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Kyrah Abattoir

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Posts posted by Kyrah Abattoir

  1. Well lets take the example of minecraft sure.

    There is a server out there that hasn't been reset for 4 years and whose main rule is "anarchy".


    They even have a subreddit. Where am i getting at with this? The server save file is over 800Gb.

    This is minecraft.

    That's 800Gb JUST to store the map data.


    Whatever you do on your own computer is fine and all, it's a completely different story when you are hosting for others. I typically keep 7 weeks of backups for my servers to avoid "accidents" on a remote ftp and 7 days of backup locally. so in practice i need (worst case scenario) 7Gb of local backup space for each Gb of usable data and 7 of remote space.

    • Like 1
  2. One issue that we can't really troubleshoot is the draw call count, since for each object "face" that's at least 1 draw call since the texture/material parameters are going to be different.

    I don't know how the SL viewer goes with instanciation but in SL instances are such a fringe case i'm not even sure of the benefit, if any.

    Good client or not, we are in a specific 3D environment that behaves a certain way, a good creator should work with the environment their content is designed for, not ignore it and expect the system to bend over to accomodate them.

    • Like 1
  3. Remember that on wow all content is static so all the game ever save for you is just reference IDs of objects.

    In SL absolutely everything has been created by users, imagine how many 10L$ textures have been uploaded in 15 years, that's not even the start.

    It's also an experience, sure you can run your own SL grid with 3rd party softwares but it will have no content.

    The content is what makes SL.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, Haselden said:

    I still don't understand how that's not updated.... A lot of programs have "Built-in" memory with no additional costs for everyone else's account. For Example, when playing WoW on private servers or chat logs even from Discord, all of the inventory/chat is compiled in its "Built-in" memory... Not considered as "Someone else paying for it."

    Your character on wow fits in a floppy disk. And private WoW servers are not businesses (on top of being of dubious legality). You pay a monthly fee to play on Blizzard's servers.

    My SL inventory is probably several gigabits at this point.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Callum Meriman said:

    If not, what do you think drive the architectural descision to set a sim to <byte,byte,word>?

    I dunno as a programmer I'm naturally attracted to power of two values.

    EDIT: But hey maybe that's just me.

    2 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

    no, you still put it in your own box

    it's WHY it is expensive, not how to use less land for less costs.

    We told you already it's paying for all the infrastructure that no one has to pay for directly.

    • Sad 1
  6. The ozone and pirate thing that's an old one.

    I'm just looking at how massively popular IMVU was and still is. Private estates that provide public spaces are pretty rare and those who do are usually considered "upscale" and are priced accordingly.

    There is a pretty consequent demographic in SL that turns on ban lines and security orb before they even build anything. I don't know if we want to encourage more of them to join.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Penny Patton said:

    There is nothing wrong with people wanting small, private spaces for themselves and their friends. It does not detract from a multi-user shared experience whatsoever. It's also good environment design with regards to performance. Why should I be forced to have low framerates because my virtual neighbors rez tonnes of laggy content? That sort of thing drives people out of SL.

    I would argue that if LL were smart about it they would design a way to have these private instances be able to connect to public spaces. Like take the features I described but apply them to user chosen heights within the sim, so they can have their private vistas, but when they walk out the front door it teleports them to their house on the ground, surrounded by neighboring homes. Best of both worlds right there.

    Well it's a tragedy of the commons both ways.

    Do you want a SecondLife where there is hardly any public/shared space because 99% of the users are cuddling inside private instances? That's basically IMVU and it's not the virtual world I signed for.

    The main neighbor issues people bring up I can never understand. I just left a message to someone that their sign caused issues with vehicles on the Linden road and the guy THANKED ME and sand he would fix it immediately.

    I'm sure there are horror stories with SL neighborhood but first, I don't think they are the majority (I think people like to have scary stories to tell), and I think it's down to people perpetuating a loop of hate and distrust for anyone who isn't in their little social circle.

    Old Kyrah here but back when private regions didn't exist, we didn't have many neighborhood problems because we had to deal with it instead of going all passive aggressive about it.

    I've never understood back then people who joined SecondLife and wanted something from it that it clearly isn't made for.

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    For dresses that are fully symmetrical, if the creator can't manage to get the rigging even and I have to alpha unevenly, then they end up on my 'never buy from again' list. 

    Normally if the model is symmetrical you just tick a box in blender and the weightpainting gets mirrored.

    I'm saying this because a lot of the times "loose clothes" type outfits have an asymetrical mesh.

    Oh and obviously if they use MD it's always going to be asymetrical.

  9. Secondlife was designed as a multi-user shared experience, I don't know why we keep receiving more and more users who specifically refuse this idea but despite that, want their needs filled.

    Regions are 256x256 because they are designed to fit on a grid so that walking off the edge of a region leads to the next pretty much seamlessly.

