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Jaide Beck

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Posts posted by Jaide Beck

  1. 13 hours ago, Lindal Kidd said:

    Jaide, a lot of the people in this (old) thread were stating their opinions, not actual LL policy.

    However, land owners are free to implement their own policies about who can visit their land, as long as that doesn't conflict with LL's policy.  So, you will find some Adult places where child avatars are free to visit as long as they aren't engaged in "sexual activities".  You will also find Adult places where child avatars are not allowed, period. 

    If you're normally a child avatar, and want to visit such places, there's a very simple solution:  put on an adult avatar temporarily.  Enjoy your party or show, shop at any stores you want, and then leave and put your normal avatar back on.

    Railing against local land owners' policies gets you nowhere and only raises your blood pressure.

    I realize that, but kids get a bad rep without doing anything. I just trying to share mine, but this is so old.

    • Like 1
  2. On 5/7/2018 at 9:49 AM, rav3nw1ld said:

    The sooner The better linden lab's conform to this the better it will be , restricting child avatar's to PG rated sims only The child is what it plays no matter what age it is if you play a child avatar then restriction's should be in place.

    This should go without saying for the safety of those concerned if child avatar's do not like this then don't pretend to be a child be adult.what they play on is the simpathy a child would get and the attention that it seek's.

    keep them out of  M RATED  AND  ADULT SIM'S and some child avatar's have a foul mouth which is wrong too plus they act all innocent but are far from it since they are  people that are usually around the age of consent playing them.  SO LINDEN LAB'S LISTEN TO WHAT PEOPLE TELL YOU AND DON'T IGNORE THE FACT THAT YOU TOO ARE RESPONSIBLE BY ALLOWING THIS TO HAPPEN COMMON SENSE TELL'S YOU TO PROTECT  CHILD AVI'S   SO  RESTRICT THEIR AGE AS A CHILD  IN REAL LIFE ( PG RATED) YOU WOULDN'T LET YOUR OWN CHILDREN GO TO AN ADULT PLACE NOW WOULD YOU ?


    Why should children have to be  on PG areas? There are lots of things in other places, stores, gardens, arcades, etc. This is just right to try and restrict.

  3. On 1/12/2012 at 11:05 PM, Peggy Paperdoll said:

    What are Linden Lab's policies towards Child Avatars

    Specific policies about child avatars can be found in section 8.2.iii of the Terms of Service. Additional information on the policies concerning ***** can be found elsewhere on this wiki.

    Stuff to do: This section was compiled by Residents and NEEDS to cite specific sources to substantiate Linden Lab's stance and avoid confusion. Knowledge Base articles or secondlife.com legal documents are required; "I heard it from a friend" or "I got it on a notecard" are NOT acceptable. Otherwise, DO NOT consider the below to be accurate, official policy. -Torley



    Policies towards child avatars are largely focused on the actions of the avatars, not the avatars themselves.

    Child avatars are allowed within Second Life.[1] A child avatar, even within a mature or adult region (but not participating in adult (in this case, sexual) ) activities is allowed. A child avatar is allowed do everything any other avatar is, with the following exceptions:

    • Child avatars in sexual situations (sexual congress obviously, though it is unclear beyond this) are not allowed and abuse reportable (ARable).
    • Public promotion (classified listing, profile, etc.) of sexual situations with child avatars is not allowed and ARable.
    • Creating areas for the purpose of sexual ***** is not allowed and is ARable. This includes having items with sexual content (sexual poseballs or equipment) in proximity to items traditionally associated with children (swingsets, etc.)
    • Indicating that the *real age* of a child avatar (as opposed to a stated SL/role playing age) is below main grid age is not allowed and ARable.
    • Child avatar nudity has been called into question as well. While no language specific to nudity was included in the initial policies, child avatar nudity of the genital or chest regions, including in otherwise non-sexual situations (skin vendors, for example) can be a violation. This also applies to parcel descriptions: nudity or "clothing optional" language can not be included in a parcel description on a kid-specific area.

    Note that child avatars are allowed on PG, Mature, and even Adult public parcels, provided with the latter that they are adult verified. Note that this does not necessarily apply to private parcels where one has the option to eject or ban as desired. The allowance of child avatars on adult rated land such as Zindra does not invalidate any of the above rules.

    As with all things, context is key, and err on the side of caution.





    On 10/9/2018 at 5:23 AM, Yasojith said:

    I doubt that after reading the following from Second Life wiki regarding child avatar.

    • Child avatar nudity has been called into question as well. While no language specific to nudity was included in the initial policies, child avatar nudity of the genital or chest regions, including in otherwise non-sexual situations (skin vendors, for example) can be a violation. This also applies to parcel descriptions: nudity or "clothing optional" language can not be included in a parcel description on a kid-specific area. Source: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Child_Avatar

    That means, nude child avatar standing in nude beach "can be a violation". Even showing nude skins of a child avatar in skin vendor "can be a violation". 



    So, the answer is "YES".


    Well, I get tired of people saying Tos you're going against tos when kids are around, just because they are in an adult region doens't make them going against TOS, some stores are in adult, some regions parents live in are adult, true, I'd rather be on general or M, but ... sometimes there's things in other places to go to.



    3 hours ago, Nika Talaj said:

    @Jaide Beck  , I don't get it.  What do you have against posting the name of a region where these noises can be heard?  Or send it to Garnet via a direct message?  Please realize that people are just trying to help, they know how to use the viewer to exactly pinpoint where the noises are coming from.

    I have never heard any mole make noises while they build, other than the occasional gesture while conversing, like anyone may do.

    Constant horn noises are probably some resident's boat or something.  If you let someone figure out exactly where they're coming from, you can just mute that object, and still hear the moles' lovely soundscapes.

    When I first moved in I saw a boat and I told the man who owned it and he came and fetched it. :D 

    • Like 2
  5. 5 hours ago, Dakota Linden said:


    Please file an Abuse Report so that the Governance Team can try to locate the sound. 

    Please stand/fly where you can hear the sound and then click on Help - Report Abuse. 

    File the Abuse Report against Governor Linden. 

    The Abuse Report will allow the Governance Team to visit the exact location in world where you can hear the sound.  They can then work to locate exactly where it is coming from and what is causing the noise. 

    Thank you!

    Thanks so much. :))) I haven't heard it in some time, but if I do I shall do as you have told me. :D Thanks.

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  6. It's in the hills /mountains where the moles build I guess.. I enjoy sounds, why should I have to turn mine off because there's an annoying loud sound? :O( Plus I make videos with sounds in them so it's very frustrating, i haven't heard this until today. It sounded like a boat a t first then i found the sound as I cammed around in those hill areas. :o Normally it's very quiet. :o

  7. Oh really? I just really want friends who are serious christians/messianics and who are fun and friiendly, but are very serious in Jesus/ Yeshua. I do like to have fun, but I want Jesus to come first, it is hard to find other believers who really enjoy fellowship in Jesus, talking about him and stuff. :) Praying together, worshipping together, sharing, etc. I have been in diff Bible studies, churches, nobody wants to be friends outside of it, so it seems. :))

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