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Devildog36 Python

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Everything posted by Devildog36 Python

  1. Hi everyone I am needing a megaprim to make a simsurround I got the sculpt map in place but now I need the megaprim does anyone out there have a megaprim that is around 756x75x50 or under or a 1024x1024x50 or under Thanks Devildog36
  2. Are you a great scripter, Do you know how to work with Websites, Great Mesh Artist and Texture Artist, Looking for a Job, are you Dedicated to getting Things done and Wiling to work in a Team Eviroment were we all contibute our skills based on our work and our ethic to bring something better in sl! Then we Want to Hire You, Please Contact DragonSerpant Resident Our Hiring Executive, Amy Firethorn, Second CEO/Vice President/ Or myself Devildog36 Python to get in contact for details The Devils Production Studio, Devildog36 Python
  3. ok If that is the case I know about 30 odd groups that have objects on there land that copy there group IMs and they can share it with others Via Websights, I have many Claims on this by Many Groups Many who if what you say hold true peggy then alot of groups that help secondlife and make what secondlife is weither its a Build Group, a Rental Group or anyother object that uses a simular idea but within group chats how is that legal or by the "Land of the Law" Even Exceptiable since its a violation of the TOS, I mean I guess I personaly this is my 4th discussion on the Forums and I want to know from LindinLabs or anyone else what is teh exact TOS and or TOS for sharing of IMS, Group IM, Object Rezz IM,,
  4. If I know its gonna be happening from the start, and i fully understand that it can be undone by me if i choose to, no questions asked I would say yes, but with the understnading that it can be undone by me and I have full working knowledge of it Prior to hand
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