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Raideur Ng

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  1. Truly an incredible and ambitious project and I appreciate all of it. I agree that having a llGetDamage param makes sense. As to damage types and it being an integer, I'd be curious what you were planning for that. I'd say a system with the most freedom and ability to create the kind of combat people want is ideal. As stated, this is not a system, it is a set of tools to create a system. The ability to abuse LSL has existed since someone first scripted exploding genitalia and it is up to the community, sim admins, etc to police that system. I hope everyone realizes this and we can get a powerful set of tools that we both create the systems we want, and also create means to police those systems and integrate that with existing parcel systems if we so choose.
  2. Sculpt Prim - Asteroid Sculpt map of an asteroid to be applied to a 512^3 megaprim. It would have a square cut (or indented) into the top that the sim mesh would sit in. This would align to the sim edge and then proceed to curve down and under the sim, creating the illusion that the sim is sitting on a asteroid. Color/Texture - Moonscape i.e. White with black highlights http://th06.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/235/2/4/090611_Moon___Texture_by_avmorgan.jpg No preference on shape or style of asteroid as long as it fits the sim and curves under it. 512^3 is required so the entire sculpt fits within a 1024^3 skysphere. You would be free to resell and I will endorse your sales in my sim proudly if it meets the requirements. I appreciate you considering this difficult build. If you cannot or would prefer not to do this, can you point me at anyone you may know who could possibly do this. v/r Raideur Ng O-1 Fleet / R&D Alliance Navy - Eridanus
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