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Harper Held

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Posts posted by Harper Held

  1. On 4/13/2023 at 6:47 AM, Rowan Amore said:

    If you are just being yourself, it's not roleplaying IMO.  You're still you regardless of what your avatar looks like.  THAT is what matters.  I do agree that trying to RP another race is entirely different.   I see a lot of lovely white skins.  I've played around with those looks and for me, it just feels odd.   Even if I were to wear one on a regular basis, I'd still be the same old person underneath.

    One of my old avatars has always worn a white skin.  I still didn't play as anyone other than me.

    Just wondered if it's alright for black people to use a white avatar or is that some sort of problem, too?


    The power dynamic is inverted so I can't imagine it's a problem for a black person to use a white avatar.

    As a white person I've never been able to feel comfortable wearing a black skin (usually purchase mistakes of one sort or another) mostly because of the risk of offending people for the wrong reasons. But if I was black, considering white skins -it would be a complete non-issue.

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  2. On 4/7/2023 at 9:29 AM, Alwin Alcott said:

    mesh killed inworld creation

    I still make things in-world and I occasionally see people around me throwing prims around too.

    Hell no it's not commercially viable and can't hold a candle to mesh -but "dead" is an overstatement. It's even recieving the odd upgrades from time to time (eg materials).

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Leora Greenwood said:

    I miss them already.......  🤕

    What miss? A friend of mine are under one right now tryin to figure out WTF it is (I thought it was a gimmick thing and I was right 😛 )

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
  4. SL circa 2005 was creepy as *****, on multiple levels. Apparently there was a small artistic and non-commercial thing going on (?) but I didn't see any of that. All I saw was tacky-ass malls from sea to shining sea and creepy tech-bro libertarian 'sell everything that isn't nailed down' attitudes everywhere I looked..

    ...and my mentor getting stalked pretty much put the nail in the coffin for me, that and rl circumstances (computer died and I was in no rush to come back to this. )

    Han is my 2nd account, and you'll notice it's from 2008 (or you won't notice, idgaf). Even then I would wander around for a couple weeks doing this or that on an alt (Han was for banking) and eventually getting bored ...until 2010, when everything clicked.

    So that's my old days...and they were ugly. People still did the "stand around in IM" thing people complain about now. Builds were mostly prims and sculpties and the sculpties in particular have NOT aged well.

    There are things I miss from then and miss them profoundly such as their being a level playing field in the realm of building things in-world. But that ship's sailed and done is done and some of the changes have trickled down to we prim builders (materials) and I wouldn't give those up for love or money. The sense of things being open and a unique sense of amused by the absurdity mixed with wonder and creativity that has not survived the mesh era. The people? Well the good ones from back then are still around and as far as the ones who aren't...not counting the deceased...? There's a reason why the people from one's past didn't make it to the present.

    I'm old IRL and I spend an unhealthy amount of time and energy lost in the past -places I went to, memories of times I had, people who have gone...at the end of the day that is unhealthy, at least when done in excess.

    "These are the good old days" or at least they're the days we should be spending most of our time in.

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  5. For style points, you ought to be able to set the land to a group you and your alt share -set the alt's home point, and then remove the group from the land.

    Your alt will still have that set as their home point (though won't be able to rez etc) but stalker types won't see the group when they do "about:land".

    I haven't tried this in a couple of years, but it worked then...

  6. 7 minutes ago, Bree Giffen said:

    This is what happens when LL gives people the ability to choose their height. LL should just remove the slider and resize everyone to be the same. Animations, furniture, vehicles, clubs, etc would suddenly have no problems.  Non-human avatars should have a checkbox that allows size changes but any club for humans can set access only for those set to human. 


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  7. On 1/9/2023 at 7:32 AM, JeromFranzic said:

    I'm not a Tinie. Just a tad shorter than some humanoids in SL (and Open Sim). 5.5 SL feet on average.

