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Fox Paragorn

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Posts posted by Fox Paragorn

  1. Can someone explain to me why I am having this problem "There is no suitable surface to sit on, try another spot".

    hMy prim is a single cube of <3.00000, 0.01000, 5.00000> this size. as you can see is really big.

    Initially i set the sit target to be vertical (but must use a rotation for that). and position <0,8,0> (and sit there to verify there is nothing an there is nothing at all at 2 meters around).

    Then each time i sit i move to some other space (-0.8,-1.0,-1.05) for the same spot and will move the second to ( 0.8,-1.0,-1.05) (so they look as if near) and i check the bounding boxes and they clearly do not hit anything else. But I still keep getting the no suitable surface to sit on.

    So what I am doing wrong? if i know everything is at different positions? is there any way to "see" the sit position? or see what is "used" by the prim?

  2. Creo que has interpretedo "incorrectamente" mi respuesta. Yo no dije que no afecten, claramente si tines algo que consume recursos mientras lo tengas abierto el resto andara mas lento pero la pergunta aquie es si lo "daña". y no no lo daña a menos que la computadora sea de mala calidad.

    dañar significa que luego de ser usado y ya habiendo apagado el programa la computadora no funcione como corresponde.

    Ahora sufrir no va a sufrir, las computadoras no sufren, si puede que recaliente pero eso solo sucedera, si es de mala calidad. o si por ejemplo sabes que tienes una placa de video de mala calidad, y aun asi le pones todo ultra con todas las texturas al maximo. pero hacer eso es claramente tonto, y no solo se afectaria por sl pero tambien por caulquier programa de diseño de graficos que tambien usa mucho la placa de video.

    Como todo, y haciendo referencia a un simil con un auto, no puedes pretender con una motocicleta, arrastrar lo mismo que con un camion. Si lo haces no es que "SL dañe tu pc" sino que estas utilizando una computadora que no deberias estar utilizando para eso. incluso si la usas siempre puedes poner una configuracion que no la exija (claro que en ese caso se vera horrible), pero no puedes culpar al programa.

    Y de nuevo no estamos diciendo que no afecte el rendimiento, TODOS los programas en una computadora afectan el rendimiento en mayor o menor grado esa no era la cuestión.

    Por ejemplo algo que muchos usuarios hacen y luego se quejan, es bajar peliculas o hacer streaming mientras juegan a second life, y luego pretenden que no afecte.

    claramente afectara, ya que el streeming requiere mucho ancho de banda, y second life tambien por ser como es. esto no es algo de que quejarse es un requerimiento. pero lo important es, si tu pc esta diseñada para funcionar con second life no se dañara en lo mas minimo.


  3. Como alguien explicó es imposible saber si te bloquearon pero claramente te hayan bloqueado o no, si tu mandas 20 mensajes cada vez que se conectan y no te contestan es porque te bloquea o te ignora. ya que si alguien me manda un mensaje y estoy AFK aunque sea cuando vuelvo contesto por simple educacion.

    y si no lo hace (y simplemente no tiene esa gentileza) quiza mas vale perder el contacto de dicha persona.


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  4. La unica posibilidad que hace que paresca que un programa dañe tu pc es, solamente si tu pc no anda como corresponde.

    y en ese caso simplemente second life estaria "mostrando" los problemas no creandolos.

    Escuche a un amigo que el tecnico que le instalo su pc le decia "los juegos de computadora dañan la pc asi que no uses ninguno" el le creyo pero el problema es, que su producto era de Muy muy malisima calidad, por eso decia que lo rompian, pora que no cargue la computadora a su maximo y la persona note los errores.

    En realidad los juegos (incluyendo second life) son la mejor forma de testear si una computadora tiene problemas, ya que si los tiene seguramente pinchara, o se reseteara o algo.

    si lo hace recomiendo que la hagas revisar.

  5. you are never going to find someone that its paid after all is finished, becaue, due to scam and people leaving and not paying most scripters will have learn to not do that either.

