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Diesel Darkfold

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Everything posted by Diesel Darkfold

  1. I'm from New Zealand,and there's no mention of NZD's to buy lindens in your link. Do you know any place else?
  2. @ Shoujo Swords. That's what is happening to me exactly! I don't know why I can't buy L's. I've bought lindens with this paypal account and it worked before, but now it doesnt I hope it's fixed soon.
  3. I tried to buy lindens to day, (I've bought lindens before with this same account and paypal details) and it didn't work. It gave me We are unable to complete your request. Could not charge account.The system encountered an error while processing your order, please try againHow do I fix this? I've called Paypals themselves, and I was told there's nothing wrong. I also called my bank, and they said the same thing. Is there a bug?
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