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Elite Runner

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Posts posted by Elite Runner

  1. In my free time, I usually wander around in my favourite places in Second Life, even the ELITE 3000 Second Life Complex in region Wind Struck. When I get bored on SL, I play Minecraft, IMVU, Gaia Online or other virtual world platform or watch Youtube videos or check Facebook or Twitter. When I am not on the computer, I do some drawing or watch shows, or go to WalMart, Zellers, Future Shop, Staples, SportChek or any other retailer in Southwestern Ontario, Canada, incl. the cities of Windsor or Chatham, or go to the mall in Windsor, Ontario to take a look at the items, and maybe shop for what I need.

  2. So, what do you do on Easter on Second Life and the real world?

    If you are Jewish, what do you do on Passover in Second Life and the real world?

    For me, I might attend Easter events in Second Life, don't know which ones, and check out some shops with Easter stuff (though I am not buying anything that is Easter-related in Second Life expect for freebies.)

    In the real world, I'm thinking of attending Easter services in Church if I set my alarm clock. I might have an Easter dinner and eat chocolate.

  3. For those who use Viewer 3, go to Me > Preferences. Under the Graphics tab, click the Advanced button and under Draw Distance, slide it to the left. Click on OK. (SEE EXAMPLE BELOW)


    Firestorm users, Go to Avatar > Preferences then under the Graphics tab, check Custom or Advanced, then slide the draw distance slider to the left. Click on OK.

    For Firestorm users who need to disable the TP screen, Go to Avatar > Preferences > Firestorm > General and select Disable Teleport Screens then click OK.

    TIP: The preferences menu can also be accessed by hitting CTRL+P on a PC or Control+P on a Mac.

  4. Davido Chrome wrote:

    Simboarding is wonderful.

    When you gotten a hang of Simboarding, why not try Simball? See
    for the locations of the last matches played. Every post has the SL-url of where the match was played. The site is updated automatically after each match, so the chance is big that people are still playing at the location of the latest played match.

    I better do some practicing over the months, and check out the website as you mentioned. I might have to get a Vetox CS simboard and check out the teams and the team record. I will have to watch some Youtube videos on simboarding and simball.

    I think I have an idea of placing a simboard object (with scripts and stuff out and unneccessary parts out to make it one prim), linking it onto the 2013 Zapax (the car I drive) and placing an LOL rezzer and placing the LOL rezzer script in the Zapax on the child prim, and placing the simboard there, and once I'm driving the 2013 Zapax and found a perfect spot to simboard, I hop out of the Zapax, click on the simboard on top of the Zapax and a simboard rezzes out then I wear my helmet and pads and simboard there.

  5. Video Description:

    Just before Christmas, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life from the ELITE 3000 Second Life Unit got a Vetox FS simboard and simboard at the ELITE 3000 Second Life Complex. Then onwards to Christmas, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life decides to skin it so he told the ELITE 3000 crew to skin it along with the template and ELITE 3000 Enterprises Productions Limited Inc Intradimensional skinned it with the ELITE 3000 logo, zigzags and stripes. Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life then slapped it on and on Christmas evening, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life simboard at Tron: Legacy Adventures, avoiding the Glitch Bugs and flew into the End of Line club in which nobody was there at that time. He also simboard at Tron: Evolution Waltons Grid, Amber Raceway, Torley region and the ELITE 3000 Second Life Complex. The simboard Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life rode on is the Vetox FS simboard. While simboarding, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life always wears his helmet and his pads. Once done, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life wears it on his back, then once ready, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner)/Second Life drops his simboard and hop on to ride again.

    Full video description at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwN-YPiW2AE under the video.

  6. Within the last week, I, Super Ryan R. Elite (elite.runner/Elite Runner), got a simboard. It's a Vetox FS simboard, custom-skinned, and worn my helmet and pads and simboard at my favourite places in Second Life (expect the City of Concord and St. Thomas USVI). I better watch some Youtube videos about simboarding. From now, I'm just an ammetur simboarder, but Ima learn some tricks and do it once I get a hang aound on this.

