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om Piers

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Posts posted by om Piers

  1. Hi Mayalily,


    "HTTP Textures" should be an option in your Develop menu (I believe you can use Ctrl+Alt+Q to get it). It is a different method used to retrieve the textures on prims, and is unrelated to the method you use to browse to the Second Life web site.




  2. Hello Patricia,

    I hope that you do not give up. SL can be a lot of fun. It is just a matter of getting connected with people who have your same interests, or at least getting connected with the tools that let you follow your interests.

    Inworld, I have offered you friendship. I will be online tomorrow and would be happy to help in anyway that I know how.


    Edit: LOL. Now I know I didn't take that long to reply. When I first read the post, there were no replies! By the time I posted, there were 13 others!

  3. You probably already know about these, but NCI and Builders Brewery conduct some great classes. I think I just saw a couple in the past week from NCI on using photoshop and the clothing templates.Check the Events section with Educational selected periodically. Builders Brewery posts their rather robust class schedule on their property.

    A couple of things:

    annotated guide to sl clothing: http://chimerafire.wordpress.com/sl-clothing-creation-guide/annotated_list/

    Robin Wood's famous templates: http://www.robinwood.com/Catalog/Technical/SL-Tuts/SLPages/AVUVTemplates.html


  4. Mystery solved. Thanks Darrius. When I visited this morning I had noticed the affect again, but there were two avs already present who didn't mention her moving. so I concluded that I was imaging things. Good to know there's an actual technical explanation.

  5. For general purposes, I do not understand the justification for complaining about another avatar's proportions (or species, mystical or otherwise) in a world that advertises a your world/your imagination mindset.

    On land where access is free, it is reasonable to expect to see avatars of various shapes and sizes, and for me personally this is one of the enjoyable things about SL. On the other hand, on land where the owner chooses to restrict access based proportion requirements, I also see nothing wrong with that although it does sound like a headache.

    On the other hand, specific, practical discussions about the pros and cons of large-scale, medium-scale, small-scale, realistic/unrealistic-scale proportions for a given situation do make sense to me.

    Roleplay (such as a big monster and realistic height avs), how much relative "room" you have in a region, and choices in what is typically available in furniture, animation and building purchases ... those are practical considerations in deciding what proportions work best for you (this was described very well in another thread). Also very important, the practical consideration of where your imagination takes you on a given day. Although I am always an old, old, old man, I imagine that many people change their shape, skin, and size on a regular or frequent basis for the pure fun of it. It would be a shame to discourage that, at least it seems so to me.


  6. I've been noticing the same thing myself for a few days. Up until now I had been too busy to go looking here to see if anyone else was having the same problem. I don't have the very latest viewer, but the version right before that (2.7.1 (232828). I'm thinking that it is a SL viewer problem because I've logged off/then on again, cleared cache and waited a while, and no change. And this is happening on 128x128 and 512x512 textures.

    I installed a different viewer, firestorm, and textures appeared correctly. I noticed that there was an even newer version of the SL viewer 2.7.4 something (though the button still says 2.7.2 something). Has anyone downloaded that version? And if so, any texture problems with that one?

  7. Arton,


    I have a question on that LOD thing. Some time ago, someone told me about the RenderVolumeLOD (something setting, can't remember exactly) when I was complaining about how everything looked so wonky to me. So, for a long time now, I have gone around with that setting up to 4 ... very happy about how things look, and no affect that I can see on the FPS for me ... doesn't seem to go up/down when I change the value, so I figured why not always have it up higher. 

    Is there a cost somewhere to raising that value? It sure makes my world look a lot more fully-formed.


    EDIT: Sorry, now I understand what you are saying. Please ignore my question. I see, my world looks great with the high setting, but if I make crappy sculpties then people with older hardware will see crapppy sculpties because they can't use the RenderVolumeLOD setting?

    EDIT2: Gosh, I never hit Post yesterday.




  8. A little off topic, but ... Void, do you have any idea if there is a list somewhere of the viewers that support the media on a prim? I was trying to show a friend (I use the viewer 2), but she couldn't see the web page and she uses a version of Phoenix (starts with an E ... can't remember, I'm old). I thought I remembered a few people saying that most of the main viewers were supporting it.

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