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Ian Undercroft

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Posts posted by Ian Undercroft

  1. Bree's point about the shape and skin needing work together in combination is why I think it's worthwhile checking a shape-maker such as Sophistishapes. She makes shapes to "fit" a particular skin. The skins used come from a variety of makers and the looks available are varied. You buy the shape and a styling card then tells you where you can purchase the skin.

  2. Sorry to hear about your stalker, Kylie. 

    It's perhaps sensible to "create" pics at a public location (such as an infohub or whatever) and then change the picture and the text. This way no stalker will find his/her way to your home or favourite hang out.

  3. It's evident from replies to threads started by residents seeking advice or guidance on making friends that many SL residents see the "About Me" section of our profiles as a way to "sell" themselves to others and believe thats it's worthwhile giving that section of their profiles careful thought and attention. No doubt, older residents over time will have altered or tweaked the "About Me" section of their profiles based on their experiences of how others have reacted or responded upon reading that section.

    I confess that I approach the "About Me" section of profiles with a degree of cynicism.

    However, assuming I'm in a minority, it occurs to me that it might be useful for older residents to share for the benefit of less experienced residents particular things that they have found it useful or effective to include in the "About Me" section and particular things which they have previously included, but now deleted, because their erstwhile inclusion gave the wrong impression or attracted the "wrong" type of resident to them.





  4. I'm surprised how many people read and place faith in what is said in profiles. Picks my be useful for finding new stores and places to visit, but otherwise I take profile contents with a pinch of salt.

  5. When "playing" SL, I've never really paid much attention to a woman's RL marital status. I enjoy conversing with women (regardless or status or, for that matter, sexuality) who are at ease with themselves, who know what they want and have the self-confidence to go out there and get it.

    I'm happily single in RL and it's never been my mission in SL to establish "exclusive" relationships with women. In many respects, women who are happily married in RL and/or happily partnered in SL are something of a dream come true to me, because they are less inclined to put pressure on me to enter into a relationship with them and matters can remain platonic and relaxed and undemanding.

    I appreciate that there are many people of both sexes from many and varied backgrounds in RL who, for whatever reason, have a desire to enter "exclusive" relationships in SL. Given that's so, it always causes me some surprise when people suggest they have difficulty in finding a SL partner who shares a similar outlook to their own. One thing that SL offers is a tremendous breadth of choice. 

  6. I joined SL out of curiosity and without knowing what to expect, having seen a feature about it on a cable news channel. Its enduring fascination to me is "people watching". I tend to remain slightly detached and watch on, often with bemusement, at how others interact. I think many people enter SL having experienced difficulties forming relationships in RL and believing it may be easier to do so in SL. However, the truth is, as it appears to me, that the same social skills needed to succeed in RL are those that stand you in good stead in SL. If you lack the social skills to form relationships in RL, chances are you will fail in that respect in SL also.

  7. Well, Tristen, I'll go get myself the aoharu suit and loafers over the weekend and see how it all looks.


    So far as shape is concerned, then unless you're someone who's happy changing shape regularly, I guess it's a question of finding the shape that's right for you most of the time and accepting limitations in the choice of clothing styles. 

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