    I guess I'll have to suck it up and make some taller versions of my avis... including my alts *sigh* IDK... *takes note of 2m avg for furniture*

    DON'T. Seriously -people will only find something else to complain about.

    Instead, take it as a litmus test; someone who complains about your height is probably someone who has nothing good to bring to your virtual life.


  8. 1 minute ago, Han Held said:

    I'm sure this is a personal problem, but it annoys the crap out of me how difficult it is to make your face the way you want it today. I mean it's always been hit or miss, but now you have to fight the idiosyncrasies of whatever mesh head you're wearing as well.

    Apparently, I'll be looking like garbage for The Duration. 🤬🤬💢👿

    Fwiw I haven't posted any of my attempts yet -I've been fighting this for a couple of days and I'm bouncing between using a 7 deadly skins shape I hate or wearing some messed up abomination of my own editing. 🤢🤮🤮

    So no photos until I have things sorted out.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:

    It takes a decent computer to run it well, and is capable of bringing an exceptional computer to it's knees

    I've always used my home sim as a torture test for graphics cards; but under the latest version of Firestorm I'm regularly getting 60fps even with ALM turned on.

    The previous version I was getting 30 or so (more or less) without ALM. This is on a 2022 "gaming" desktop.

    I'm not sure what they're doing these days but whatever it is, my hats' off to them!


    • Like 2
  10. I was having this conversation inworld; it seems (from where I sit) that Maitreya is the standard more or less, but my friends were saying good things about the Legacy body, and that it has a decent amount of clothing available for it.

    I'm switching from Tonic (RIP) to Maitreya and considering Legacy when I have funds. I haven't begun looking into it yet, though.

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  11. On 1/2/2023 at 2:20 AM, BlueMoonLightz said:

    Putting on something silly or an avatar to make them run away seems to always work with weirdo's. 

    Heh -back when I was a kid avatar I would whip out some seriously obnoxious gestures ("let's do the fork in the garbage disposal!", /those_sweeties which was a kid throwing a very very loud tantrum) and just repeat them over and over again whenever troublemakers would come around.

    Fond memories...

  12. On 11/30/2022 at 6:26 AM, Extrude Ragu said:

    Is it a generational thing or something?

    You tell me. I was born in the 1960s and I plop down $WAYTOOMANYBUCKS on SL, additionally this is an elective activity. This isn't a job where you gotta just suck it up and get on with it. Given that combination you bet your sweet bonnie that I want to curate my experience as far as possible. That includes having my posts private from obvious trolls/jagholes/rwnj/stalkers etc.

    SL and the forums here aren't set up that way -and I can live with that. However, I can definitely empathize with the desire for two-way blocks (read as well as write).


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  13. On 1/7/2023 at 7:14 PM, Jennifer Boyle said:

    Having thought a bit more about it, I think it was mean-spirited to suddenly close the store without releasing her content to the public. She said she's leaving SL. If so, and the decision is permanent, it would cost her nothing to give her content away. Even if she changed her mind later, it would cost her nothing because content that is selling so poorly  that the business isn't even worth selling will be worth essentially nothing at some future time when SL has moved on. The effort required would be minimal---ask for volunteers to distribute it among her store group members, and give each volunteer a copy., requesting them to freely distribute it to others.

    I don't think it would have been any skin off her back side to keep the marketplace open with a huge disclaimer that all purchases were final and unsupported; but sometimes you just gotta get the fck outta dodge, you know?

    That's the closest to reasonable that "the public" can be disappointed in not getting. Sure, as an open source fan for 25 plus years I'm disappointed to not see the model on github or something; but she was never under any obligation to do anything of the sort. As I said above, keeping an MP presence is about the most I'd ask for -but even that isn't required required at the end of the day.

    Mean-spirited implies malice and that's clearly not what was going on in the situation. Other folks have taken you to task over that so I won't.

    In b4 someone says slink is still on the mp :D (I honestly haven't kept up -I'm not a slink fan)

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