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Psistorm Voxel

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Everything posted by Psistorm Voxel

  1. I wouldnt say its elite few. Everyone can download blender & gimp for free, read tutorials, and make a few basic meshes. Secondlife has a lot of potential, and mesh is one of THE steps ahead. Why should the talented people be held back, just so people with less talent dont look /too/ bad beside them? The rule of "everyone can create" still stands. At the same time, no matter the toolset complexity and richness, there will always be the "elites" and the more casual people, as well as those who are trying to learn. Should you deny the advanced people the option to make better stuff which benefits everyone only so those learning feel better about themselves? On the actual topic: I believe that these changes are very welcome. 40 groups will make my life a lot easier, and its about the right number. You might want to consider offering 75 or more for premium account holders. That, along with the already better premium customer support might make the premium account product a bit more appealing for people other than land or sim owners. The group chat change is also very nice, though I do wonder if that will also include IMs. Not that they are laggy, im just curious whether the entire IM/group chat infrastructure will go xmpp or just group conversations. All in all, im happy to see that linden is moving forward. there are many topics Id also like to see (such as a better and above all, more performant renderer, and the C# project to replace the aged, and very inflexible LSL syntax), but im hoping for the future on these. Its important to tackle one thing after the other, and I believe LL is doing that
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