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Jacob Forsythe

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Blog Comments posted by Jacob Forsythe

  1. @ Q Linden

    Ann Otoole:
    However, you cannot drag and drop inventory items on these new web page profiles.

    I see that you have answered several other issues that have been posted here, but I have not seen you answer or comment on Ann's comment.


    How the hell are we going to drag and drop inventory items onto people now? Say, like, oh I dunno.. CUSTOMERS that are in a hurry?!?!

    No! We should not HAVE to open AN IM with them to do this!


    Viewer v2.xxxxxxxxxx team.....

    Step back

    Take a deep breath.

    Re think your ideas.

    Re think WHO pays your paychecks.

    Re think who will leave and whom will stay

    Start Listening to the users (Although, LL says they do listen, but I am inclinded to believe that they are NOT listening to the Seasoned SLers, just the KIDS that play OTHER console games MORE than SL anyways!)


    Not complaining by far, just stating what I see thus far. And have read on the, "so called" blogs and forums.

    And BTW... I don't need to be suspended for my opinions like some have been suspended for theirs in the past from on these blogs/forums. (when that happens, LL says that they do not listen).

  2. I would like to know why the tracking is turned ON. Why is this needed?

    Not the usual "tracking" that Apache does. This is a security tracking issue that needs to be fixed if Linden Labs takes out privacy serious. I don't care either way, but the way that I have our browsers set up, it to NOT accept these types of security holes that can be leaked out throughout the net. Spam in Email, Tracking you from one site to the other.. etc...

    ADDED COMMENT after checking.. Ok.. it seems that the pages that were throwing those, are done right now. No more warnings popup like on the Main SecondLife website when you log in from the viewer (Manage My Account).



    It IS nice to see that Labs has listened to someone about this. It used to be SO SLOW loading on 50M down. No matter what you did, it was slow.


    Nice work Torley! As always! Keep up the good work!


    This may not be the place for it, but, seems how there are tons of your vids that teach people about SL and the viewer and its tricks, could you do one for NEW Estate owners (We had to read tons of into and still are) to teach them how to do things and what to look for. As the "About the Statistics Bar" Wiki page is sort of outdated..

    Also maybe do a video about "Behind the Scenes" with what goes on with the servers and host and how it all works. This I think would be a GREAT idea. As people will get a feel of what they are using and how it works. Sort of like the Vehicle Manual that used to come with NEW vehicles.



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