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Graydirk Enoch

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Everything posted by Graydirk Enoch

  1. That would be it...I remember camping out in the upside house one year waiting for it to appear
  2. Yep...smiled when I found the snake shed the first time I was just glad the joker wasn't used this year...that one has caused me lots of crossed eyes in years past trying to find
  3. BTW...I think I'm the only one of the people that I've chatted with that miss the apple bobbing this year....was always a challenge to find where each bobbing location was...then you had to go and collect your apples
  4. Each year there is always at least one item that really gets you....I remember the first year the peeble was introduced...I got lucky and found it by accident...but that caused many people lots of sleepless nights. That year it was the snake that took me forever to find...I was so happy I still have the picture of it in is hiding place. This year I particularly liked how the items unfolded as the story progressed even if it was flustrating to find something before you could use it...and then once it appeared on your list...you couldn't find it again.
  5. One thing I love about each year is that somewhere (at least once) there is something that is really tongue-in-check that gets put out or a place where an item appears that just makes me laugh. I still get a smile on my face thinking about a certain paperclip from the past
  6. Each year since I first found Octoberville, I've looked forward to the start of October...just so I can dive right in and see what creative environment has been put together this year. The gang at OV never fails to impress! Each year the game gets new twists and turns and new surprises. I gladly work on very few hours of sleep once I start the game (this year was a few 3 hr nights) as it always becomes like a great book...once you start it...you can't put it down. Even when I finish the game myself, I have as much fun helping others finish (and getting them addicted to OV) as I did when I first started. This year has been particularly challenging and I'm still finding new places where the items like to appear at. The complexity just makes my head spin. Being one of the few Elders, I have had a chance to see OV change and grow many times. It is fun to get chatting with others about items/quests/challenges from years past and that "one special item that took you forever to find" Besides the game, the think I love most about OV is the social aspect of it. People who I rarely see the rest of the year magically appear in OV and we are able to catch up and help each other. Its this community that SL strives for and I'm glad to be a part of it.! OV becomes a true melting pot during October. All the clicks of SL are left behind and everyone just mixes together (male/female/neko/goth//hobo/vampire/werewolf/gay/straight/steampunk/etc...) and no one cares if you are running around without hair on or as a jester (in my case) Already looking forward to next years! Keep up the fantastic work
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