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Jethro Baudin

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Everything posted by Jethro Baudin

  1. Glad to see something has been done about this situation. Thanks, folks!
  2. Nodiacritics is the offender alright. There is also someone calling himself or herself Neadigger1234 or Neadiggah1234. It is possible this latter name is a thinly disguised insult to some people as well. This second person sent the same message as Nodiacritics did, along with a separate message saying "shut up (and repeated the offensive terms, along with another one. I am not sure whether they are one and the same person. Reminds me of how some griefers use alts, as if to pick on someone using a different name. It seems Nodiacritics is listed as a resident but not the other person. I reported both. If i met them face to face, they'd both be in police custody by now, or possibly in jail for a good long time.
  3. Occassionally, I have needed to send crash or bug reports and someone at LL has been kind enough to help me resolve the issue. However, sometimes it seems there is someone who uses the JIRA for questionable purposes and I wonder if there are griefers and trolls pretending to be technical support. Today I received an email purporting to be from JIRA about an issue I had with voice in world. This character stated "manorities are not welcome in SL" and named three minorities and reffered to them in derogatory fashion. He also said these minorities were unwelcome to SL because they "cause trouble" and my account was being deleted. By the way, i have record of this person's name. I am shocked by this message and am wondering whether LL keeps track of what is going on with JIRA. It is unsettling to know griefers even go as far as abusing this feature.
  4. What about 3.4.4? It worked for me until I tried uploading a texture and a sound clip of under ten seconds. Then the viewer crashed repeatedly. A couple of weeks ago, i attempted to download this or an updated version and was given the notice: Sorry but this version is not compatible with the mac. So now i am wondering, has LL given up on macs and decided PCs rule? Of course, maybe this is just a knee jerk reaction on my part. For goodness sakes, folks, it seems there are some bugs in these new viewers to work out, such as mac compatibility, as well as mac compatibility when various hardware and software are in use. Hardware such as headsets and printers. Software such as well, plugins and whatnot.
  5. The following item disappeared from my inventory after purchase from Pandora Tarantal at Grotto Mall, Sacred Cauldron: WD-Bregon F Adult A. The item is a flyable dragon named Forever, gender female. I purchased the item for 3000 L. Supposedly, the sim crashed shortly after I purchased the dragon, possibly due to the number of avatars or other reasons (too many scripts?). The item and associated textures, scripts, etc. are missing from my inventory. Plus it seems some items i had already deleted showed up again (perhaps a separate issue?). The idea of paying for an item which subsequently vanishes, is deleted or otherwise misplaced is not particularly pleasant to consider.
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