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Stacy Maracas

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Everything posted by Stacy Maracas

  1. I will check these out thank you very much for your input
  2. Message me in world. I'm happy to share what I have with you!!
  3. send me a friends req in game, Ill be happy to let you know the ones I HAVE found to date, as there are a few already, and am happy to share. As I said even bloggers anymore its all about the clicks, I could care less about the clicks, never could, the ones that read my stuff actually look for quality, and uniqueness, and have plenty of money to spend on it! I also only actually LOOK at a few OLD SCHOOL bloggers that actualy know what they are talking about, those are the ones I actually will seek out.
  4. by all means SEnd me your Landmark!! I already know who you are, as I said Ive been around a very long time, and i KNOW the fashion world VERY WELL in SL...I want to come see your store, and what is new, and I get what your saying, completely. There has ALWAYS been a large demand in SL for "club wear" I also notice the constant Fashion fairs which force our designers to constantly be putting our exclusive only items to get there stuff out there and gives them less time to design. Im asking you to send me your LM in SL. I WANT advertising, im on a quest here...I WILL find what im looking for!
  5. Hello All, I have been apart of Second Life since 2003 technically when it all began, My 2nd Avie and current one is Stacy Maracas. I have been involved with many many things in SL, including the Fashion World, just not as of late. I took a break from SL for about a year, off and on. I came back with the whole new "mesh" fun and I am very perplexed. It seems to me with this new mesh there seems to be no "quality" clothing any longer. Its like all show me your ass club wear! I have gone from place to place to place TRYING to find quality designs, high fashion, and even casual, but im struggling to find quality! Something that someone REALLY took their time with. Nymphetamine Clothing was one that I represented (Paeoti Pomeray), she always blew me away with the intricate details she took in creating her clothing. WHERE IS THAT? I beg you to challenge me to find your store, Im happy to go and look and I assure you, if I like it I am going to buy plenty, and let others that are feeling the same as I am know exactly where you are! Send me a Landmark, send me a notecard with photos, ANYTHING, I might even revive my blog! Right now, it simply isn't worth it, and trust me I WANT it to be worth it!! So who would like to prove me wrong? (PLEASE PROVE ME WRONG!)
  6. Thank you Irene So in that same manner, I can keep the place lit on fire.....and not a dang thing he can do about it lol
  7. 6K A WEEK....... Also, I am not about Defaming anyone nor is that my intention, but I was legitimately ripped off, and I feel that others should know about it. Please know that since I have brought this to light, others have messaged me in world, and I now have written statements, not just from any other residents but prominent business owners and long standing members of the SL Community that have also been ripped off by this person..... I feel so stupid, as long as I have been here to have been bamboozled, but rest assured I am not gonna stop till this dude is out of business.... I cant stand a thief, between the copybotters and the idiots that helped ruin our SL Commerce by gaming traffic with bots, there is too many thieves on SL as it is.
  8. Ok thank you for the responses. I think this will have to be one of those few times that I do use my Second Life age, as well as My standing as one of the first SL Mentors, and network like only I can, i wonder how many bloggers, magazines, SLTV and radio would be interested in this person.....my bet is, as many people as I know, (not bragging, just gonna use it), my bet is that within a week his land rentals go to hell. SO maybe time to fight back old school way..... Thanks you all for the advice. -Stacy
  9. I rented 1/2  HOMESTEAD sim form this guy in SL, I have been here since Oct 2004, so not a new resident in SL.  I pad THREE MONTHS advance for this.  within one week he allowed a CLUB to be put up on a HOMESTEAD and it lags me so bad I cant even MOVE on my own land.  I spent one week trying to contact him he ignores me.  I finally go a response form him when i thretaened to contact Linden Labs about his lack of customer support with his land.  He responded to me that tier is non refundable and tough. I told him i pay him three months in advance and there is NO CLUBS allowed ona homestead and i cannot move on my own LAND, that i pay for.  He said too bad.  Then I again asked to move and to have my money refunded, he called me a "Fcking Btch" and this of course ensued me to get quite angry.  I decided that if he is going to allow a club to lag me out of my own property and im stuck with it then i will do the same, i set fire to my land, and caused lag, yes this is childish but hey since im paying for it, and i cant have my money back i can do what i want right? He ha snow thrown me off theland I have paid 3 motnhs in advance for and REFUSES to return my money........WHAT RIGHTS DO I HAVE PLEASE!!??  Thi sis ridiculous, and i have no problem contacting ALLLLL the people I know in this game, bloggers, magazines, tc programs all of it and exposing him for what he is. Can someone give me advice on my rights here?  If i paid rent for this place and he refuses to give me my money back he cannot ban me from the land he needs to return my money. Please contatc me Stacy Maracas and tell me what I should d in this situation, because I am VERY angry right now, and htis is insane. Thank you.
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