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Adaarye Shikami

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  1. I guess until I get a new computer I'll have to leave SL on a back burner and stop buying Lindens. There's no point, lol. It's all good though. I have plenty to keep me occupied. There are so many awesome new games being released this year. It's just a shame. I've been here for 21 years.
  2. Is this "NEW" PBR whatsits and such why my head won't stay attached and why my hairbase is missing every time I relog.. basically my avatar is ripped apart every time I log out and log back in. I don't have time for this everytime I log out and log back in. I thought SL was way past all this. I have nVidia GTX 3080 with I believe 8gb vRam, 32 GB of ram and an I9. What's up? What are the current suggested rig specs for this new stuff? I have no problem with ESO, WoW, Enshrouded, New World and the plethera of other games I play. I can't justify spending what I spend in SL to make my avatar look nice when it keeps falling apart. My avatar more or less a 3d paper doll. I dress it for fun. This is not fun.
  3. I haven't seen a shoe in the butt since 2006 .. Epic!! 😀
  4. This isn't anything new with Casper. His support group has always been like this
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