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Kizna Oh

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Everything posted by Kizna Oh

  1. As far as i was told from someone working on 3rd party viewers, the textures for sculpts arn't part of that 512 Mb soft cap. Also, things like Anti Alliasing also need Vram.
  2. Dear TrulyLovely Destiny. I want to point out to you, that LL has reasonable security for SL. Naming Sony as a point why SL isn't secure is actually a mute point. It's known to security experts sicne years, that Sony is lacking in security, by simply refusing to Implement newer security messures (As Sonys own security experts pointed out to the Managment, months before the PSN was hacked.) However, Sony dosn't do anything until it's to alte. because Security costs money. Which is not an option for a company like Sony, that is since years in financial trouble. LL on the other hand, is doing quite well on finances.
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