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Dilbert Dilweg

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Posts posted by Dilbert Dilweg

  1. Did you try to open your Inventory and open "My Outfits" folder. and chose an avatar folder, right click on it and chose  "Replace Outfit"  may have to wait a few to get it to load.. But after that you can go back to your original outfit


    Also. If you have multiple viewers installed. Make sure you keep the caches separate . Open the Preferences and network tab. Set a new cache location to prevent cache corruption and rezzing issues I Usually have a folder in my documents  named cache after the viewer


    P.S. if you are using a wireless router. Resetting it can also help if all else fails

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  2. NO LL will not be insta banning users for this content in their folders. If you see IP REPLACEMENT in your folders just delete them and purge them and you have nothing to worry about. This is Linden Labs Cleaning up stolen items across the grid and in inventories.

    Just ignore the panic messages you may have been seeing in group chats

    The only ones who have to worry is the originators of the stolen goods

  3. Do you have a seperate folder made for each of your viewers cache? If not then you really need to when you have more than one viewer installed. Or you will constantly have missing items. Like half of your invntory will be gone


    Open the network and folder tab in prefs and set a new folder for your cache

  4. I have been trying to make a transition and start using 2.0+ more

    It has been a slow go for me. Like you I am so used to 1.23 layout that everything is fast and simple,

    When I try to use 2.0 something always comes up and I need to quickly access something or cary out an operation, and I end up lost and frustrated. Eventually I close it and don't pick it back up for a long time lol. Right now it is just going to take more time than I have to learn it like I know 1.23 as i do now.

    I guess it would be the same way if it were the other way around and I started out on a viewer 2.0 style. then 4 years later try to cdhange to 1.23 style.....

  5. There are a lot of videos on Youtube on building. And In the wiki is good resources for building.. What I did was attend an in world class to learn the basics of how to for 1 day. Then ran off to my own land and started to learn to shape and twist prims and also joined a group with a lot of helpful people who have a good deal of knowledge on building.

    Search In world Second Life Events for some basic building classes.. :smileyindifferent:

    You will enjoy building and creating.. Lots of fun :)

  6. I think it all depends on the setting. I have seen the same thing where mentors only using their status to sell their items or place. But it even happens On Info hubs.

    I landed at one the other day. This girls starts a small talk conversation with me and invites me as friend. Then she invited me to go to her strip club LOL .

    And I get a lot of issues where someone comes into the club and invites everyone (friend request) without even talking to them. Their goal is to hit as many unsuspected newbie's or people and then teleport away. Then they all suddenly start getting teleport requests to see their product or new club. Or in some cases a pervert teleports everyone to a horrible scene

  7. YEs you are correct Azura.

    I remeber when Emerald Decided to change that completely  on how it was calculated from the Original LL calculation.

    It  Made Numbers jump really high and a lot of drama was caused because users being klicked out of places because some places using it as a metric to help their lag . Wrong move..lol


  8. I run a pretty busy Ballroom . Where the ladies have a boat load of prims (high ARC) LOL' Most of their arc is half way decent. But some people end up wearing a lot of jewelry which can really shoot that Number up high,,  But that is more of a rendering problem for viewers and not sim lag... If all the prims have resizer scripts in them. Then you have a serious lag issue for the server and everyone's comfort

    I do not impose and ARC limits. I worry more about the massive scripts an avatar has attached to his/her avatar in all those prims


    I think some clubs target the wrong thing when it comes to ARC. They seem to see they may be helping lag. But in all actuality limiting the arc/prims also limits the scripts a lot of those prims had in them..They should lean more towards getting people to lower their script count to ease the lag on the server..(hopefully LL gets script limits going soon)

    Ask the vender for an updated item that uses 1 resizer instead of 250 resizer scripts hehe

    Or using the menu option on the item to remove the scripts after it is resized and fitted...

    Viewer lag is easy to help by educating a busy crowd to not all stand close together. Spread out a bit. it helps LOL'


    You will be shocked to know that some residents have upwards to 800+ Script attached to them.I have seen some avatars using up to 20MB memory in script usage.That may seem small to you. But it ads up if you had 50 avatars using the same or close to on the same region

    It is my understandi8ng the regions run on 800 megs

    Get 50 residents on a sim with using up 20 megs per avatar. = Death to the sim comfort lol


  9. I do a lot of hiring in SL. I also use an employment group for one of my sources. It is free. I have not tried a service that has fees. I would be a bit leary of it.. I guess I would have the same question if  a paid for service is as affective or not.. Or Better..

    I do get quite a few replies from the group I am in. They allow one group notice for Business owners to send, per day.

  10. I played golf  a few years back. It was a lot of fun. A lot of limitations back in 2007 i think. But was still a blast :)

    The place I went is gone now. But would like to find a few more just for the fun of it. If anyone find some links. Post them here :)

  11. I ran into a SL mentor on another website

    She Invited me in . I I took the offer.

    She showed me around for a few weeks and  it inspired me. It amazed me. I took it to heart and started building 2 weeks into the game.. I was like wow! This place is awesome!

    Then started doing business ever since.

    I did come before about 6 months prior to meeting her and  tossed it because I didn't know what It was about LOL

    But thankful I ran into her on a website..

    I will never forget her name tho :)

    Eva Williamson

  12. Over the 4.5 years I have had a few do that.. Hope nothing happened to any of them But you never know what went thru their real lives..

    One friend came back a year later. Said her real life marriage ended in a nasty divorce so she didn't log in for ever..

    I didn't ask LOL but I think Sl was the catalyst..

    It always makes you wonder. And hoping to god nothing tragic happened to them personally.

    Good Luck, I hope you hear something soon


    Also with the economy the way it is. Maybe a loss of job Or something caused them to not be able to use the internet


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