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Archie Lukas

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  1. Found this, which is a better answer: "merchants are not responsible for delivering Marketplace items. They pay Linden Lab a 5% fee on every sale, and Linden Lab takes care of the money and the delivery. Deliveries do fail sometimes, often because a recipeint either refuses delivery accidentally or because s/he is in busy mode. (If you're in Busy mode when someone tries to send you something, the system can't deliver it, so it deletes it instead.) In any case, merchants understand that accidents happen and many of them will redeliver a purchase, even though they are not required to. They'd prefer to have a satisfied customer."
  2. That is a licence for fraud and theft. I am quite disgusted. 9 year resident - they used to give a damn.
  3. So, fraud is acceptable? I don't think so. If nothing else, they can be suspended or terminated
  4. I have paid in-world for a yacht, delivered as a gift for my Partner. No device has been sent. My a/c shows payment has been taken. I have IM'd these characters 6 times, no response. Always off-line of course. They have an island 'Holly Kai Estates' Avatar vendor: Florencia007 Csak It exists, no-one ever there. Q: How do I make a complaint to Linden labs? Note this was not marketplace, there is a system there, but in-world from their island vendor station. Help appreciated, there is no link to Linden labs Customer Support on any search in the SL website, they don;t want contact with us Punters.
  5. The Phoenix Viewer does it by default. It also has built in Radar, which is very useful for wandering girlfriends in a show store.......! Phoenix is also a lot friendlier than the official viewer, which I still hate with a vengence.
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