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Freya Mokusei

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Posts posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. Compodulator wrote:

    Now... i think it's fair to say i am, in laymans terms, a goddamn human being.

    Seeing as it is going to be QUITE an insult to demand payment for the most basic of all human rights. to have a meaningful name.

    Human rights don't apply to avatars. Your user account only guarantees the rights the service provider allows you, within their system, and may be withdrawn at any point without warning or consent.

  2. Penny Patton wrote:

    All of these  issues contribute to why people feel so strongly about whether or not others are wearing nose lamps.

    I agree with you, too. I'm aware of these issues and that's why I choose to only wear attached lights when I feel they're necessary. There's a very obvious line between 'tasteful' and 'abusive' facelights; the case for not liking abusive ones is very strong, I doubt any will disagree with you.

    However, as I said, that's what mute/derender are for. All of your examples are evidence of people abusing system resources or at least a lack of understanding the resources that are available. If they're your friends, or they're on your land (or you're otherwise invested in their development) then I'm sure it's suitable to talk to them politely and explain the limitations of the system. Otherwise, who cares? Why make any issue of it?

    The bile contained in the OP's post (and 99% of every other facelight criticisms I've heard) is completely unnecessary and counter-productive to the de-face-lighten-enlightenment effort. The fact that there's 'drama' over this issue at all proves that the people doing the enlightening are failing.

    If it's abusive, mute/derender and move on. It never became anyone's responsibility to police this issue, and nor should it.

  3. I don't care about facelights. I've never worn one, although several of my outfits do contain attached lights.

    In my opinion however, people who complain about facelights are considerably worse than the people who wear them. Can we ditch those, instead?

    Never understood the type of person who figures that other people should adhere to their own personal set of standards. SL isn't a single player game and other people (with other cultures, preferences, senses of aesthetic) exist within it. If something bothers you, mute/derender it and know that your personal (and private) bubble of standards can continue un-pierced; but don't force your standards upon others.

    If you own the land of course you can choose who enters it freely; if a light-source annoys you then you can remove it. If you want to eject and ban people who don't fit to a curve you design, that's fine. You pay for that right, and SL allows you to shape your reality provided that you own it.

    Immersionists, fine. You guys don't like anything that bends or defies the laws of physics, and part of me can appreciate that. The part of me that exists in RL, where the laws of physics apply. In SL (or any other virtual environment), complaining about a lack of realism will get very boring, very fast. Immersionists are playing a losing game in SL, which is perhaps admirable but it certainly should be a personal crusade.

    No-one else cares.

    ETA: The first group mentioned, I've just thought of a fun name for. "Dictationists" ^^

    • Like 2
  4. In addition to Dark-Lettering-Lady's response, Offline IMs that are replied to via Email (as in, if you receive an Offline IM in your Email Inbox and hit 'Reply') have an expiry date. The reply-to key (the complicated address necessary to reply-to an offline IM this way) only remains valid for somewhere between 3-5 days, after which replying to the offline IM via email at all will silently fail.

    Basically, you have a limited time to send an email-reply to each offline IM.


    It's very likely that this occured, and as recommended your best bet is simply sharing an email address with your friend, and not involving the offline IM process at all.

  5. In contrary to other replies here, this system IS possible using RLV, or Restrained Love Viewer, functions. Essentially these expand the control of scripts, and provide opt-in limitations to visitors experiences. For RLV functions to work, a user needs to be wearing a 'Relay' attachment, and either allow the commands to affect them or have their relay set to allow Landowner commands (or all commands) automatically.

    The TP limitations could be further improved by scripted-ejection (via llTeleportAgentHome) of anyone not permitting RLV commands (or not wearing a relay). Note however that doing this will reduce your traffic significantly; as others have said many SL users don't like having their experiences controlled (one of the many reasons gaming environments don't work in SL).

    RLV API index

    Specifically: RLV: Teleportation

    Good luck.

  6. Simple really.

    When taking a snapshot, your avatar will (by default) perform a special animation and make a sound. This sound is triggered by your avatar, and some viewers (names not listed) make the connection:

    This 'snapshot' sound is occuring -> Name the source in the local chat window, as a message to the user.

    There's nothing more to it.

    It's also easy-peasy to disable this sound: Advanced Menu > Quiet Snapshots to Disk


  7. Prims are tied to land. Equivilency of 4.37ish prims per square meter.

    More land = more prims, same land = same prims.

    Therefore to get more prims, you'll need more land. And since Linden Homes are only 512m plots and stacked too densely to allow for free land, you'll need some new land.

  8. What you need to use is called a Global variable.

    At the beginning of the script, specify 'rotation rStored;' (for example. You can name it anything, though best to keep it relevant)

    This sets up a variable (script attribute, referenced by the variable name. Think of it being like algebra, where x = ..., only with the variable as x) that you can call from any point in the script.