    What are your thoughts on simboarding?

    BTW video coming soon in the machinima section.

    And a question: Is there any places in Second Life to simboard?

  7. Hacking into servers isn't a very good idea. Someone could get into critical information and hack into them, maybe creating an exploit that can distrupt services, like the Second Life Grid, that may cause regions to go down, people being logged out, asset servers going awhack and bringing the grid offline, and that could take many hours or days to recover...

  8. ...Cristina!

    I screamed. Cristina was roasted to death. Elite Runner then ran to me.

    Elite: What happened?! I heard you screaming from over there!

    Me: I saw Cristina who has been roasted to death.

    Elite Runner saw the dead body and inspected her and then the barbeque

    Elite: It was well done. The controls were set to high and they used up all the propane.

    Elite Runner wore latex gloves, a lab coat and goggles and gathered fingerprints from the controls of the bbq and DNA from Cristina. He then teleported to the ELITE 3000 Second Life Centre Hedquarters Labatory then within several minutes, he teleported back.

    Elite: The culprit: Phillip Linden.

    Then Phillip came in and Elite and I asked: "Why did you cook Cristina to death?!"

  9. Cristina: No thx.

    Then Elite Runner told me about the CGR (Cross Grid Rally) and knows that his friend Eight Blinker is partipicating. Phillip's place is near a road and just 1 kilometre away is the starting gate of of CGR. Elite looked through the binoclaurs and saw rally cars at the starting gate. Then the rally cars take off one by one. We then hear the rally cars take off. Phillip and Cristina looked out of the kitchen window and saw rally cars.

    Elite Runner then took back the 2012 Zapax and rezzed the 2012 Shark skycar/multi-use vehicle. He hopped in and quickly went into flight mode. Elite Runner then saw Eight Blinker coming via avatar radar, and once he saw Eight's rally car, Elite Runner takes off flying in his 2012 Shark!

    After 1 hour, Elite Runner came back to Phillip's place and saw the dead vampires and the flesh from the vampires were gone. Phillip said to Elite: "We were doing some massive cleanup to remove the dead vampires. This place is clear now. They were bots with the username vampireX in which X represent the number. We teleported them home and banned them perminantely"

    Elite: Phew. Thank goodness!

    Then a tornado came approaching from the west

    Elite: TORNADO!

  10. Just last night, I recorded a machinima of me skydiving in Little Blue Fermi sandbox, in a public terraform area @ Here and at TRON: Legacy adventures jumping off the ledge of the End of Line Club @ Vixens Isle. Here is the video.

    NOTE: I used an avatar from another virtual world (in that case, Elite3000E3K from Gaia Online) as a host for intro and conclusion since I dunno if the text clearly shows up in 480p if I record the intro and conclusion in Second Life and I do not have a microphone so I cannot record voice.

    Comments Welcome

  11. PHILLIP: "Her name is...... Her name is......." (looks at her name tag) "Her name is Christina"

    Then I heard a honk. It's Elite Runner's 2012 Zapax!

    Then suddenly it began to rain very very hard and the wind picks up fast! I ran into the 2012 Zapax as I put on my raincoat, rainpants, rainboots and have a sturdy umbrella at hand. I hop out and put up the hood on my raincoat and opened up my umbrella, rushing to Phillip and Cristina who is soaking wet in the rainstorm

    Then I saw a few vampires who is currently hunting for Elite Runner. Thankfully, Elite Runner now have a semi-auto handgun and a semiauto rifile. I checked the parcel info... Damage is on.


    Elite: "Good thing I have my gun!"

    Then Elite Runner fires his handgun to the vampires, then when the vampires go nearer, Elite Runner used his rifile gun to fire at the vampires at full auto. Within seconds, the vampires are killed.

