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Kris Messmer

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Posts posted by Kris Messmer

  1. Why was this moved under the options menu? When you build you constantly need to flip between the two and having to go through another menu is absolutely atrocious. There's nto even a hotkey! What are you guys doing? I'm comming from 1.23 and everything about the new viewer is backwards...

  2. Basic Description

    With sculpties you have a certain amount of "points" that you can shape to make an object. Mesh is similar, but you have an unlimited amount of "points". This allows for very accurate and efficent building. You can also upload meshes that take the form of an avatar, i.e you can buy a dress that covers upper body to lower body without it having to be multiple prims in multiple attachment spots.

  3. It'd be cool but a GINORMIOUS waste of resources on LL's part. It wouldn't really be practical either, seeing as there are already multiple external programs that could do it faster, better, and easier than something LL threw together. The amoutn of upkeep it would need would suck LL dry, SL would have to shift from being a virrual world to a 3d modeling app.

  4. My group has been slowly growing in a sim over the last few years and we want to buy a plot from someone but we've come to the conclusion that his account has been suspended because he doesn't show up in search and he is not shown in any of his groups, even the one he started. Is there anything we can do to get LL to put this land up for sale?


    EDIT: Actually it appears there a few parcels like thtis in the sim. It appears as if the owners have not been logged in 2+ years.

  5. Well I've been putting off learning to sculpt for a long time because I've always thought it was just a hacky substitute for mesh, but now I really doubt LL's ability to get mesh public anytime soon. I've been learning to sculpt but all the tutorials out there are simple "scale these edges" and the like. I'd like to see a video of someone creating something that is radically different than a cylinder or a sphere. Something that can't be made in a few minutes.

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