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Meg Howe

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  1. It's impacted me quite a lot, as I've made some friends here that after almost 9 years of being on SL I still talk to, but the major thing is that I've met my RL BF on here, we met up in RL and moved into together in the last few months so all very exciting!! I don't think our paths would have met in RL as we have totally different jobs and lived in totally different area within the UK so thank you SL!!!
  2. I'd love a good musical theatre or soundtracks radio station!
  3. You were lucky you managed to get to another sim, I can't do that and I have to clear cache and everything each time I want to attempt to log on...it started playing up for me last night (i'm in the uk) I hope it gets sorted by tomorrow!
  4. I see others are having problems with logging in, I am as well, but then when I finally get in, sometimes I appear ruthed and cannot do anything and have to close the viewer, then when I do log in ok, I get unable to connect to server, followed by a lot of numbers....I can move a little and chat but when I try to TP anywhere I crash....is this a problem that others are experiencing or just me?
  5. After attempting to log in several times, I get different error messages such as the date and time is wrong or cannot connect to server. I've cleared all cache and then I get into SL, then when I get into SL, it says unable to connect to server..with a load of numbers...when I try to TP to other parts of other than my home it crashes on me! Please Help!!
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