically changed. But I've always .. always liked V2s color scheme/layout SO much more.

    I've always been confused on why people can't migrate to v2 myself. Opening my inventory takes one click .. as it did before. The button is on the right instead of the bottom. I prefer the separate IM windows. Profiles are kinda cool now with the feeds; that'll be awesome for designers.

    The dark UI actually makes me feel like I can see the world even more. Dark colors = less distracting than bright. 

    LL has put some TPV ideas into their code. My boob physics, for example. (although, I can't ever find settings that work correctly, and look accurate). 


    All in all, I really have no desire whatseover to go back to 1.x. I do every once in a while, just for the local textures in Phoenix, if I'm making  something. And I actually find myself fighting with the 1.x UI. It's all a matter of what you're used to, and I think people are just way less than willing to try something new long enough to get used to it. Most people I talked to "tried it for 10 minutes, and gave up."

  2. I'm getting REDICULOUS crashing. Sometimes I can only stay on for a couple of minutes before I crash again. I've been checking my crash logs, and there's no outstanding errors that stand out to me. Client just randomly ends and goes to the crash logger.

    Seems to get worse with the more avatars there are around me, or that I have in my camera view. I'm on build 2.7.6 (234849) . 


    For me this is a show stopper. I seriously can't go anywhere but my skybox or I just immediately crash. Reinstalled SL, different video card drivers, even reformatted (needed to, anyway). Has to be faulty code somewhere. Either way it's getting rreeally old. 


    CPU: i7 980x @ 4.4ghz
    Ram: 12GB DDR3
    Video Cards: 480gtx SLI (running SL with only one card) 

    PS: Wouldn't it be cool if SL used half of that hardware? lol

  3. I actually see this same thing. I've used 2.0 since it came out, and just the past month or so, yes I've definitely seen exactly what you mean.

    What it seems like is happening, is now when you walk into a busy or new area, and it's grabbing the textures, it firstly seems to take WAY too long to download any of them. I watch my network bandwith, and it's maxed out for a long time, with minimal textures being rezzed. Over time, they start to come in, but then at some point my bandwith starts to drop to zero, with almost half of the textures rezzed only. 

    If I sit there, nothing EVER happens past that. The only way I can then get textures to rez and/or finish rezzing, is to mouseover them. It's like the client just starts to "forget" what it needs to be doing.

  4. K, so you know how some dropdowns in SL have the ability to let you start typing, and it'll go to the first instance of whatever matches what you're saying? That needs to be brought back for the inventory and people pane.

    This is completely different than filter; filter removes everything that doesn't match what's entered. However, I'd prefer to just hit F, to take me to the first folder in my inventory that starts with F. Or if I have a folder that's named ".;'[[storename]]", if I where to just hit the period key, it'd take to that. Now, if I had a two folders named "..blah" and ".blah", and I hit the period key twice, it'd go to "..blah".

    You can see this behavior in a couple of different places. Build a prim, then click the wrench in the general tab of the edit window, to change group. It'll open up a popup box that has your groups in it. Now start typing the name of one of your groups. It should go right to it, or if you type a letter that doesn't match anything, nothing will happen.

    Or, make a gesture, add in a sound, and then start typing when you click the sound chooser dropdown. Same thing.


    We need this back. Filter is nice and all, but it's laggy and unnecessary when I know exactly the name of the folder I need to go to, and would rather just hit a key or two to go straight to it. 


    Link for the JIRA: VWR-19967

  5. Something I would LOVE to see this viewer do, is start taking advantage of modern hardware. I'd love to see SL use more than 15% of my 12 core processor, and for it to let me run SLI and actually get a performance gain. Start using more shaders, and possibly some more post-processing.


    Sadly .. I don't think this'll ever happen.

  6. Yeah, not only do I have an i7 I have the 980x, so with Hyperthreading on I have 12 logical cores alltogether. Haha. I think SL uses maybe 7-10% of that. 

    It is reasonable for this game to be very CPU heavy, since it's not like a normal first person shooter where all the objects are completely static, unchanging, etc. In SL, every single peice of geometry is subject to change, and (just guessing here), that it has to apply the parameters that's set to each prim very very often.

    However, since it is so heavy on the CPU it really should be threaded more. And more optimised. I've noticed that when a thread in the viewer starts to get excessive my GPU usage drops, meaning the GPU is sitting around waiting for the client to finish what it's doing before it bothers to do anything. Rezzing textures is a good example of this. MAN rezzing textures kills the client. And something like that should def by going on in it's own thread, and not holding up the main thread.

    But I've made this rant before. Haha. I GUESS I'M JUST VENTING.

  7. Yeah .. I've certainly voiced my opinion a few times, on how I wish this client where more optimised and made better use of my hardware. I have a killer machine, I should be screaming right along .. but alas, I still see 30 fps pretty regularly when I'm anywhere but my skybox.

    I reallyyyyyy wish LL could, instead of implement new features (that a lot of people don't even want), that they could just start working on the renderer. Hire a team of professional programmers(or make use of the ones that already do) that understand OpenGL and/or make DirectX available to SL. And have OGL/DX toggleable, like a lot of games do. It'd be so amazing.

    But, I understand business is business, and what I ask for is very difficult, and expensive. I guess a guy can dream. haha

  8. So I'm aware that SLI doesn't particularly work with SL, and in most cases hurts FPS even more. But out of curiosity, what would it take to get it working again? Update the renderer? Certain SLI forced options in the nVidia control panel?

