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Perro Jackalope

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Everything posted by Perro Jackalope

  1. One other thought.....on initial upload and rezzing I would have that happen to me - but if I "took" the object and then placed it again the physics would work right on the 2nd placement. No idea why, but give it a try. I'd at least be curious if you got the same result.
  2. For no apparent reason that I can think of, I am back in today. I did reboot my PC this morning - only thought I have as to what is different on my end. I don't think this issue was me though. Too many others with the same thing happening.
  3. Ctrl+Alt+Q in Firestorm - then Develop/Render Metadata/Physics shapes.
  4. I've been unable to get in for a little over a day now. It has been hit or miss for the last couple weeks. No solution here, but at least you know it is not just you. Some links of interest: http://blog.nalates.net/2012/11/27/sl-aditi-grid-problems-2/ http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Second-Life-Server/ADITI-Problems-Thursday-Meeting/m-p/1747803
  5. Setting the mesh object you have created happens AFTER you have uploaded and rezzed it in world. Go into "Edit" mode on your object and then go to the Features tab. You'll find the dropdown there. If you are using Firestorm, you aren't going to have much fun until they get the Havok engine thing sorted out - I am reading that may be this month, but in the meantime I am uploading my mesh stuff on the SL viewer. Even using the official viewer, I am getting mixed results - a large building I made this morning rezzed with "no physics" and I could walk through walls even though the physics shape was showing. This evening I re-rezzed it and the walls are suddenly solid and working like they are supposed to. In both cases I could see the proper physics detail under Develop/Render Metadata/Physics Shapes. Possibly a test grid issue, as that is where I am uploading them. No idea why this is..... I am having fun learning Blender, but getting this physics stuff down is challenging. I seem OK if I choose the "High" LOD option, but trying to put a separate, simpler collada (.dae) file down to accomodate my build still has me mystified.
  6. Gaia - I have already seen some of the stuff you have published. I feel like I just got an answer from God. Thank you! :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  7. I hate it when the answer is "It is too you, you just don't know what you are doing." - but it is sounding like that may be the case here. Having confirmation that 2.64 should work OK gives me courage enough to plow back into it and keep trying. Thank you kindly for the reply - there is much to learn here and maybe I just need to be more patient.
  8. Hi, I am new to Blender and building 3D mesh objects. I have installed Blender 2.64a and I am able to follow some online tutorials and make some stuff. That part has been fun and interesting so far. However, I am running into trouble when I try to upload the Collada files I generate into SL. They don't come out quite the same - even a simple cube with modifiers (such as a beveled edge) comes through as a basic cube. Larger more complex items are either not able to upload at all or come through with missing sections - almost a tear down the length of an extrusion. I thought I figured the tear part out when I noticed a few missing vertices on the object, but after a careful rebuild and 2nd try, it did the same thing. My question for the board is: Is there a defintve list and workflow instruction around that says "If you are going to use Blender 2.64a, then you need this Collada exporter and these scripts and you must build within these constraints in order to assure a successful upload"? I am aware of the 64m x 64m size limits now and see a 256mb raw Collada file size limit. I would like to get the uploading thing clean and simple so I may keep my focus on learning the Blender software and mesh creation. Thanks in advance
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