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Whirly Fizzle

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Posts posted by Whirly Fizzle

  1. If you update to the 4.4.0 release of Firestorm, this problem should be fixed. It should be fixed on any up to date V3 based viewer actually, including official Viewer 3.

    Any viewer still using TC malloc (4.3.1 does) will give you this same problem.

    It isn't worth troubleshooting what software on your system is causing this with 4.3.1 because come July 9th, 4.3.1 wont be viable for SL anymore because of serverside appearance being switched on.

  2. There was an issue reported on last weeks LeTigre RC (that had the interest list changes) which caused them not to be able to load large scripts. Those changes have been rolled out to all the RC's today.

    What is your maximum bandwidth setting in the viewer?

    The advice from Andrew Linden was to test if you can still reproduce the problem when you lower the maximum bandwidth setting in the viewer to ~200kbps.

  3. barrageLunaRadio wrote:

    Also the method in letting me be able to see my character again erases all of my "recieved items" so stuff i bought in the market place with real money has been erased, multiple times


    Oh goodness, don't delete all the items that you bought! That will not help fix this problem at all and is not necessary!

    The next time you get stuck as a cloud, try this:

    Create a new folder in your inventory.

    Inside this new folder place a skin, a shape, a bald hairbase (eyebrows) and some eyes (non prim).

    Then right click this new folder and REPLACE outfit. You MUST replace, not add to or wear, or it will not work.

    Does your avatar then rez?


    If this does not help, please can you paste in all your system information from Help -> About Secondlife/Viewer name. You will find the help menu in the top menu bar.

    Are you using a dual monitor setup? If so, always make sure Secondlife is set to run on your primary monitor.

    Are you on a wired or wireless connection?

  4. I keep checking back to see if system info has been posted yet  lol.

    Sounds like you have either an Optimus system with Intel/Nividia cards or an Intel/ATI dual card setup and your viewer crash is likely in your graphics driver - requiring you to reboot your system after your Nvidia/ATI driver has crashed.  So yes, your system information is important for something like this.

    Viewer crash logs (including the .dmp file so we can get a proper callstack and see if it is a driver dll that crashed) would be nice too.

    However, seeing as logs would give away your secret system information, I'm guessing we don't have much chance of getting those either  :smileyindifferent:



  5. Lali Kamala wrote:

    I can't use SL two weeks.

    1 - I can't wear no one layer-cloth without relog.

    2 - I can't see no one mesh-object on me and around me. (Meshes is enabled in Debug settings)

    3 - I can't see most part of iems in my inventory. I see folders with word "Loadings..." all time.

    4 - I can't see names of all avatars around me and in my friend-list. I can't call to anybody first. I can only answer to IM from another people.

    5 - I can't TP to any place. I can't walk free at Mainland, because I can see only one location and no more. If I trys to TP I just have crushes.

    You list perfectly all the symptoms of the "DNS bug". See VWR-26759 for details on that.

    You need to change over using Google Public DNS. This post has some nicely written instructions.

    Best of luck!

  6. Lali Kamala wrote:

    I can't use SL two weeks.

    1 - I can't wear no one layer-cloth without relog.

    2 - I can't see no one mesh-object on me and around me. (Meshes is enabled in Debug settings)

    3 - I can't see most part of iems in my inventory. I see folders with word "Loadings..." all time.

    4 - I can't see names of all avatars around me and in my friend-list. I can't call to anybody first. I can only answer to IM from another people.

    5 - I can't TP to any place. I can't walk free at Mainland, because I can see only one location and no more. If I trys to TP I just have crushes.

    You list perfectly all the symptoms of the "DNS bug". See VWR-26759 for details on that.

    You need to change over using Google Public DNS. This post has some nicely written instructions.

    Best of luck!


  7. AcidJuice wrote:


    So... if i am correct, that could be interesting to report this information to developpements teams... but i dont know how ?


    I added a comment about your findings to the original issue at VWR-29033 and also poked Nicky Dasmijn, who is one of the Firestorm developers.

  8. Imagin Illyar wrote:

    The only drawback is in alt-clicking to cam - which I do a LOT.  Most of the time it's absolutely fine but about 1/4 of my alt-clicks send my camera zooming - either way far out, up uber close or behind the object I'm trying to focus on.

    Have you found a workaround for the alt-click zoom madness?  

    Enable the Advanced menu in the top bar with CTRL+ALT+D

    Then Advanced -> Debug Settings -> DisableMouseWarp -> Set this to TRUE

    If still no luck, see HERE


  9. I skimmed through his thread quickly and didn't see anyone suggest this yet, so I'm repasting what I replied to Acid's JIRA issue.


    This is a weird issue and I've seen it before.

    This can happen for some inexplicable reason for certain people when they are running the viewer in a non-English language (or possibly the bug happens when the viewer language does not match the language of the operating system).

