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TrulyLovely Destiny

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Everything posted by TrulyLovely Destiny

  1. See how seriously SL these issues? It's not a safe game. They know it. They don't care. And they let people like this laugh at people like this poster. Thats an open invite for hackers. C'mon in, the place is wide open!!! Steal all you like as long as you don't mispell anything. I remember when Emerald happened in SL. SL caught with it's pants down. Google it.
  2. Dont delete the name of the abuser. Post it everywhere. Shame the clown. He wants you to be silent. smh
  3. Please delete your contact info ASAP!!!! This will make it worse. SL doesnt help abuse cases, they only say they will. if you use Twitter look up #gamergate & learn how some males use the net to abuse women.
  4. Second Life should have issued you a refund for the cost of replacing your entire account. I was hacked recently. And reading that this is "impossible" on SL is not helpful. If Sony & government sites can be hacked, how is SL some kind of ironclad fortress? SL, please step up your game, enforce your TOS, toss out the bad players & this will happen less.
  5. Second Life should have issued you a refund for the cost of replacing your entire account. I was hacked recently. And reading that this is "impossible" on SL is not helpful. If Sony & govement sites can be hacked, how is SL some kind of ironclad fortress? SL, please step up your game, enforce your TOS, toss our the bad players & this will happen less.
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