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Lorek Eusebio

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  1. You know, the funny thing is that I'm willing to bet that the lag is most likely coming from poor building practices in Second Life and the lack of proper use of these new materials. I'd guess you're probably in a typical sim that has tons of unique high resolution textures along with meshes that have an excess of polygons. I'm pretty sure that when used correctly, these materials and meshes will result in more detail for the price of much less GPU load. I'm not saying that that IS what's going on, but I am saying that I'd bet a bunch money on it. Try going to Milk & Cream (It's an adult sim though so uh, be aware of that!) and see if you still get that drop in performance. The builders there know a thing or two about building efficiently.
  2. So what's going on with this project? Is it dead in the water? There doesn't seem to be any update on the JIRA since it was created back in August... The workflow chart thing says that it hasn't even been started. Does anyone know what's going on?
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