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Celestia Crystal

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Everything posted by Celestia Crystal

  1. Well the whole sorce of this issue is that according to About land we're using something arroudn 12000 prims on the sim, but according to ctrl-shift-1 we're using 14000 ish. this 2k prim difference has us woriried. We have no way of telling wether about land is correct or ctrl-shift-1 is right, given that when I've convered simple muilti-prim objects into convex hulls, their land impact goes down but "objects" under ctrl-shift-1 remains the same. someong from linden labs says that it's because we have the "prim bomus" sent to 5 beccause we were using parcels to prevent media leakage but didn't want to limit prims on any particular parcel, but instead use the whole sim's alotment accross the whole sim The core question of my question is if I have a prim object that I convert to convex, and it reduces land impact from 40 to 20, can i actually rez 20 more prims, or not, and how do I tell for sure how much I have free, given that a LL representitive told us "about land" is unreliable?
  2. okay. Well in that case how can you tell what ammount of land impact you are allowed to have? it used to be something arroudn 15000 prims but with the new system I have no way of knowing how close we actually are to our limit
  3. so a while ago I noticice that a sim I'm estate manager on was getting alarmingly low on prims I decide to save the day and tell the builder about the whole convex hull jobbie. What happens next alarms me. We try to convert a building with no sculpts or tortured prims or scripts into a convex hull. The land impact doesn't drop and 1k prims get returned. We sort out the issue and I start to worry. I make a box out of prims. one prim perside, top, bottom sides.. .. a 6 prim object. Link it. Turn it into a convex hull. it drops to 3 land impact. Woot. ... then I press ctrl-shift 1. 14244 objects on the sim. .. .. make the convex hull prim physics .. 14244 objects. ... find a larger building. convert it from a land impact of 21 to land impact of 11 using the convex hull methoid .. 14244 objects listed in stats .. my question for this is, does the "convex hull trick" even work or does it make your sim lie to you? The "objects" under the sim stats windiw is roughly 2k more than what showes up in about land (which I'm told is because of our prim bonus modifier that we had to enact .. our parcels were for media reasons not prim reasons ) and that made "about land" read incorrectly. .. but this makes me ask the question .. What the hell does land impact mean in reagards to the ammout of available prims on your land? In our case it seemed to do absoutly nothing and I'm completly confused by this
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