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Hitomi Tiponi

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Posts posted by Hitomi Tiponi

  1. Orca Flotta wrote:

    @Wolfbaginski - I think the tests Monty wants doing can only effectively be done from overseas

    Hm, depends on where this "overseas" is located exactly. From where I am sitting right now pretty much everything is overseas. And LOL, no I'm not in the UK. :smileytongue:

    Wow - you can use SL on a submarine! :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

  2. @Wolfbaginski - I think the tests Monty wants doing can only effectively be done from overseas

    @Monty - I am now finding worse ping speeds (about 50% worse) when using a free US-based VPN from the UK.  I will do more tests from Japan and Australia (where I did find an improvement from) later in the year.

    Incidentally if you think ping speeds to a US server are bad, just try pinging an Aussie one from the UK.

  3. Cubboboy wrote:

    I am sure it would not be too difficult to port the Linux viewer to Android (since android runs on the Linux kernel) and change some of the coding and UI to work with touch. If I knew anything about coding I would try my hand at it.

    From what I know the Android OS supports a cut-down version of OpenGL (which Second Life is based upon) but it does not include all the functions, especially a lot of the fancy stuff.  The biggest problem would be a UI for such devices - I have given quite a bit of thought to this and it would require a fair bit of work in some areas.

  4. Sadie - as this is a technical issue I suggest you raise it on the Second Life JIRA.  Read the information on how to create an entry and then fill in the form with all the information you have provided here - especially the pics and the fact that you have more than one Current outfit folder, and state that you believe you may have an incidence of SUN_99 - 'Bakefail on SSA regions only. When entering into SSA region, skin and system clothes fail to bake'.  Keep checking back there regularly to see what the response is, as they may ask for further information.

    Good Luck.

  5. I'm wondering if you may be having problems with your firewall settings - sounds like something is provoking a disconnect.  If you get to the stage of actually rezzing the world turn on the debug console - under the develop menu - and see if you are getting any weird messages.

  6. We will need more information.

    First get the computer/viewer/server spec from the 'Help' menu in SL (there is a Copy to Clipboard button) and post it here.  Then tell us if this is an avatar or an object or a texture (the pic is too small to tell).  You say it flickers but do not say if it is all of the object or certain parts and when it happens.  Give as much info as possible for the best explanation that may help you.

  7. Please note that July 9th is stated as the 'tentative' date for the 'start' of the rollout.  This will be a gradual rollout to servers to make sure that there are no unanticipated problems.  It will also give residents the opportunity to compare the performance of their viewers between SSA enabled and disabled regions.

  8. MattInAe Landfall wrote:

    i am using the most recent update to firestorm but my cam is acting odd. everytime i go to move, the camera moves overhead so i am looking almost straight down when move even though have rear view selected. I tried adjusting the angle in preferences but as soon as i moved, it went back overhead. please help me fix it.

    I suggest you look at the Firestorm help pages and if you cannot find the help there, file a support ticket with them.  They are usually very helpful.

  9. Kitteh Scientist wrote:

    Not good idea from LL to hide the Resident last names. If it would be visible everywhere, it would be lot less confusing to new people.

    Edit: There are no single name accounts in SL. It is technically impossible. There has always been and always will be only 2 name accounts. Hiding your head in the sand does not make the world disappear.

    The Second Life database stores names as the 'username' - this is the 'singlename' (not 'singlename Resident') for those who registered after mid-2010, and those with last names (or surnames as they are sometimes called) have their names stored as 'firstname.lastname' so that the code can treat them all as single name strings.  The whole initial idea of removing last names was to make it easier for storage and retrieval, though I doubt that decision would have been taken if the current CEO had been in charge then.  A subsequent study, after the current CEO arrived, decided not to reinstate last names - probably because of all the work required to re-instate them in a way that the residents (especially those with just one name) would be happy with.

    There is, of course, the ongoing problem that some other Second Life sites (and not just Third Party Viewers) require you to have two names e.g.  the official Second Life Wiki,  so residents with just one name need to be aware of the 'Resident' pseudo-last name that has to be used in some places.

  10. Note that the debug settings of RenderAutoMuteByteLimit and RenderAutoMuteSurfaceAreaLimit enable you to automatically derender avatars with a lot of attachments or  a large surface area respectively by setting values.  These are useful for improving viewer fps at crowded venues, and does not have the disadvantage of derendering them permanently, as when you reset the values they all reappear.

  11. Waylon Blackthorne wrote:

    Not sure what you mean by interest list changes, you mean the profile interest section?

    Nalates is referring to a newly mplemented project by Linden Labs called 'Interest Lists' designed to rez items in the order that you are most likely to be interested in them i.e. those you are facing and are nearby first.  This seems fine unless you do a lot of turning around in a region with a lot of textures, as most of us do, then I am finding that rezzing can sometimes be more problematic.

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