    I remember, back when SL was a lot more basic (3-4 years ago), it did actually help marginally, but caused a lot of crashing, but it def bumped the FPS up a bit. What broke it?

    Sure would be cool to get it working again. I'd love to have both my video cards eat away at those wonderful shadows ;)


    Edit: Just noticed some interesting behavior

    Got to playing around with SLI. I have it forced to AFR2, single display mode with VSync on, and triple buffering on, and shadows off. I'm on KirstenLee's viewer, Build7 RC2. 

    if I zoom out in a very busy sim, I get really low FPS (30 to be exact), which is to be expected. However, if I go into options, disable Toggle Framebuffer Objects, I get the same FPS, and my GPU usage my first video card goes low (about 30%). Then, when I turn it back on, my FPS jumps to 60 FPS immediately, and my GPU usage on my first video card shoots up to 80%! Which is awesome. 2nd Video card, for some reason, seems to be stuck around 30% usage. 

    However, when I start to cam around, my GPU usage drops, and then so does my FPS. And then sometimes it seems to "recover" and GPU usage goes back up, or it stays stuck, and is broken until I flip Toggle Framebuffer Objects on then off.

    Pretty weird.

  9. Gotchya. I didn't actually know that. Haha. Well I know SL uses a very very old version of OpenGL. OGL or something? At least that could be updated for OpenGL. I believe a lot of applications are written to be able to use either renderer. WoW, for instance can be ran in GL or DX.

    That'd be a pretty big undertaking. It'd be doable, but they'd probably have to hire an entire new team specifically to do something like that. Which, I think should/could be done. But that's pretty ambitious. Haha.

    Propper threading, though, would be the biggest at this point. 

  10. So SL is getting some pretty cool features. Avatar physics (while still kinda buggy) was a really cool addition. And it pretty much blows my version out of the water. haha.


    But what I'd really like to start seeing, is SL being updated to start taking advantage of newer hardware. I know there's a lot of people still running this client with single core processors and old video cards, but that is starting to become the minority here. And that can be worked around, by simply introducing options.

    SL currently does run multiple threads, however the threads are not split up well enough to really help THAT much. The main thread still has way too much going on in it, and really holds up the client in a lot of things. A good example of this, is when you clear your cache and hop into a fairly big area. The networking system that starts downloading the textures (and correct me if I'm wrong), runs in the main thread. Your FPS will drop like a rock until these textures are all downloaded, because the client has to wait for the networking code to complete it's things, before it can move onto the next task. This is definitely something that should be threaded.

    Another reason to support threading, is how CPU intensive this game really is. While, with shadows on, the client can actually put the hurt on a lot of GPUs, however the CPU is still realllly limiting the client. It's not like a lot of games where the landscape, the objects in it, etc are all static, which lessens the load on the CPU a ton.


    Another thing that would be nice, would be to update the renderer, possibly even to at least directx9. We'd see more performance just from that. It would most likely make the client play a lot nicer with SLI/Crossfire, as well, which would be incredibly awesome for running shadows. Which would certainly be nice since SLI/Crossfire actually hurts your FPS currently.


    Yeah, this post is asking of a lot, but man. It's just time. Correct me if I'm wrong on anything, and feel free to discuss. And threading, over time, does appear to be getting a little better. I've always had one core maxed out, and lately I've seen seeing a second thread get fairly high, too. But that's still 2 threads that are, evidently, still too large.

  11. Yeah idk it's tough to know LL's inner workings. I'm just going off their history. A lot of projects started, not a lot finished; at least entirely. I'm not trying to trash talk them, I'm just saying that's probably what will happen with their avatar physics.

    But yeah, hopefully firestorm will have my code in soon. I've been using 2.0 since it came out, and phoenix whever I create anything. Haha. So it'll be nice to have multiple clothing layers, and phoenix's features all in one package.

  12. Yeah I had SL eat a HUD that I was making. Lost a LOT of code changes that I had made, and had to start from suuch an earlier version.

    This problem REALLY needs to be adressed with extreme priority. The asset server and client should do a LOT of more communication and double-checking to make sure that things where properly rezzed and created in world, or stored in inventory. Especially since we're talking things that have real money value, not just in Lindens, but real money. In your case, a $24 USD bed. That's pretty unacceptable.

    So many corners cut, LL. So many corners.

  13. I feel like any problems they could have encountered, though, could have been fixed or worked around. The only thing I can think of is .. just some of the people who would feel that it would be distastful for LL to implement it? When I did it, the vote was pretty overwhelming, yes, but of course, there was always those who didn't agree to it. Such is life.


    And physics for Firestorm is being discussed :). Keep an eye out. 

  14. Yeah ... I thought LL was going to try and one up me? Tsk tsk. *Puts crown back on*.


    JK haha. But anyway, I was actually hoping they would put this out. I did play around with their avatar physics client, and it was a great start. The wearable portion of it was a good idea. Letting individiual people decide how they wanted their avatar to animate (or at all) was something I couldn't come up with. And, factoring in LOD, and having an actual physics level slider was pretty ace, too. I just had too limited of knowledge with the engine and C++. And their math seemed more accurate.

    It was, however, fairly buggy. And the code hasn't been touched for a pretty long time now. So I'm sure it's dead in the water by now. This company seems to have a knack for starting something and not actually finishing it. I believe their plan was to expand it to all kinds of different "parts" to animate .. but we know what the most important one is. And why not just release it with only one part, and then do the rest of them later. That'd be better than just never releasing it at all imo.

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