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Whirli Placebo

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  1. Are you people insane? DING! DING! DING!...we have a winner! Finally, the most sensible utterance of frustration yet Well said, Cynianne
  2. That (showing if you are a paying customer or not) in combination with your picks and groups can be used to build a marketing profile of you that later can be used in directed marketing in-world, or even RL if they manage to combine your SL and RL identity. so marketing friendly has trumped user friendly. got it, thx Gavin.
  3. Um...on the web profile: why would I want this line listed as one of the primary pieces of information about me: "Payment Info:Payment info used"?
  4. "If that's what you're doing, it's not a fair comparison." Fair or not, its a real world comparison. I started doing beta software testing for major software companies (microsoft, oracle, borland..etc) back in 1989....as a former software engineer, I know the process and drill. Yes, I could spend hours trying to configure poorly configure software, but frankly, the onus of that is on the company who creates the software. yes this is betaware...but surely, the configurator under such a scenario should be very conservative in this type of environment. however, if there is lag in basement movement, then, cached or uncached, thats just bad software. anyways, i dont want to debate this anyone. i've commented on my experience. and hopefully this forum is read by the engineers who can contact me directly. cheers.
  5. dont scratch your head. really. my standards are pretty clean and simple. if the software works without any lag in version 1.23.5, and then 2.4 is loaded and lag is, and, no joke, 3-5 second response to movement events, and then you go back immediately to 1.23.5 and the lag is gone..then yes, its not ready for primetime. i assume there's some video card compatibility issues at play, but i'll wait around for a few more iterations of the software.
  6. i tried 2.4. the simple of act of moving was so horrifically laggy, waiting 3 -5 seconds to respond to a simple left arrow key move....that i said..oh well..not ready for primetime.
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