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Freya Mokusei

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Posts posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. For a laptop, that's pretty capable. You should be able to run SL at ultra (with shadows, depth of field) with a reasonable framerate of between 15 and 45 frames-per-second.

    For the remainder of the system, laptop audio is rarely high-quality, and your hard disk read/write speed will be showing its age fairly quickly. Not sure how they apply for your computer use generally.

    Heat issues are always present on integrated graphic sets, to I recommend buying a cooling mat as well.

  2. Hey Mickey, I've just gotten back.

    I found the page you're seeing ('Second Life Profiles are now Web-based'), but I only get it AFTER I log out from viewing profiles. If I'm not logged in when I start looking at profiles, I see your profile full of info about you, on all three profile links.

    It's possible your cookies got mixed up (you can clear them using your browser), and you're caught in some kind of loop. Or some other error. I'm.. not up to date on how LL sort all that out.

    But don't fret too much, all three profile pages are about you. =]


    ETA: If you log-in to US using a 'web profiles' viewer (SL v2.7 and above), it will show you the same content you would NORMALLY see by visiting http://my.secondlife.com/mickey.vandeverre

    Whatever problem you're having seeing your web profile is limited to whichever web-browser you're using, on your computer. Everyone else sees your profile.

  3. Nyll Bergbahn wrote:

    The only reviews I believe on Marketplace are those that criticise a product.

    I sure hope you're generalising, and haven't failed to notice the opposite problem that's also rampant on the Marketplace; competitors using alts to lower the ratings of competing products.

  4. First, make sure you're using a WIRED connection, not wireless.

    If you're a bit techie (or know someone that is), see if you're having problems on your network ports, either with a software firewall (Norton, Commodo, Kaspersky) or your LAN router (if you use ADSL):-

    Port 53 via UDP and TCP

    Port 443 via TCP

    Port 12043 via UDP and TCP

    Check these ports are open, according to your set-up. And maybe test them if you're able.

    It's not something I know a fantastic amount about, but I've heard failing TPs are often a sign of poorly-configured networks.

    Good luck. =]

  5. Just wanted to add to this thread that I've been following Penny's works for years. I've been proudly 5' 7 since February 2008 (except for an temporary issue with a broken height detector :P). My personal builds are always scaled realistically, and I've never been called a midget/pygmy/child av.

    I've been using (a slightly modified, but that's the point) Penny's windlight day cycle, height detector and camera offsets since she posted them.

    It's improved my SL, and I'm very grateful for her hard work.

    Most of my friends are a similar height.

    Those that aren't 'to scale' look weird to me, as opposed to being 'normal'. I think that's fine.

    • Like 1

  6. HellenaMaezono wrote:

    What shall I do now?

    If you follow the links around, (I think the link says something like 'alternative viewers', you'll find the SL development viewer. It's slightly more up-to-date than the newest official viewer, but it may be less stable. Looking at the JIRA, the fix to the /me bug shouldn't be in the Development Viewer.

    However the next time your current viewer auto-updates, the bug should go away on its own.

    Hope that helps.

  7. Dresden Ceriano wrote:

    How could you ever have "seen" it used as anything? Make your assumptions all you like.

    Funny that "that" viewer that attracts all of the "dramafolks" and stuff, as you claim (but of which you have no proof what-so-ever) ended up being one of the most popular viewers in SL (in V1 form anyway).


    Getting awfully defensive up in here.

    I skipped out on stating 'your milage may vary' because I figured that was obvious. My apologies for that presumption, and I hope you can see some of the circles in your logic.

    Enjoy the thread.

  8. I think you're making a few assumptions about the LL legal team. They may work out, they may not. This link implies there was some trouble previously, but my memory isn't good enough to recall. As I said I didn't use Emerald for very long, and I fully admit to not knowing too much about the technical aspects of OTR.


    I've never seen it used for anything as pure as recipes. :P

    I agree that it is the least offensive of the options in the survey, however.

    I guess my point is that you can either be that viewer that attracts/encourages all of the dramafolks, stalkers and griefers, or you can say "No, I think we can be better than that."

  9. Appreciate your reply (despite the minor worry everyone would miss me, being the last on the page :P).

    I think they're impossible to resist. I used Emerald for a week or two at some stage, and found my partner at the time had hidden two of their alts from me. This was entirely their choice, and I trusted that they'd made the correct call. I never questioned the choice or even made clear that I knew the accounts were hidden. I'm not that type. But knowing they were hidden, what was I supposed to think? In what way did that information improve my Second Life experience?

    OTR, I'm also against. If you're using LL servers, what you're doing has to be auditable by LL. It's the only way for LL to ensure that they're keeping in-line with various worldwide laws on fraud monitoring and other criminal investigations. Sure it's not a crime to use, but it puts them in an awkward position that I don't think is fair. And honestly, I'm of the opinion that the only people who need to hide IMs from LL, are those who shouldn't be using SL to chat.

