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Mal Avro

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Everything posted by Mal Avro

  1. Anyone else tired of the ranting of Jahman Ochs and his "I have invested over 5 hard-fought years to make Second Life something to be proud of - and when Linden Labs, whom I have given tens of thousands of U$", "which I have partly paid for, through the thousands of U$ I give them every year", "that it is Linden Labs' mandate to take MY MONEY and spend time working on creating such tripe"? Wow I guess Second Life would not be what it is today without Jahman Ochs and his time and let us not forget his money. I'm pretty sure they won't be bowing down to you anytime soon or give one hoot if you leave. And thanks for looking down on the rest of us from your mighty perch. "How much have you invested?" (Oh a dig to all of us who seem lower than he because he has defiantly spent more money here than everyone else.. Not.). "a waste of MY (and everyone else's) subscription and tier fees" Well I am pretty sure there are a lot of other people here who made SL fun and enjoyable besides yourself so sorry it's not all about you. "That said, ultimately, if it gets stupid enough here, I *will* walk away rather than throwing good money after bad". Please run, don't walk away, we are not sorry that your days of making boat loads of cash from the USERS are over! Do yourself a favor and leave, because you sure don’t seem happy here. That said, get over it buddy LL is YOUR SL government and like the government in the real world. Your meager dollars are a drop in the sea and will make no ripples to change how they will do business. You should be grateful no matter what that they allowed you to make money off of their idea. Try griping at your RL government about all your dollars going to waste and see if it helps there too. I’m sure it won’t. My hat is off to those of you who really made Second Life what it is today, whether you spent money or time or just joined to see what a virtual world is all about. It’s about all of us, without all of us there would be no Second Life. Thanks for not complaining and making the rest of us feel little like this dude. Peace!
  2. All the complaining from others aside. I think this is good step in giving us users something to do, and break up the everyday second life and help the economy by giving a few L$ out. Thanks a bunch and good job! And to the people who keep complaining about everything LL does.... Quit the game and go back to RL. Most of us tire of your endless complaining. RL is not perfect so why should SL be? Keep complaining people I'm sure they will give up and you will complain this out of existence.
  3. Look like it's coming. http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/2011/08/lindens-to-launch-new-product-for-tablets/
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