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MichaelCorleone Losangeles

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Everything posted by MichaelCorleone Losangeles

  1. I've built 5 different 120 meter yacht models in Second Life with prim accounts 0f 2,000-2,500. I'd like to export them to blender, convert and import back into Second Life with greatly reduced prim counts. Here is link to a video with the details of the project.
  2. @Tama Suki I’m glad your doing well with you business. Continue success in the future.
  3. @Coffee Pancake I'm quite aware there's more to it than that.......... What do you think drove the value of that yacht? I'm not planning on retiring on that yacht I'm looking to build a sustainable business around it and the other yachts I have in inventory. 10 years ago I was selling mine for $175 us. The advances they've made with mesh gives new life to my yacht. I'm a publisher in real life and my experience in Second Life led me to that field. www.yachtinglifestyle365.com I do have a business model I'm developing, looking for smart people to bounce ideas off of.
  4. @QwiQ I agree with much of what yours saying and would like to continue the conversation on Discord. I've setup up a server specifically to tackle this issue. I want to understand why the Lego Yacht sold for $650K when we have far superior products here in Second Life. I know its because its associated with The Sand Box, but once again Second Life is far superior to the Sand Box. I truly want to understand this because my gut tells me this is all a big bubble and Second Life is a underutilized platform. You reach me on Discord at godfathaog#7839 FYI I built this marina 10 years ago to market my yachts. In addition to selling yachts we also rented apartments and retail space and ran a virtual yacht charter experience. I built all my yachts in Second Life. Now I'm looking to hire someone to help me convert them to mesh and tokenize them.
  5. @Tama Suki I'm aware of those other markets that's one of the reason I think this lego style builds on the blockchain are ultimately a dead end. The Utopia that many dream about is Second Life on the blockchain controlled by DAO not big corporations. As great as Second Life is it has some scaling issues like the number of people who can interact on a sim at the same time. If Blockchain is to be WEB 3.0 it has a long ways to go. Metaverse based companies like Decentraland and Sandbox are making millions based on the story they are selling that a Second Life experience on the Blockchain controlled by the masses where everyone can make money. As we all know in Second Life that's a fallacy. There will always be the 80/20 rule where 80% of business is generated by 20%. That's not going away. I want to find a way to create a bridge between Second Life and Blockchain metaverses that will enable Second Life creators to enhance the monetarization of their efforts beyond Second Life while still growing in Second Life.
  6. Exactly you can import a copy of your NFT into SL and other platforms. Second life has systems to deal with copyright infringements. It’s not perfect but it’s there. The Opportunity is the ability expand your customer base outside of Second Life. Fashion is a great category for that.
  7. You are aware most creators create their items in blender or Maya then import into second life so you actually can create a NFTs before importing into second life.
  8. What if a famous real world fashion designer created a one of digital fashion gowns for one Frolic Mills fashion show then tokenized and put it up for sale on the blockchain. Then followed that up will a limited line of clothings that were also turned into NFT’s. I guarantee people would pay a lot more than 3,000 Lindens for those gowns. Did I miss the limited shoes bags eyewear. The best part these are NFT’s that you can dress your avatar with and share photos on intagram,Flickr or Facebook………just saying.
  9. @Lucia Nightfireyou put your figure on the biggest challenge SL has with allowing NFT's they can't allow another currency to operate along side Linden's because you would have runaway inflation. If people are paying big dollars for virtual land and the block chain, with limited tools to monetize their property other than collectables, what would Linden land be worth. Right now you can rent 65K meters for $349 setup fee and $229 us a month to rent. But then you don't own the land and Linden could delete or change the terms of use for land. That prevents you from being able to create Decentralized Autonomous Organizations in Second Life, which is the equivalence to "Groups" because ultimately Second Life is your landlord.
  10. Why wouldn’t you have NFT’s in Second Life. There are some really talented creators that produce amazing real life objects people would like to own in real life. I’d like to turn my yachts into NTF’s
  11. That's to bad I liked his intergrated solutions. Any one have alternative solution suggestions?
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