  12. Once in 2010, I started to skydive in Second Life. I had been using the SOAR skydive equipment. The Youtube video that Eight Blinker (Youtube username: FIZIXDrift) inspired me to skydive. I talked to Eight Blinker about skydiving. I then researched on the SL brands for skydiving and I got the skydiving equipment from SOAR from the sim that was featured in the video. In 2011, Eight Blinker told me about skydiving again and we jumped off the podium from the Eightland Racing building and landed several hundred metres from the building. Then weeks later, I went to a skydiving store in region Abbotts and got some skydiving gear from Ripcord industries and Terra Skydiving. It wasn't until tonight that I skydove from 3 places in Second Life. One of it was from 1000m up on the Fermi side of Little Blue Fermi Sandbox. Another place was from 1000-2000m up in a public terraform area in Here, and third off the ledge of the End of Line club a couple hundred metres up in TRON: Legacy Adventutes in Vixens Isle (landed on the light cycle grid arena where there were no light cycles present at time of landing).

    I recorded the video of the skydiving action and I will share the video in the machinima forum.

  13. ...then Elite Runner notices he went off-road. Elite Runner uses his edits to move the 2012 Zapax out of the no script zone onto the road with scripts enabled. He starts the system, shifts into D and drives off, pushing the metal to the pedal to escape the vampires! He races down the Linden road, until he unexpectially met with rally drivers for the Cross Grid Rally 2011 rally-racing then Elite Runner met with Eight Blinker from Eightland Racing who is also racing. Elite put on his racing helmet and his speed goggles as I wonder what's going on. I enter Phillip Linden and the woman I am looking for on the Zapax SuperGPS and it told me to travel along route 8. Then a sudden rainstorm ponders over route 8 and the wind picks up fast! Elite Runner turns on the windshield wipers and turns on the traction and vehicle stability control. I wore the raincoat, rainpants, rainboots and carries a sturdy umbrella. Then suddenly, someone rezzed a big build on the middle of the road. All the cars, including Eight Blinker's rally car and the 2012 Zapax comes to a screehing halt from 200+ km/h to 0 in a few seconds.

  14. Oskar Linden wrote:

    The SL Grid Status page is having issues apparently. LeTigre is on the same code as main channel. Maestro and I were working on it til 11 last night to try to get it ready, but it had too many issues.

    I was checking the RSS feeds and noticed the SL Grid status page has a new post just tonight (about phone support issues). Maybe the SL Grid status page is operational again?

  15. ...walked out of the building and noticed that Elite Runner's 2012 Zapax is parked beside the Govenor's mansion. I noticed a smartphone on the seat of the Zapax. I opened the car door and reached the smartphone. I turned it on, and I go to the SuperGPS feature oh his smartphone. I entered "Phillip Linden" to the GPS and the SuperGPS tells me to walk 100 metres that way. I followed the path until I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Elite Runner. I blushed. "My smartphone, please," he said. I gave Elite his smartphone. Then suddenly I received a warning that the sim will restart in 1 minute. Elite received the warning also. Elite Runner raced toward the Zapax and started it up. "Come! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!" Elite said as I rush into his Zapax, and Elite shifts into gear and raced onto the Linden road. They entered a new region just within a few seconds before the adjacent sim gets rebooted.

    Elite Runner: Phew. Saved by 2.1 seconds!

    Me: Lucky You!

  16. For TRON fans, here's something that you like.

    It's the only TRON themed place in Second Life

    It's the TRON Legacy adventures at Vixens Isle

    You can ride the light cycle, fly a light jet, or combat in disc wars with your opponent.

    There are lightcycles, identity discs, light suits, accessories and such at the TRON Mall and near the End of Line Club

    At the End of Line club, you dance with the programs and users with music 24/7. There may be some DJs present at the End of Line Club.

    There is a legacy light cycle grid arena at Amber, and below that is the Classic Light Cycle game grid.






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