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Mericat Ireland

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Posts posted by Mericat Ireland

  1. Hi Liz, I'm no professional but the head itself is not really what will make you look how you want - although it can help. An example would be if you google Catwa Catya head and look at the images, all the faces seen are using that head, but different skins. It's the skin that is key. I would suggest you start your quest by looking for more mature skin appliers for mesh heads. One example I found on googling 'mature skins mesh head' was this https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Izzies-Age-Yourself-LeLutka-Bento/11968726?id=11968726&slug=Izzies-Age-Yourself-LeLutka-Bento by Izzie for Lelutka's bento head. There's so much out there and it's all down to personal taste! Good luck.

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  2. 3 hours ago, Grumpity Linden said:
    • We’re not lowering limits out of spite, groups really are quite a strain on our back end for a variety of painful historical reasons, including overloading group functionality instead of having other tools.  This subject alone is worth a novel liberally sprinkled with tears. So anyway, we don’t hate basic users, and in fact we work hard to retain our free-to-play offering as one of the most generous across many industries. But yes, no big surprise, we do want to nudge active residents to become subscribers, because we think it’s a great value, and - as many have noted - we’re also running a business. But no, we're not shutting our doors to non-premium residents. Rumors of our insanity and villainy have been slightly exaggerated.  

    This would be easier to believe if you weren't raising the limits for Premium members at the same time. Let's face it, LL isn't run on a shoe-string, SL has funded Sansar (or that is popular belief) and will continue to do so as it doesn't seem to be taking off in the way it was hoped.  You're purely and simply hoping that the people using SL for no fee will 'feel the pinch' of being a standard member and pay up to go Premium. I used to have Premium membership and paid it gladly when I could afford to do so. Now I'd rather eat my own feet than be shoehorned into it by the company's shortsighted vision and - it seems to me - a basic lack of understanding about economics.

    But thank you for explaining it so us in such a cute way, it sure does make us feel we're making a fuss about nothing and shouldn't worry our pretty heads about it.

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  3. On 2/23/2018 at 12:31 AM, LittleMe Jewell said:

    Pretty much guaranteed to be an internet issue of some sort and if you recently changed ISPs, then it is likely related to that.

    Here's an article to help you debug it a bit:  http://blog.nalates.net/2011/10/26/troubleshoot-your-sl-connection/


    On 2/23/2018 at 1:33 AM, Nalates Urriah said:

    Don't be surprised when you ISP tells you it isn't them. You will likely find out later it is. The Troubleshooting article will show you how to get the information you need to show your ISP to get them to move.

    Thanks both, I'll work my way through that and try to get to the bottom of it :)

    • Thanks 1
  4. Hi, sorry to bump an older thread but I am experiencing this now and I too have been through all the checks named in the original post. I recently switched to BT infinity and am thinking it must be to do with that but they are saying not. Please can someone return and comment on how they got around this issue? Thanks

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