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Cerebrix Absolute

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Everything posted by Cerebrix Absolute

  1. thanks for the reply dante. thats what i needed to know. to everyone else. did you get the attention you were hoping for since you didnt have a relevent answer to what i asked? im not even sure why you posted in here when the question was as specific as it was.
  2. thanks for the replies, but im relatively certain i dont need opinions on if i should use it. although your concern for my well being is heart warming. right now, im just concerened with compatibility reports. thanks
  3. Since the Windows 8 Beta hits tonight, I was just wondering if any of the development team was already running the developer preview, and if they have had any compatibility issues running the client under Windows 8. Thanks!
  4. Since the Windows 8 Beta hits tonight, I was just wondering if any of the development team was already running the developer preview, and if they have had any compatibility issues running the client under Windows 8. Thanks!
  5. When i started this second life back in 2005. I did so because a friend of mine from another game told me about it and invited me to try it out. There were no advertising or promotions for it yet. But as the years went by I noticed something. I've never seen an ad or seen any kind of positive promtion for the product. Not anywhere. When I do see it in the media. It's generally a negative connotation. So my question is, does Linden Lab have a marketting team? If they do, what exactly are they doing to promote the product in a meaningful way? Because, I've yet to see their work. Anywhere.
  6. I thought it was a big waste of my time. ive been here since 2005 on and off. ive seen a lot happen in that time. ive traveled among so many groups over the years i think its relatively certain i can say, i have a pretty good handle on the ebb and flow of residents here on the grid as a whole. yes, there are some deviant groups that choose to live a certain lifestyle in here because its easier to do here than it is irl. yes, cheaters are going to find a medium to support their cheating. be it sl or any other electronic communications medium. no, the people depicted in life 2.0 were not in any way shape or form representative of the general grid population. polarization for the sake of an easy documentary plot is one of the most bush league forms of film making. yeah, the producers and director got an easy payday from oprah. GG. Now its time for them to run off and polarize some other group or community so they can continue to make their mediocre at best filmmaking. or tldr; people who make polarized documentaries are completely dishonest and should not be trusted in any way shape or form, to be a source of information for people. they only promote the worst things in the world and do more harm than good. This film does not in any way, promote any of the good things about second life and for that I find it kind of insulting. I hope the funding for their next film falls through after theyve already spent a ton of money. to me, that would be karma.
  7. For about 2 weeks now, I've spent at least 8 hours a week looking for the right space to call home for a long term situation. I dunno what happened in the last 6 months, but the quality of management of very basic things has completely gone downhill. Want my money? its simple. a) stay on top of your advertising. im sick of teleporting into unsuspecting peoples homes because you were too lazy to take your ad down. b) live up to your commitments. ive had no less than 4 people tell me they'd get back to me about a plot after a price negotiation only to not get back in touch with me, even to let me know the place sold. just... do buisness like youre here to do business. its exceedingly frustrating when youre trying to spend money, and the one barrier of entry seems to be the competence of the land owner im trying to rent from.
  8. unless they kill the v1 fork, which they should if 3 is in development.
  9. i know were the minority around here, but some of us dudes dig shoppin too =p anyone know any places that launched men's mesh clothing yet?
  10. i dont really see the problem people are having with viewer 2. ive been using it since it went live because i learned a long time ago, its better to go with the flow when it comes to LL's decisions. once their mind is made up thats it. i honestly cant imagine what people are doing with their computers to have problems with it.
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