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Wilson Mimulus

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  1. A lot of doom sounds are from sound packs that are purchasable. You’ll probably recognize a lot of the sounds going forward in other media at this point lol
  2. For us over at Anarcho Rodentia it’s because we wanted a more natural feeling sprawling build. All our tier would be a little more than a full sim at this point but everything grew naturally so it’s not just one big square like a private sim is. The uneven nature of buying parcels as needed gives it a real world feel that I don’t really think having a private sim could really replicate.
  3. Thanks so much! It's exactly where I was looking for
  4. I dunno if this place is still around but I used to go to a Japanese sim that had a really nice Rollercoaster set up, as well as a Tower of Terror-esq ride and a large Ferries Wheel. Was wondering if anyone else knows of it and if it's still around?
  5. Is there anyway to make the water around a private sim, when it isn't connected to any other private sims, rise along with the sea level in sim? I'd like something a bit deeper than the default 20M of water but hate how jarring the edges become when the water past the sim border is lower than the one in sim
  6. I did. I ran the unistaller and than looked to make sure even the folder was gone itself. I just did another fresh install, however. All I did was change the folder so that instead of Secondlifeviewer2 it was just secondlifeviewer and the install worked perfectly.
  7. I'm getting the same error here on my end. I had my Viewer 2.0 set to auto-update, got that error, and than I had to do a fresh install since the viewer refused to update. I get the same exact errors (It gives the same error for multiple files, including one for SLvoice.dll)
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