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Hymn Celestia

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Posts posted by Hymn Celestia

  1. When I'm decorating a house I always include some kind of sound.  Train sounds for houses near train tracks; fog horn sounds for houses on seaways; always birds of some kind.  I will always reserve five to ten prims for the inclusion of different sound effects because I find (gentle, far-off distant) ambient noise very pleasing.

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  2. 11 hours ago, Edborough Evergarden said:

    My question is that I rent a homestead region from a friend.  She is willing to transfer ownership to me, but would that qualify for this or would I have to but a NEW homestead region?

    that's an interesting question to ask because, if that is allowed, then wouldn't that cut out a setup fee you'd have to pay i.e. would that make it a cheaper option for you to own a homestead?  i.e. Does a setup fee still apply if the homestead already exists, I guess is the question.  I've never owned regions or homesteads or estates, just my tiny little bits of mainland; so I don't really know how it all works yet; but I'd love to know the answer to that question.

  3. 10 hours ago, Frigga Freidman said:

    Thanks - the washing machine/sink unit and strip light are from Kazza, and when linked are only 4 LI (though I lost whatever sink animations there were... but the light still works). The toilet was included as well. I don't know how much the set costs now. 

    The shower unit is from LouChara (Selsey shower) and is 7 LI. (I think I got it during a weekend sale around the time when the Newbrookes were first released.)

    The bath tub is only 2 LI and is from Taikou. (It was huge and I resized it down quite a bit so I don't remember if it was 2 LI when unpacked.)

    Well all those creators must be really proud of their stuff when they see it all hard at work at your house! Everything looks natural and by-design there in the space. Totally intentional placements and really spiffy :)

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    • Thanks 1
  4. Marianne, I think you would have a wonderful time on a homestead with all that personal control.  The question about how you would fill it up is answered best by learning as you do it because it will never be a finished product; it would be super boring if it were ever actually "finished."  It's a project that you would want to dedicate a lot of creative emotional and intellectual energy to, and as you already know also a lot of money.  But for all this, the reward is a never-ending project of refining, more better decisions, more thoughtful ideas, more creative solutions, as time goes on, for as long as the money lasts.  The evolution of what you consider to be The Ideal.  Personally, I believe you would love the experience.   I think you already have practiced so much on other parcels for quite a few years!

    Chic's idea of practicing first on a rental is pretty clever too.  You will see for yourself for a week how much fun it is and that you probably have already all the things you will need :)


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  5. 14 hours ago, Cinnamon Mistwood said:

    Well, I took the haunted tour through Millbank.  I have to say I am a little concerned for our beloved moles.  Perhaps someone should keep an eye on them.  Ancient is doing genetic experiments, I was murdered by Dyna (twice because I couldn't believe it happened the first time), Abnor is raising demons from the watery depths, Garden is messing with the environment and liquifying the ground, Naughty trapped me in an upstairs room (is it because I broke your vase on the way in?), Adora collects weapons and creepy crawlie things.

    Oh, I found your little portal-of-doom hidden deep in the woods and I am just as worried for a few of the Lindens.  Ummm, Vitae Linden (and many, many others), there is no shame in seeking professional help 😄

    I don't want to ruin the tours for anyone, so I'll just leave this:


    Both tours were so fun!  Everyone should use the local EEP setting and TURN ON SOUND!

    Best Post Omg!  :D


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  6. 2 hours ago, Fay Starlight said:


    I would prefer all new houses for the older themes, or 2048 prims on the older themes, lol.

    Would be a big improvement in the trads to get rid of the roll blinds and replace with the in the glass blinds like the newer themes....


    me too and me too and me too!  yes please :D

    2048s with campers, oh the beautiful possibilities ❤️

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  7. I buy what I need; sometimes it is on sale and sometimes it is regular price; I buy what I need when I need it. 

    Also I really like that there are still "brick and mortar" stores in the world and that "going shopping" is a thing to do.  I like wandering and browsing and making use of my AO and carriable coffees on a Weekend-Sale shopping tour of places that are getting in the mood for seasons; to me, a normalizing SL palate-cleanse after a week of science-fictional fantastical Second Life wildness.

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  8. I love this thread.  Images of friendship characterize my second life before anything else, I think.  This is a great thread, I love all the pictures I see and return back to over and over.

    I decided to contribute one (three?) of me and Pearle on the deck with morning tea.  Tea-time mornings have been a thing for many years and I find my life balanced nicely because of her friendship.


    Early Morning Tea On The Deck.png

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  9. The thing about waterways and houses-on-water and houses-with-eternal-vistas-over-endless-seas for me, personally, is that it gives my computer a break from having to render loads of stuff.  The more water, the less stuff.  It isn't an ancestral yearning in my case; it's simply trying to help out my computer a little. 

    Living in a stilt on water was always the best for my computer; but my personal preferences cycle like seasons through campers and chalets and trads and vics among the abundant trees and winding roads.

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