    And if you cannot trust someone with more than 5 years on being on sl, then just means you do not want to pay. (if you has been scammed by anyone with more than 5 years being on sl you should know you can easily make a ticket and getting that one expelled.

  6. ok the problem is how you are trying to use the function.

    the function temp attach has several limits, in such you cannot relog, or change sim, if you do, you loose the temp attach.

    and some "other" object must rez the hud and as for permisions to be temp attach, when done that way and only that way.

    the moment that object is detached or self detached by script it stops existing and it NEVER exists on that person inventory. (of course if something else gives the hud in a normal way cannot delete that one either).


    and thats how you eliminate a hud, if the problems of it are not good, the only other solution is to make the hud useless (like to make a while(1) at some point of it and also on reset if its not the creator. (so it fails if they reset too).

    but really delete a normal one when worn is not possible on sl. you do not have rights over people's object and you cannot make a drop from a script either.


  7. As i explained before, this is to made to an avatar which has no mesh. so there are no prims to actually move.

    Besides whatever is Attached will move with the animation no need for a script to move it again.

    I just need someone to tell me what TOOL can make such animation, nothing else.

  8. sorry but no, i Know this exists because i see something similar where the head was at the side (on the hand) of the person.

    so what i am asking is some animation to move the head the same sice of the head about the position it should. i do not care if the neck is stretched (i can already solve that).


    but i do not know how to make the animation or which program to use for it, Qavimator, is the one that i use but has no options for such. can someone explain?


    (using prims is not an option as i want this to work to any "non prim" head).

  9. Hello, i am not a builder but i have made several simple animations, even so there is one type of animation i am not sure if can be done or how.

    that is, suppose you want to make a robot and you want to make it grab it head and lift it 20 cm above, is that able to be done?

    is there any trick to make it possible (its ok if it needs alpha to work with). but how do i make the animation even so?

  10. In search of a female with the desire to be changed into a machine version of itself, while still keeping it feelings.

    to be part of a group of a scientist with several other gynoids already made.

    Who ever wants this should notice that the "model" in which the gynoid is made is preset, so someone that is dominant will not work, but, this does not mean that once the change is done it will be enough to say "yes"  all the time.

    This position can be used by alts, even so the idea is to be long term and 24/7 menwhile this avatar is online.


    in other words a gynoid cannot just "go with their friends".

    no paragraph rp, but quick replaying is encouraged, as also no meta-gaming is allowed.

    you do not need to know anything about gynoids to play it correctly the same way as being alive you do not need to understand how your onw body works.

    Even so to the ones that know or do not know, should really pay attention to how you are suppose to change your talking after your transformation (if you are going to pretend to just be the exact same without effort this is not for you).

    Important, not transgender, if you are a male in RL, I really do not care but, do not say IC or OOC. and do not suddenly show or wear any male parts , doing so will be enough to vanish you from the rp and sim. I am not homophobic but in the rp you are not supposed to be able to lie in such way or to grow that parts just because.

    To be able to rp you should be online from 10 am slt to 4 pm slt. as thats my timeframe. and able to play well with others.

    this is a long term position, even so you can test for a couple of weeks before deciding.

    If after all this you are still interested contact me online, please do not answer this post directly as you will be mostly sure ignored (I do not use the forum much and may be a real long time to see it again).


  11. its possible for a mesh object (example a cube), where it has only 1 face on all the 6 sides but at the same time, it shows different stuff.

    if thats the case, changing color is only possible on all the faces.

    the only thing you can do is change texture then, and to manage that efect each "side" has an area so you will have to find out which one is it.


    now if you just use ALL_SIDES you need to choose the correct one.

  12.  no pose animators cannot move another avatar. so something like holding hands and walk cannot be done unless with a vehicle as you just said. unless the sim allows pushing but even so is not the best and really hard to do (so will not work nice).

    sorry but its kind of an sl limit (will be far better if sl allows someone to sit on a link but is not possible).

