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Kore Jardberg

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Everything posted by Kore Jardberg

  1. Yes, apparently this happens to people newly joining the forum to avoid SPAM someone said above.
  2. Not sure how much can be quoted here since the conversation was removed but since you insist on quoting this IM, I will suggest you read above the lines you mentioned. The seller said "everything is labeled" after she asked for a proper documentation. Then the reaction of the seller to her using the reset button is definitely weird, to say the least: the seller makes it look as if it didn't make sense to reset the HUD. Why would you add a button for it on your HUD if it shouldn't be used? If I have a bug in a HUD, I think it's pretty standard to try to reset it if other methods didn't work. Since the seller didn't provide any documentation, the OP had to go and try buttons on her own. Regarding the rest of your post, I didn't suggest you said the creator had the right to disable a product, but if I did, please point me to the post and I will gladly edit it to make myself more clear. What I understood from your words is that you condemn the OP insults and this is why I said I saw why you would have a different analysis. I maintain this is subject to subjective interpretation though.
  3. I personally have never heard of that store before, it could seem it's a one person project. It's not a popular product. The full conversation between the OP and the seller was included in the original post and was apparently removed by moderation. I disagree with Rowan statement that the OP is responsible alone for the tone of the conversation, I do think the seller did mock her inability to find how to use the HUD by herself and should have seen it coming. The seller does sound arrogant in the full conversation. I guess it's a matter of interpretation though, I can see why Rowan would have a different analysis. No, the review was not included in the original post. And yes, regarding LL (non) involvement in MP issues, I also have submitted support tickets in the past and they couldn't care less, just keeping the 10% MP fee and sweeping the problem under the carpet. Not sure they could sustain such a business in Europe for long before getting fined as a business.
  4. Her messages were capped early on yes, she will be answering in a few hours when (and if, depending on the capping) she's allowed to. Not sure what's the exact rank vs number of messages per day relation. The discussion didn't seem to head in a productive direction to me although other contributors started bringing more interesting contributions later on. We do know each other and I'm familiar with the issue at hand: the product does vanish after a few seconds being worn, redelivery didn't change anything so I assume there is a blacklisting happening on a remote object or server. She received IMs and DMs regarding this and could engage in conversations regarding what happened, so even with all that gossip and nonsense going on, I don't think posting this here was a complete waste of time.
  5. Sounds more like a crowd with a lot of time on their hands. I am re-reading this thread, I can barely find relevant content except for Rowan Amore who mentioned remote servers. Would be interesting to apply a fee like for texture upload everytime someone post a message, could make threads more compact lol
  6. You mean this forum? Yes, I don't wander here often. Are you saying this is typical of you to welcome visitors this way or typical of this forum in general?
  7. Unless they have a body, head and clothes that you can rez on the ground, I don't see how. Maybe you can rez Reborn, but usually meshbodies won't allow you.
  8. What chat commands do you use to replace the entire "styles" tab? One can barely turn nails on/off with those but other than that, the command list is very short (are there other chat commands not mentioned in the product notecard?).
  9. Thanks for mentioning this, this is indeed a serious concern. Upvoting this on Canny.
  10. Not sure what's your point Caitlin, you seem to talk about everything but the actual problem. Anyway, regarding the actual topic, I never came accross a product that would be disabled after it was paid for. That is more concerning than whether the customer was frustrated or not. Once a product is sold and paid for, creators do not have a right to do that. This might warrant some 'feature request' on Canny. Edit: glad that makes you laugh Caitlin, you seemed a bit tense.
  11. I concur. And since Quartz Mole asks for credentials but denies a proper answer when asked to clarify, I am a RL company owner in France (which is Primfeed's creator country of residence) and I am familiar with my legal duties when it comes to operating a website. These laws are designed to provide consumer protection and since Primfeed is not just a free service between friends, but instead provides paid membership plans, it falls under the same obligations as any other business. To take an example of how things should be done, Avastar is also ran by a Second Life resident but her website complies with laws. Now, some people are prompt to extrapolate that because we point at problems we reject the entire project. This is not the case. We are pointing at problems that can be solved and would make more people comfortable with this platform since it is at the intersection of IP addresses, Second Life usernames and private communications (soon instant messaging, if I understood correctly).
  12. Hello Quartz Mole. I don't immediately understand why you would encourage people to report a website to the authorities (especially since said website does not provide RL contact information) rather than discussing their experience/opinion here. Is there a specific rule on this forum that prevents users from discussing privacy concerns? And could you comment on Linden Lab implicit endorsement of this service since it appears the company created an account there? Thank you.
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