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Gwenivere Caultard

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  1. I should add, by the way... that yes... I try to use the texture size that gives me the best look... so if I can go 512 by 64, and get a good look by repeating it... or if I have to go 512x512 to get a good look... I'll do it. I just try to stay mindful that every prim with its own texture on it, adds to the rendering load... so I don't use any more than I really absolutely need to get where I want to go. (i.e. I use the hammer size needed to do the job efficiently... but I try to avoid knocking in tacks with 20 pound sledgehammers, in a manner of speaking)
  2. Do you know how to 'repeat' the texture on your prim? You don't NEED 'bigger' textures to cover a 64x64m prim. You can, in the prim's settings, under TEXTURE... set the texture to REPEAT. So if your texture's some paltry 128x128 pixel wonder... You can set it up to REPEAT across the entire texture as many times as you need, to get that texture looking right. The smaller you go with textures, the better off you are. I never go higher than 512x512... and frankly, I prefer smaller sized textures, to reduce rendering lag issues. I use megaprims very often, and believe me... setting your repeats properly and using smaller texture files REALLY helps reduce region rendering lag.
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