    So what you'll need to do is:-

    Where you currently have llGetPrimitiveParams---

    rStored = llList2Rot(llGetPrimitiveParams([ PRIM_ROTATION ]),0);

    Where you currently have llSetPrimitiveParams---

    llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_ROTATION, rStored]);


    This 'sets' rStored (your variable) to the rotation specified in llGetPrimitiveParams. The llList2Rot segment ensures the data is returned as a 'rotation'-type variable, retriving it from llGetPrimitiveParams (which returns a list).

    And then 'sets' the PrimitiveParams to rStored.

    More info:- 




  9. (Not targetted at you Marigold, is a general thread response.)

    IMO, any help system that requires 'searching' is out of date. Any help system that requires typing in your question and hoping for a response from a real person, doubly so.

    Any process more complicated than

    "The viewer has detected your shape isn't loaded yet, please click >HERE< to retry."

    will not be followed [with consistant success] by a majority of users.

    It's awesome that SL still attracts people that will TRY to find answers despite the apparent lack of them, and even more awesome that SLer's want to help find those answers for other people. But neither approach is acceptable long term or for great success.

    Editted to fix my own silliness.

  10. Not sure I follow, however:

    Why would anyone pay full sim prices for 4096m/937 prims, when for the same price they could get a full sim?

    Additionally, sims are fixed sizes at 256m^2. Almost all visual mathematics that is done by the viewer relies on this value. Examples include mesh (including 'ruth' and prims), physics and Windlight. Changing a sim to be any less than 256m along each side would require a ground-up reworking of visual code (i.e., will not complete).

    ETA (with explanation): Land size/mesh/visual doesn't generate significant lag, therefore there's almost no reason to limit it on its own. You could offer 512x512m sims and their lag-when-empty would be identical to an empty 256x256m. Space == Lag is a false equivilency, there's no way to make it 'fair' when relying on this to control lag because the numbers are not related in any way.

  11. peacemaker2 wrote:

    Is it possible to have a first person atop a second (in vehicle avatar form) atop a third (in the third's vehicle avatar form) please?  

    No. You can have 'combined' vehicles with more than two sit points (i.e., a threeseater, fourseater), but you can't make a vehicle out of two vehicles. I don't know why you'd want to 'stack' people but that can be done easily too, using sit-targets.

    peacemaker2 wrote:

    Also, when person A is riding person/vehicle - mount B, who controls the direction/flight please, person A or B? 

    This varies by implementation. Either sitter can control it, depending on the scripts involved. I would assume the first person to sit usually controls, but it may vary.




  12. Agree with you on V3, I love it too.

    Also Dolphin, I forgot Dolphin. It also has Ctrl+T for IMs. I have no experience with Phoenix or Firestorm to recommend either.

    From memory, all three (four with Dolphin) viewers I listed use Web profiles and the 'Flexible UI' for placing buttons. Notifications top-right, also. The shortcut for these tends to move to Ctrl+Shift+T.

    The correct place to ask would be a JIRA. If you do feel compelled to try, good luck and be sure to link back to the JIRA ID here. I'd love to watch it, too. Moving shortcut keys around makes me so mad.

  13. There is no JS-feed between map and viewer that I'm aware of. Some other options:-

    There's a new LSL command; llGetAgentList which is able to retrieve the names and type of avatars within a region, provided you have the containing script in the region.

    Gridsurvey.com use a collection of autonomous bots that travel around the Second Life grid to retrieve map-based statistics which may be helpful to you. I am certain the creator of that site has methods for pulling the data back into SL, but I don't think any of it is traffic-based.

    Your last (that I can think of) option is by using some kind of PHP/Jquery script from the 'Places' Search entry for each region. Since Search information is available on the web, I'm sure anything listed publically could be pulled from the page-content. I'm... not entirely certain how this would be done, but I'm fairly sure it would work.


  14. jwenting wrote:

    The customer base, with their ever increasing hostility and ever reducing willingness to pay for goods, services, and support, only have themselves to blame for companies withdrawing from direct contact with customers/users except through paid for support contracts.

    Without disagreeing entirely (because I think you're on the right track), this does seem to be putting the cart before the horse. With most/all successful attempts to get SL-based services to change, volume has been a deciding factor. The louder people squawk, the more likely they are to have their concerns actioned on. This is a learned response to an inability to see or recognise customer concerns before they turn into insane screamfests.

    Agreed that this sucks, but people reap what they sow.

  15. Recommend that you check you're not wearing anything that could be using Left-Mouse for a control. Typically weapons, HUDs, etc can be scripted to intercept controls and not pass them to the viewer.


    Try removing ALL attachments (including HUDs, AOs, meshes, anything that looks like an object in your 'Outfits' tab) and seeing if this behaviour persists. If that fixes it, reattach each in turn (perhaps save your current look as an outfit to make this easier) to see which attachment is causing it.


    Good luck =]

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