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Anouk Koray

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Everything posted by Anouk Koray

  1. Yes!!! I tried everything and usually the first thing I look at is the debug settings but adjusting those was making no difference, but then I remembered I was wearing my Legacy body tonight and BOOM - your answer was the fix I needed! Thank you!!!!
  2. Thanks guys. I have to say I really like the look of the body. Just steams me a bit that for a 5k purchase there's no after sales support. Even the groups it says to join for user support seem to be dead. But I've already had some really useful info from everyone here
  3. I was in the same situation as the OP just now. (Stupidly) just bought a Legacy body as it seems a lot of newer clothing designers are not supporting my Slink body any more. Didn't realise that I've just blown 5k on a body which has zero support. Annoyingly, I like the body shape, and the hud is easy to use. But I was having the same issue as the OP with not being able to set the cam angle. So thanks to steeljane, I at least can tweak the angle through the hud, but seems that the full rearcamoffset options in the viewer itself don't respond to the Legacy body?
  4. Darn - I wish I had seen this thread half hour ago before I blew 5k on now what seems to be a product with bugger all support and no Omega appliers It really REALLY sucks that sellers like this are allowed to continue selling their outdated crap. I did test a demo and liked the shape but don't always spend too much time researching background history of a seller - especially when more and more designers seem to be ditching my beloved Slink body yet still create for Legacy (hence my new purchase). That's 5k down the toilet
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