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Sitearm Madonna

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Blog Comments posted by Sitearm Madonna

  1. 1. By default I've gone to using Viewer 2x for the most practical of reasons, which is, I work with enough people new to SL, who registered and got the 2x viewer, that I have to have the same controls they do to assist them when needed.

    2. Also, ironically, I spend less time online now that I work more time on SL projects (anyone else have that issue?). So I use the official default viewer with its quirks, in preference to shopping the ever-changing alternatives, and learning their quirks.

    3. That said, I've never been THAT mad against 2x proper, as I was against the TERRIBLE way it was dropped on us with two weeks notice, and the TERRIBLE way it was "user tested" only with new registrants and not experienced residents, including special purpose stakeholder groups such as builders, event producers, and event hosts.

    4. I do believe that Esbee acknowledged these points in her keynote at SLCC, promising to address them and go to a better process, which it looks like 2.2 does demonstrate somewhat.

    5. At the same time, I can testify, that I have had ZERO RESPONSE from any Linden team leader to my emails since the big slash in Lab staff. So I conclude, they're hanging on by their toenails, not daring to say or promise anything more in public, and hoping to just keep their jobs, until someone comes along to buy them out of trouble. I can relate to that, in this economy. If, to the contrary, they are energized, and "on task", and going to make things better than ever - well, where are the announcements? Not seein' 'em.

    6. In the meantime, as a planning basis, I think we can count on SL to the end of 2011. This gives plenty of time, I think, for alternative platforms to develop further, and for the Lab to get it's s**t together (or not).

    7. FINally, separate but related, I just watched this TEDx presentation by Marcus Ranum where he explains the huge cost sticking to an old technology base:

    . My point is, yes, it HURTS to change whether we do it now or later. Things that hurt now seem worse... but deferring the hurt til later just makes it 10 times worse when circumstances force the change.
  2. @Esbee; Is there a feature to "restore default view"? I like the idea of detach and float but lately, working with a class of 18 users ranging from new to moderately experienced, I have found I have to "intuit" what their screens look like to tell them what to click and select, and where. If we all have different panels floating about (I am thinking of Photoshop here) it would be great to have a "restore default view" simple button.


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