  13. Hello, I only update my acount in order to be able to withdraw money from it.

    I have been working really hard for the last 2 and 3 months and was told that i need a credit card.. I guessed i think wrongly that it will be just set as credit in the same credit card I used to pay for it.

    Then i notice its pay pal (that i have no way of getting money from it so its not a choice). or wire transfer. that after trying to do all the steps for it, I am stuck because in the billing suport tab. there is not the supposed option "Request Payout via Wire Transfer."


    So basically if this does not work i am stuck wit all the money i managed to earn inside the system.

    Can anyone help?

  14. Si ya lo compraste no hay mucho que se pueda hacer.

    Es decir a menos que sea con todos los permisos que lo dudo nadie mas puede ver como esta hecho o cambiarlo.


    Por otro lado yo hago scripts (y debo decir que en el sentido de chat hice cosas muy buenas que algunos dirian casi imposible para SL).

    Comunicate online asi vemos cual es el problema.

  15. Queria dejar constancia en el foro, por si alguien necesita un programa de script a medida.

    Mis precios son razonables y todo lo que sea 100% sl lo se hacer (armas, avatars animados, cambios de animaciones, Huds, sistemas para rp (incluyendo hud), vehiculos y practicamente cualquier otra cosa que sea programacion).

    detalle no "construyo", asi que para texturas/sonidos necesito que me los den para poder incluirlos.

    Mis precios son accesibles. contactenme online para cualquier pregunta.

  16. Buen dia a quien lea este thread. Estoy buscando trabajo como scripter en el foro luego de terminar el tablero para juego de paintball.

    Tengo 3 años de experiencia haciendo scripts para SL y se hacer de todo lo que pueda ser hecho.

    y tengo 20 años de experiencia en C (que es el lenguaje basico que usa el scripting).

    Para trabajos chicos (<1000L) seguramente lo tengo en un par de horas. y el pago es contra reembolso (muestro que anda y me lo compran).

    Para trabajos mayores es 50% al inicio y 50% a la entrega.


    Espero serles de utilidad.

  17. I do any kind of custom scripting work.

    From just help to anything you want, particles, Physics, Vehicles, Boards, Menus, Animations, and even RL.

    Has been programming in SL for 3 year and continue to do, (with a background of programming in RL for 30 years).

    Nothing is too small or too big.

    Even teaching (but in that case I will need to ask the pay in advance by 500L / hour by IM or 1k in person.


    Thanks, and feel free to Im me, I will read it even if not online.

  18. Desde hace un tiempo me dedico a hacer script aqui en second life, hice bastante de todo, incluyendo menues, Huds, vehiculos, objetos con movimientos multiples y/o simples, Animaciones (no hacerla propiamente sino usarla), hasta Incluso RLV.

    not hay nada extremadamente dificil por el precio correcto.

    Pero no hago trabajos gratis, ya vengo haciendo esto desde hace tiempo, y mi personaje tiene mas de 2 años. Jamas me llamaron la atencion porque nunca hago nada indebido.

    Por lo tanto pido 20% al confirmar el proyecto, 60% mas en el primer testing (que es casi listo) y resto a la entrega final.

    Para el que piensa que podria estafarlo, piensen que mi avatar tiene mas de 2 años, si la idea fuese esa, me hubiesen reportado hace mucho tiempo.

    Espero tener noticias pronto, gracias

  19. I do any kind of scripting, from simple menus to any complicated SL movement system.

    I have experience in Hud's, Menues, Boards, Physics (movement/rotation/ follow, hunting), Animations, vehicles, weapons, RLV, just name it.

    Nothing is too much, but of course that will always alter the price.

    you can tell me online or left me a note with the requirements of the project and a possible price, after we agree the work will be done in hours or a few days (depending on the amount of work).

    20% of payment will be required on start, 60% after first demo (and almost finished), and the last 20% on sending.

    Even so if you found bugs, they will be corrected after almost a month later, or even possible to be more. I do quality job not just normal scripting



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