  10. Void Singer wrote:

    the best way to combat drama is not to get involved in it, not jump to conclusions, and drop people like hot rocks that do those things.

    I hate to pounce on this, since I'm aware of the wonderful work you do, but I do take exception to this statement. It's nothing personal, but I've seen this view expressed elsewhere and it's invalid.

    Saying "get better friends" doesn't help anyone when the functionality is being pushed into peoples' view by the viewer. The viewer is a part of of SL culture (boob-physics, media privacy, Emeraldgate), and people use it to determine what is 'socially acceptable'. People will use these features regardless of how drama-avoidant people would be otherwise.


    It's hard not to take the phrase 'X isn't friends with you anymore.' personally.

    It's hard not to ask someone WHY they think they need to hide their online status from you.


    Sure, people can use hacks and tricks to find out these things using standard LSL. People could make a list of their friends and check against it to see who's been deleting them. But how many people do that routinely? Feel free to post in contradiction if you do.

    The difference is that by putting the features in the viewer, you encourage people to use them as standard (case in point, Show LookAt, since being publicised by Emerald, is now a feature many people use daily).


    Before Emerald included the features mentioned in this survey, I'd never ONCE* heard someone complain about a hidden status or removed friendship, now it seems people complain every other day. People need a viewer that ENCOURAGES cohesion within the community, rather than one that draws your attention to negative events.


    * I'm sure they happened, but in much smaller numbers that never made it to my ears.

  11. Quality assurance, for builds in SL? Pfft.

    The whole point is that you can build anything that fits on your land, so long as it's not against the CS/ToS. Getting a Linden to vet builds in SL is crazy-town frolics. People won't build well just because they should, and people shouldn't be forced to build to invented 'standards' just because things don't suit the local neighbourhood watch.

    People need to make the most out of their builds (in your case, clubs) by making them commercially viable (in your case, leasing out space to vendors) because the visitors alone don't cover the operating costs of the venue. If you're mad about the amount of work people are putting in to keeping your favourite places alive (and free), your anger is misplaced.

    Regarding your (and I emphasise the subjective YOUR) rental experience, SL operates a 'buyer beware' policy and if you can't trust other residents with your money, you should look into a Linden Home or buy some mainland.

     I don't understand your uh, complaints about the website suggesting you download a single viewer. Discarded.

    tl;dr: Your problems are easily fixed; just go somewhere else. Anything else is just you inflicting your subjective, poorly-examined experience on the rest of the community for trolling/venting purposes.

  12. It's actually a part of Community Standards (article 5: Adult Regions, Groups and Listings). You're right that it seems to be pretty-well hidden. The purpose behind the rule is that all resident profiles are listed as 'General', and can't be filtered by maturity rating, therefore they have to apply the strictest rating.

    To quote the SL wiki:



    People tab

    The search system does not filter keywords when you search for avatar names or profiles. Information in Resident profiles should be General. Please refer to our Community Standards for details.


  13. Good luck!

    As a bit of history, I started SL in 2006, but didn't settle on a 'look' until February 2008. It took a lot of work (nearly 3 months!) before I had my avatar as I'd invisioned.

    Since then I've made some alterations (and I don't know if I've worn the same outfit twice yet), but I view it as a constant cycle of change, as my vision of 'Freya' becomes clearer in my mind. Lemme see if I can Google hunt some pics :D


    GitaRau - FreyaMokusei

     This one was taken in maybe early-2009, by a smart little lady called Gita Rau. I wish I had more pics, but I'm at work right now IRL. >.>


    I'm making another big change soon, and I've got butterflies. =]

  14. Many people in SL have this issue. I'm afraid making a well-designed, super-cool looking toon (SL residents tend to call them 'avatars') can take a very long time, and require hunting through dozens of stores. Most people understand that it is a process, and many people go out of their way to help new users get their look right.


    Your walk will be caused by an AO (animation overrider, it replaces the SL standard avatar animations with custom ones). You may need a new one, or if you don't have one already, you may want to get one. =]


    Your glasses should detach by right-clicking them and hitting 'Detach' on the menu.


    I hope that helps with a couple of the niggles, and while it can take a while, try not to get too disheartened. The reason it's NOT built like the Sims is to allow for an incredible variety of looks, all made with objects made by other users.


    This Flickr set has some lovely pics of what other users have done, given ample time:-


  15. That error message comes from rezzed objects that are trying to animate you but haven't properly asked for permission. If it's travelling around 'with you' as you TP, it's likely caused by an attachment.

    If you can find a way to the 'Script Error Window' on your viewer, do that. Without knowing which viewer you're using, can't help you there.


    However, I recommend you attach/detach your attachments one by one to see which one causes the error on attach. Good luck =]

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