    I see from your system information that you are running the viewer in French.

    Please can you set the Viewer to run in English and relog and see if this fixes your problem.


    BUG-1405 was also fixed by changing viewer back to English

    VWR-29033 - I also wonder if this is the same bug - their system info shows as running the viewer in German.

    VWR-29033 also found some other workarounds and it appears to be a caching issue and there are other strange bugs with cache that occur when switching the viewers language.

    Hope that helps!


  10. Fluxa Core wrote:


     I had basic shaders on when i first logged in, but it caused my entire screen to go black  like 
     my avatar is outlined in the red circle.



    Hiya Fluxa,

    The black screen issue on certain cards (you have an ATI card?) when basic shaders is enabled is a known issue on the latest Firestorm 4.4.0 release.

    This issue is being investigated but for now, we have 2 other workarounds apart from disabling basic shaders:

    1. Preferences -> Graphics -> Rendering -> Untick "Render Glow" or
    2. Preferences -> Graphics -> General -> Tick "Advanced Lighting model" then go to World -> Photo & Video -> Phototools. On Phototools floater -> Gen tab -> Set Vig amount -> set this to zero

    Workaround 1 will stop you from seeing glow on any object

    Workaround 2 is best if you normally run with Advanced lighting model enabled (deferred rendering) but not all cards are happy to have this setting enabled.

    You can follow progress on this bug here: FIRE-9837

    Are you getting the black screen with any other viewers apart from Firestorm?

    Fluxa Core wrote:

    So after updating to the latest viewers on multiple browsers, I keep running into this same issue, none of my mesh or my avatar worn wants to  render correctly. Instead of smooth images i see this:

    Mesh Problem?



    Because you have basic shaders disabled, mesh will not display as well.

    Disabling basic shaders also disables hardware skinning, and this give you "mesh bleed". See VWR-28717 for details on this.

    Please can you go to Help -> About Firestorm/Viewer name and paste in all your system information.



  11. Eric Castanea wrote:

    I have had my AO destroyed 3 times in the last week. Nothing I can do will bring it back again. I have to rezz a new copy - then remake all my outfits again. There is something causing scripts to be destroyed during a sim crossing.


    Eric, please can you file a JIRA with as much information as you can provide.

    Specifically: region names, date and time of occurrences.

  12. sunshine Juneberry wrote:

    I will be logged off after every teleport now.  Even with turning draw distance down. 
    It's my new normal and i'm used to it.


    Try this:

    1. Change over to using Google public DNS
    2. If that does not help, disable HTTP Textures
    • Go to Me -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Show developer menu
    • Then Develop (in top menu bar) -> HTTP Textures -> Untick this
    • Relog and test some TP's



  13. Monty has made a lot of improvements to the way HTTP textures work recently on Viewer 3. His changes are not in the 4.3.1 release of Firestorm but will be in the upcoming release in ~ a couple of weeks, so give that a try and see if Firestorm is then comparable with Viewer 3 in that regard - it should be.

  14. Maestro Linden wrote:

    Norton Burns wrote:

    This is hugely unscientific & merely based on hearsay & poke-it-and-see...

    ... but flicking alpha masks off & on draws everything in straight away when faced with this situation, in my experience.

    I see similar behavior when I have a live case of this bug.  I found that toggling 'Atmospheric Shaders' off and then back on in graphics preferences made the missing prims appear.

    Confirmed flipping alpha masks and atmospheric shaders settings brings all the missing prims back.

    So does toggling "Bump mapping and shiny" setting.

    Zooming camera far away and back also works.


  15. Okay, I got a repro on Second Life 3.4.5 (270263) Feb 12 2013 04:43:00 (Second Life Release)

    Different object this time though. This time it is a trunk of a sculpted tree about 20m from where I logged in.

    1) Missing sculpt prim is part of a linkset

    2) Bounding boxes - I really can't tell because its around a lot of other sculpts and the bounding boxes are just spaghetti.

    If I enable normals under render metadata, that shows the missing tree tunk, so the viewer must know it is there.

    3) Object updates - same as before, just a blue dot when releasing trunk from edit (trunk appeared as soon as I edited it)

    4) Update type -  When trunk is still missing, update type does not colour it blue.

    Other visble trunks near it are coloured blue


  16. Maestro Linden wrote:

    Thanks for taking a look, Whirly.  I do have one question:


    > 3) Enabled show updates to objects and clicked missing prim.

    > I saw a couple of blue object update dots


    When I typically select a non-moving object, I see a single blue particle from my avatar when I select it, but only see a blue particle from the selected object when I release selection.  Is this what you see, or did you also see an update coming out of the object when you begin to select it?


    I right clicked -> edit on the missing prim so it appeared and when I exited edit, I saw the blue update dot. No update dots until I released from edit.

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