    You might not like the mainland but this is what SL was made for and nothing else, the entire infrastructure is built solely with the mainland in mind. Private regions are an afterthought, an exception to the rule, and Linden Lab expects that if you need one or more entire regions disconnected from the main gris, that you are going to develop it into something. That it's there for a special requirement, business or other. And this special requirement comes with a luxury tax.

    But no people just want to plop their house in the middle and a sex bed.

  10. On 5/24/2018 at 10:03 PM, Fionalein said:

    Hello yeah "bloodlines please forget me" that is a new business model... I can sell my soul once a week :ph34r::D

    No idea how bloodlines will manage to store EU user's data in the EU,... this could prove funny if you chase a lawyer after them.

    No they simply cannot, because there is no way for them to tell which avatar name belongs into the EU ... so the creators of SL minigames better hope they never set a foot on EU territory...


    Technically i believe Linden Lab considers SecondLife avatars to be their property (not yours) and bloodline doesn't have access to data about you that is actually private, so I don't think it matters.

  11. On 5/25/2018 at 12:24 AM, CoffeeDujour said:

    I'm more interested in making events a thing .. not just here but in the viewer too.

    Events need to be useful for people looking for events, and looking for events is something people should want to do. Right now it's like googling viagra.

    Yeah but do you have a solution? The problem is that it's basically free advertisement, and it's like asking people who want to advertise to "please leave events alone, thanks".

  12. 1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

    You choices are:
    - Use alpha cuts if the body has one/some that will work
    - Reduce your size (sometimes even this doesn't work)
    - Trash the outfit

    I've actually had outfits that fit one one boob and not the other.  How does someone manage to create that?  It's not like the typical mesh body can have one boob bigger than the other.

    Not every outfit are built in a symmetrical fashion, so they have to be hand rigged for each side, some  differences will occur.

  13. 2 hours ago, Haselden said:

    Nope, that's honestly all I can see their doing. Then "Weekly" Maintenance all it seems to be is a mass sim restart... Like I haven't noticed any "Patch notes." Like I have been playing this game for a year now haven't noticed anything besides bento mesh for avatars.

    I guess there's Animesh to, but I'm still curious what are they honesting tweaking that's weekly. To make the cost so bloody high. The only excuse I got so far is Lindons probably don't want people to own a lot of sims then abandon it later on.

    Which does sound fair...

    Features take a lot of time to develop when you do not want to break existing content. And Linden Lab doesn't break old content unless they have no choice, which is why even today we still have two separate script environments because old scripts from 2003-2005 cannot be recompiled for example (A lot of creators used a sourcecode removal utility back then so Linden Lab literally doesn't have the sourcecode of a lot of scripts).

    Add to this that the Linden Lab of today is very different from the Linden Lab of 2003, most of them where not here when SecondLife was created. A lot of what they have to do involve maintaining the huge and complex system they inherited.

    SecondLife also never deletes anything, once you paid the measly 10L$ to upload a texture, it will remain stored in the asset server until SecondLife dies.

    Secondlife's server farm currently spans accross two gigantic datacenters in the USA.

    Everytime you save a notecard, everytime you tweak an object and put it back in your inventory, it's a new version that is being stored, essentially for absolutely free.

    Some somewhere has to pay to keep all of this running, and since most accounts aren't interested in owning land, It's region owners, merchants and shoppers who bear the brunt of the bill.

    This is a bit of an old article, but you get some of the numbers from 2004, then you can extrapolate given that secondlife has grown from 2000 regions to 23000 and from 100k Resident accounts (created, not active) to 54 million.


    • Like 4
  14. I run my store on my main.

    Don't run a store if you aren't willing to deal with your customers as they come.

    If you can't take care of their request right now, tell them!

    Treat them like a human being and you will realize that most of your customers will love you for it and are pretty understanding.

    You don't have to tell them what you are doing, just aknowledge that you will be with them as soon as you are able to.

    If I realize that a store's account is never online I'm usually not going to shop there for very long, since I'd rather give my hard earned money to people who are actively involved in our little "society" rather than people who are here just to plunder it.

    • Like 7
  15. Allright here is my two cents:

    • Secondlife was not designed with region ownership in mind but mainland ownership, that's where your affordable land is, and it just became more affordable a few weeks ago since the yearly premium now gets you 1024sqm instead of 512sqm.
    • Secondlife has many hidden costs, one of them is that we have more than 14 years of content in the asset servers now being serviced and backed up by Linden Lab, and this thing has to stay running no matter what, before everything else, and Linden Lab isn't Google.

    Ultimately Linden Lab isn't a charity and regions will cost the price people are willing to pay for it. And since the majority of private regions are being used by people who either can pool the money, or are using it for business reasons, then the price will remain a business style price, and since it's really is their only stable income, it's probably going to stay this way.

    I know no one wants to hear this but the mainland has gigantic plains of abandoned land. Entire regions in fact. If you want it all you have to do is file a support ticket and win it once it's auctioned off.

    Also dare I mention that Sansar is probably not profitable at all at this time?

    As for the performance complaints, blame creators, they are the ones responsible for making SecondLife friendly content and they aren't.

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