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Robert69 Little

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Everything posted by Robert69 Little

  1. I refuse to speak of this griefer issue any longer... there is no justice and lack of Linden Labs control of griefers.. they do not take actions on AR's filed against griefers.. I say it's extrotion.
  2. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xsc51o_ahern-welcome-area-july-2012-griefers-in-second-life_videogames
  3. who the hell said anything about a "blue" horse.. I never mentioned any color.
  4. I Iove all the personal insults I have received in these forums.. Thanks.. and its pretty obvious Linden Lab doesn't read these forums.. like it would really make any difference if they did.
  5. exposing the problems on here is about as USELESS as filing a abuse report.... "the finger all point in my direction no matter what".. so be it... Thanks alot for doing NOTHING Linden Lab.
  6. and it would not be of any suprise your a griefer as well.. you have no problems defending them.. thats for sure.
  7. sympathy? since when was seeking justice asking for sympathy?...You don't even know me dude... take your insults and ...
  8. LL doesn't police the welcome areas like they should... you don't say.... wow.. thats unbelieveable.. I thought horse avatars wearing a **bleep**, abusing children avatars was the norm... griefers returning to their favorite Welcome Hubs after ruining the fun of venues hosting music events....So they don't police the welcome areas?! I'm totally shocked. Don't tell me they don't follow up on Abuse Reports.. I just could not believe that either.
  9. provoke?! It's called PROTESTING.. there is a big difference.. it IS a public sim you know.. I should be able to go anywhere I wish.
  10. 5 days after griefing our venue..Linden Lab still have not taken any actions against XXXX Romanas account. NONE...fat lot of good it does to file a report in Second Life....no JUSTICE within the system.
  11. yeah whatever... this isn't about me.. see title of thread again....the fact of the matter is Linden Lab has no control...not even of their very own PG rated sims... and thats pretty sad. Here I was minding my own business planning to have a grand opening and outta' nowhere.. I become a victim of griefer abuse.. file reports.. told to just turn the other cheek.. they will go ago.. only to make someone else a victim...it's like a dog chaseing it's tail.. a never ending process.
  12. "one man mission".... you got that right.... while us venues owners spend hard earned cash to invest inworld to rent land and buy things needed to have a nice venue....including useless "security orbs" only to have some jerks come and ruin our pass time pleasures to enjoy live music..from people I am so dearly greatful to be associated with...while Linden Lab does nothing NOTHING to help control the abuse we endure.
  13. I have filed more reports in the last three weeks than carter has liver pills.. as for as I know.. the only actions taken against "one" (out of several) received a 3 day ban on one of his many accounts... about all I've seen here is people bashing me and telling me to just let it go. move on.. I believe thats the wrong way NOW.. this have gone on for to long.. and it's getting worse every single day....I will not run and hide.. I will not be intimidated.. I will stand up for what I believe is an injustice. Let me pull some of the BS griefers or getting away with.. my account would be gone in a new york minute.
  14. whats with this "get you enough attention" BS?.. exposing the truth seems to rub you the wrong way I suppose....noone is forcing you to read this thread you know?
  15. omg.. and you said you seen nothing wrong going on at Ahern Welcome Area ealier?! . you should be there now...the masterbateing horse is abusing a child avatar.
  16. I'm about sick of the bashing of me in these forums "Time to put on your big girl panties and get over it".. why the hell are these people being allowed to do this crap to me?.. just another form of griefing.. thats all this is.....and Linden Lab staff.. does nothing.
  17. omg.. I filed a report on TUESDAY JULY 17TH at 2pm slt against the very same griefer who griefed our venue that was at the Ahern Welcome Area just a couple hours ago while whats her name was there (minus her glasses).. one of her many alts.. I may add.... what a justice system we have here eh? As I said before.. Linden Lab has lost control of Second Life....griefers laughing in their faces while flipping them the bird. And I'm suppose to be HAPPY?!
  18. yes I was there with an alt.. I seen the masterbateing horse right in front off you!... my gosh.. maybe some new glasses eh?
  19. oh bull... the griefer who griefed my venue was even there for a few minutes....I don't guess you seen the avatar (horse) masterbateing either... your help is worthless.. as you see nothing wrong when it's in black and white and don't bothing spewing anymore insulting remarks towards me.. I've heard enough for one day outta' you.
  20. I refuse to give you any more attention. Thats the best thing I've seen you write.
  21. instead of letting it burn out to a smouldering stop?! There is NO truth in that statement what-so-ever... none.. zreo. zilch.. you need to get off ME lady.... thats what you need to do.. I'm not creating the problems.. I'm like many others in the past trying to get this addressed by Linden Lab.. but I can see my attempt will be in vain.. nothing will change....NOTHING.
  22. I know this much Mirigold.. for being a "helper" you sure seem to get by with spewing insulting comments at me with "ridiculous long thread", "just jabbering away to yourself like a loon"... and your on the Linden Lab staff?! I would surely hope not......the thread was about "GRIEFERS"....not about me.. it's very easy to point the finger towards me as though I'm the one thats guilty of wrong doing.. it's all my fault griefers attacked my venue.. abuse me at welcome hubs.. yeah.. it's all my fault.. I am to take the blame... Makes it alot easier and saves Linden Lab some much needed work to solve our concerns.... Thanks for your two cents worth jabber.
  23. Why is it so difficult to ignore/mute a griefer instead of feeding them? Your right.. I don't like your advice.. this has been going on for YEARS... 100's of live music events shut down and you expect us to just keeping turning the other cheek only to have it happen time and time again without LL taking any actions what-so-ever...and to report "adult content" being used in a LL "PG sim" is nothing but a joke.. that too fails to get any attention from LL.. try visiting the Ahern Welcome Area.. and you'll see what I mean.. guidelines/TOS policys to not apply to these people.... it been this way for YEARS....it's time to STOP ignoring the problems.. it's time to make second life a peaceful place for all to enjoy. I dare anyone to visit Ahern Welcome Area and then come back to this fourm and post your findings. http://slurl.com/secondlife/Ahern/8/9/41 While I was there yesterday.. I mentioned the fact it was a PG rated sim.. only to endure abuse.. and I have a video on my Dailymotion channel to prove it.
  24. I have a list a mile long of griefers known to cause problems (crash sims)... when complaints are filed against these people.. how long does it normally take Linden Labs to investigate the report? And why does Linden Labs allow adult content to be used (both text and voice chat) at it's PG rated Welcome Hubs?! Are there any plans as to how long it may take Linden Labs to gain some sorta control over people generating IP addresses?! As it stands, Linden labs has lost control of Second Life.
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