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Perrain Berenohn

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Posts posted by Perrain Berenohn

  1. Also, important note:

    "I would rather people didn't get the idea that sending up a Mole Signal in the forums is a good way to get help -- I will help when I'm around but normally it's best to ask support to restart the region if something like this happens." - Quartz Mole

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  2. In case you guys were wondering: Quartz Mole said, " ... it's a phenomenon I've come across before.. can be caused by several things but essentially the simulator's records are confused and it thinks there's an obstacle where there isn't one."

    "...it's a long-standing issue that's fortunately very rare now, or at least I haven't seen in several years, but a restart fixes it.  It's what we used to call "ghosting" but that now seems to cover a lot more."

    (I asked for permission to quote him.)


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  3. Just now, kiramanell said:


    That means the error is in the mesh of the house itself then. Possibly they really left something as 'convex hull' that shouldn't have been. Time to page a Mole. :) @Quartz Mole was extremely fast when I IM-ed with a problem on my houseboat.

    Ok. Thanks!  I will do that. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Evangeline Ling said:

    just a thought... try switching to another house type first... then switch back and see if that removes the ghost physics there

    Good thought.  So, when I changed house styles and went back to my house style, the problem was still there.  However, I tried your suggest while standing on the mystery object and it did cause me to fall.  

  5. The weird thing is that I cannot select it, it does not show up on a list of objects in the parcel, and it does not show up when using the "show transparent" command.  I am trying to remove objects I added since the problem started, although I am not exactly sure of when this thing "appeared"?  

    I don't think it is a neighbor's object extending in, since I have also checked a list of all nearby objects and there is nothing close to me when I am standing on it that could be this thing.  

    I have just finished setting up my house, and now I fear I will have to tear each thing away one by one! 

  6. Help!

    There seems to be a mystery object that extends through both floors of my Linden home.  It prevents me from walking to or through both doorways to my backyard.  This was not there when I first moved in; so, it may be something I have done.  However, I cannot select this thing.  Neither does it show up on a list of objects of the parcel.  Showing transparent objects does not show it either.  I have also rerezzed the house, but the problem is still there.  

    Here is a picture of me after landing on this mystery object:  https://my.secondlife.com/perrain.berenohn/snapshots/5d1cbde7d774f877b5000001?version=original

    Any ideas?



  7. 4 hours ago, Leora Jacobus said:

    I see a pool in your Flickr - is that raised above the ground? in a box or something? with a ladder or stairs?

    My pool is raised above the ground.  If you want to swim in the pool, I think you have to do this.  Terraforming is not allowed, if I remember correctly.  Some pools come with stairs.  This one did not.  I just made stairs using some extra stairs that came with my spa.  I had to copy, resize one copy, link, and then copy the whole thing again.  I am not happy with the fact that the pool is higher than the sills of the back windows of the house.  I will probably try to find a smaller pool.  This one has a low LI. 

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  8. Hey people.  Stop bullying each other.  Stop being snippy, snarky, and rude.  Advice, opinions, and experiences don't need to be accompanied by insults.  If I was moderating this forum, half of you would be gone.  

    • Haha 4
  9. 5 hours ago, Matty Luminos said:

    Wow. I just grabbed the first one I was given (a traditional house, even though I wanted a houseboat) and I loved the location of the house so much I stuck with it. Right from the start I haven't dared re-roll because I know I can't get better.


    Great.  So, I know that when I finally get lucky to get something, it will probably be some crappy one nobody wants.  I don't even care... I will take anything.  My guess is that none of them is awful.  Right? 

  10. On 6/4/2019 at 6:48 PM, Marianne Little said:

    Just to rub it in: I have abandoned many houseboats because I didn't like the placement. 5 on the big release day for new boats, one later. 

    /me runs

    Oh. You!

  11. 11 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    You know what, you're right. I'm not going to delete my last post because that's bad form, but yeah. You are frustrated. I get that. I do disagree with your assertion that you're being treated unfairly by LL and aren't getting the same benefits others get, but that's my prerogative to have that opinion, same as it's your prerogative to have your opinion.

    You are frustrated, and so are the rest of us, for different reasons. We see this argument popping up at least a couple times a week and yes, it gets frustrating seeing it over and over again. 

    Let's just agree to all be frustrated and agree to disagree. I do apologize for being a complete butt, though. I've got people on other threads being butts to me and, no, it doesn't feel good.

    Beth, I suppose I have been a bit of a butt too.  Lots of butts to go around.  Butts begetting butts.  You are awesome.  (I would have been angry about that vendor deal too.)

    • Like 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, Beth Macbain said:

    If posting a gif of Christopher Walken is harassing, well... y'all are free to harass me day and night! BRING ON THE GIFS!


    I do like this one, Beth. But, it was the yawn, and the “no” puppy I did not appreciate.  How would you have felt if that puppy was the first response to your complaint about the wrong delivery from a merchant at an event, followed by a like if the puppy and a bunch of people telling you there is no reason for you to feel the way you do? Then, a CW yawn gif the next day.  Even if you are ok with that, I don’t have to be, and you don’t have to be mean about how I feel.  

  13. 20 minutes ago, Gearhead Gaffer said:

    I don't have a new home either, and I'm plenty willing to wait. Hell, I couch surfed in other folks' places for a decade before I finally decided to find a plot.

    I just get so frustrated when people come in and start invoking internet lawyer language about unequal service and say that people telling them they are mistaken is harassment.

    Gearhead, I think your intentions are good. I just happen to disagree with you.  I know you disagree with me, and that is ok.  

    These discussions have not been pleasant for me.  The first response to my suggestion of unfairness was a gif of a puppy shaking its head “no”, which was then liked by somebody else.  Is this a good way to treat a newbie in an online community?  It made me feel pretty unwelcome.  Some people here have been very nice.  One even offered me access to her  houseboat!  That is awesome!  But, my argument is not just about me.  I don’t like unfairness no matter who is affected.  We can disagree about whether the situation is unfair.  There have been some reasonable arguments against my opinion.  But, if I offer a rebuttal, there is no reason for people to get offensive (I am not talking about you).  

    I expect we will meet again on this forum.  I ask that you please be patient with my manner of expression, and I will do the same for you. 

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  14. 20 minutes ago, Gearhead Gaffer said:

    Not this again.

    If you don’t have something constructive to add, it would be better to keep it to yourself.  Users come here for support, not to be harassed for their views.

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 2
  15. 12 minutes ago, Sylvia Tamalyn said:

    It helps to type in gibberish for the name, just any 5 letters. You can change it later.

    Sylvia,  my apologies. I did not see your helpful post before posting “here it comes” in response to the impolite posts that followed my long post about gaslighting-apologists. 

    Thank you for the idea. In fact, I have found that typing in the name I want and clicking “next”, then going back on Chrome keeps the desired name in the refreshed page. So, when auto refresh rings, I can just go straight to clicking “next”.  Still no luck though. Rats!

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