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Freya Mokusei

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Posts posted by Freya Mokusei

  1. ChinRey wrote:

    Not just probably doesn't,
    doesn't. The server class system was discontinued in 2009 but is still used as false advertising by some unscrupulous or ignorant sim owners. Here's the blog post announcing the end of sim classes:

    Thanks for confirming. I'll hold onto this link for future. :)

    I was fairly sure about this but couldn't find authoritative documentation on it. Flippin' blogs.

    @Perrie - 

    Worth noting that the 501 sim you found has been offline since 2010. That said, I don't know what attributes Tyche's software uses to determine server class. I would assume the attribute still exists, but isn't accurate.

  2. No worries. I don't have anything to add other than my complete lack of surprise in this crossover.

    For clarity/anyone else - my post talks to recent expressions of fascism because of the word 'neo' in your opening post. There is a correlation between modern fascist movements and the idolisation (and re-animating) of old ones.

    I get that some other number of people are playing Axis powers in WW2 RP for less leading reasons, but I'm also totally not surprised that you can find neo-fascist material inside historic RP groups.

  3. paulinetaylor2015 wrote:

    im a good roman cathlic im not into murder

    Super-classy - are you distancing yourself from the bad Roman Catholics or the bad non-Roman Catholics? And of course, abortion isn't murder. You're the one who brought up miscarriages - own your words.

    All you've found is a few people unwilling to play your personal game of make-believe. No-one has any responsibility to support your make-believe games, no matter how serious you imagine they are. Drawing equivilence between this nonsense and real problems - real problems that hurt people and shatter lives - is more distasteful than I can personally stomach.

    I've never been sure whether this thread is evidence of gullibility or ignorance.

    I think I can now safely dismiss it as 'clearly both'.

  4. Right-wing extremist nonsense is en vogue of late across the west in general. My anecdotal evidence suggests this isn't a whole tonne of change for certain subcultures - some number of people get attracted to styles of RP for leading reasons.

    I'm sure there's a long list of idiots you could blame for this, but unsure how productive naming them here would be.

    Is the tone of your opening post genuine surprise? What do you expect can happen?

  5. JamesLoganHowlett79 wrote:

    not body is breaking anything

    It's called Copyright. You may want to research, ignorance of the law is not a defence for breaking it.

    I've already provided the copyright owners website, where you can contact them. They do hold copyright over Sailor Moon - you do not.

     What other users are doing is entirely irrelevant. Let them take their own risks.

  6. Cool. Opposition to intelligence and facts always ends well.

    Unfortunately anyone helping you would be breaking the law and risking the safety of their Second Life account.

    This is a risk worth highlighting for their safety as well as yours.

    These are the comments you get when you ask other people to break laws for you - because it's what you, and others, need to hear.

    Copyright of Sailor Moon belongs to Kodansha Comics - they've shut down other commercial fanart projects in the past.

    • Like 1
  7. SL has some fantastic benefits for those that are less able. I've met many folks who have physical struggles in real life, but do well in Second Life. I've seen it do incredible things for peoples' self-worth, and feeling accepted and... just everything.

    I'm not in this community myself, so to avoid speaking for anyone I'll only speak from my own experiences - how I've interacted and seen these impressive folks in Second Life.

    I volunteer regularly for Relay for Life - an in-world charity 'run' (it's mostly holding down the 'w' key, but shhh) to help raise money and awareness for the American Cancer Society. It raises hundreds of thousands of US Dollars and provides support to hundreds of people. It has a friendly and strong community, including carers and survivors.

    A partner of mine also suffered for years with Muscular Dystrophy. With limited motor ability, he found SL was welcoming and gave him room to express himself in his own time. We would watch films together, go and see live concerts, talk and share experiences - and, yes, intimacy. He became an accomplished digital artist and paragraph-roleplayer (even kind of a Don Juan! :P Though he was best known for running an intense roleplay cafe experience) - using a voice-to-text application and only one working hand.

    He found that he was able to do things his body would never have allowed him to do and meet people he could never have met otherwise. He was recognised for his natural abilities in art and writing, and he had amazing - sometimes agonising - stories. His experiences and friends in Second Life helped give him the strength to keep going through the toughest times. He found friends who would've gone to the ends of the Earth for him, and he inspired determination in others. He passed away last year, but Second Life changed his life - and he changed mine.

    I can't recommend it enough, for those that are open to it.

    I'm happy to talk more about this, in public or private - if it'll help more folks find what I found.

  8. They're probably not gone, don't worry.

    If you're on a limited or poor Internet connection, downloading of your Inventory contents can fail. The items are still there, you just can't see them.

    Try clearing your cache and relogging, then waiting 5 minutes (depending on Inventory size - about 5 minutes per 40,000 items) before doing anything else in-world (e.g., teleporting).

    • Like 3
  9. It's more likely that you're above-average height than the camera perspective is poor. Most builders build with foreknowledge of a typical camera height. If you exceed this, you might be taller than is reasonable - some SL avatars can reach 8ft high.

    That said, the Debug Settings that control the camera are as follows:-

    CameraOffsetRearView - Camera Position
    FocusOffsetRearView - Camera Rotation (sort of)
    An example of a lower perspective is:
    CameraOffsetRearView:  -3.000      0.0     -0.300
    FocusOffsetRearView:  -1.000      0.0      0.400
    You can get to Debug Settings in the Advanced or Developer menu. Handy thing about them is that they're accessible in the same place in every viewer.


    • Like 5
  10. Primarily I use Notepad++, because it's a universal, free (and extensible!) editor. I can get syntax highlighting in many languages, which is important to me because I'm often writing web applications (or desktop applications) at the same time as LSL, and a single Ctrl+Tab between the two files (or side-by-side view) is super-awesome.

    Given that it can also handle FTP/SFTP, I can use it to link directly into my personal systems for note-taking and plain-text storage, which saves time when using it as a scratchpad/pseudo-code editor. I don't often write local code.

    It did take some finnicking to get LSL highlighting to work, and the process for updating the dictionary is manual. It has good controls for visuals, which is important as I work in a wide variety of settings, and there's a billion different ways to display the text (encoding, direction, collapse levels and very powerful search (incl. Regex) tools.

    LSL is one of the least frequent languages I write in, so maybe this isn't the best perspective. But Notepad++ is pretty powerful.

  11. Nope, not possible.

    Share is a misnomer, the terminology should be transfer. It's not possible to have one asset shared between two separate accounts. Items that are No Transfer cannot be transferred from Avatar A to Avatar B.

    Alts, by the way, is slang for 'Alternate Accounts' - a separate, not-connected account (in your case, Avatar B).

    Groups won't help you in any way.

    • Like 1
  12. I'm not familiar with this group, so please don't take my words as authoritative.

    With a quick search...

    If these folks were active in Second Life recently then perhaps some splinter groups survive. My reading of their activity is that they've not been invested here for some time.

  13. What's 'Catty-Cornered'?


    Any directly adjacent sims (N, E, S, W) can see the content of your region. If the surround has an opaque face facing the border, those on the other side of the border will be able to see it. This is example (a)

    If sims are not directly adjacent (NE, SE, NW, SW) and there are no adjacent (N, E, S, W) sims connecting it, then people standing in those regions won't be able to see you. This is example (b)

  14. I noticed!

    They've most certainly buggered up cross-site CSS again on the Lithium theme files. It's looking here, but 404. Also seems to be missing the other personalised content that fires out of lithium.com.

    Happens every couple of weeks. They'll fix it whenever the trained monkey spots it.

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