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Arthur Corrigible

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  1. if you can code the game to send infos to another object: or if this game have some api https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/World-Top-Scores-Board-Learn-LSL-with-this-FULL-PERM-item/470129
  2. Hello thanks for your answer. okay last year I have a full sim with concierge account and never had problem with support. I have sell 3/4 of my sims so I'm no more concierge...It's maybe the reason why... My problem is really simple...I do a transfert of 200$ to my PayPal account and I wrote false my PayPal account name :-( Next time I'm sure I will controll the name 5 times before click Ok. And sorry for my poor english, I'm mainly french. Have fun
  3. Hello, that was 3 weeks I'm waiting for an answer. I have a ticket writted then 1 comment / week then a second ticket. And I'm waiting always from your answer. What must I do to have an answer ? Must I create one ticket / day, by hour, by minute ? I have write lot of tickets since I play and always have and answer maximum 48h00 after. Why this time I don't get answered ? Really...
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