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Hoshi Kenin

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Posts posted by Hoshi Kenin

  1. Indeed. After all, Liz Saxe-Coburg and her brood need the money; those palaces are simply too expensive to maintain out of her millions, so far better the poor 'subjects'  pay....whether they want to (the dozy, brainwashed since childhood schooldays and news in adulthood) or not (the enlightened minority).

    It is high time LL gave something back, as they have made eye watering amounts from rent...which is what tier is. Reframing a word that everyone knows ...'rent'.....to a nondescript word like 'tier'..is, of course, capitalism at it's worse. 

    The scam that was pulled, I suspect even the more senior Lindens were dubious about their accoutants managing to pull off, ie charging rent on land that is, erm, sold.

    Try it in the RL and watch how quick you appear in court. :o)

  2. Erm. Words fail me.....which is a rarity, I freely admit, bu there ya go.

    SL restaurants?  What you gonna do.....open a pack of peanuts or get a takeaway (Indian, in my locality) and logon and RP the meal experience?

    There is a very good reason SL restaurants are somewhat thin on the ground, vis a vis Gor nordic settlements or Star Trek earth command.

    Lastly, why not use the search option within SL?  That's what it's for.  Try it.

    Posting here is akin to asking eskimos to recommend some sand for a beach.


  3. ...yawns.   Tabloid repetitions enthrall us not.  Especially from a rag even the UK establishment considers a joke.....albeit  a handy one to keep the masses of wage slaves who consider themselves 'middle class' believeing they matter to the 1%.

    Time to get back into SL, Perrie.  Fast.

    As Cmdr. in Chief, almost, of the forumite elite, you are either able to be online 24 hours a day or spend way too much time posting over 10,500 posts in a forum.  Hells Bells.

    Trust me......you won't miss anything if you give this place a break for a week, or God forbid...even longer.  SL is good.  SL can be fun.  SL can look pretty. SL can lead to meeting peeps and communicating there.  

    But too much time in a forum - of any kind! - is possibly unhealthy.

     Let it go.  Sure...it''ll be hard, at first.  But just think...you could be one of the first...to return! :o)   The other foumites will perhaps take a step back......look at their equally ludicrous post tally and think........'hmmmm, SL?  Should I dip my toe in there, again?  After all these - coughs - frutiful hours posting every single goddam day...hmmmmmm...maybe, I should also get back to that place where everyone else in SL actually is.'

  4. Something tells me my post was quite probably your cue to google and read all the old Herald articles and pretend you read it back in the day? :o)

    Doubtless, you can redirect the info hungry among us to more relevant 'organs'.....ooh, er...only there ain't any? Is there?

    Camaro has already 'busted' Pixeleen, with his clod feet......but where, oh, where is he/she/he/she and why the attempts at hack journalism (least, according to yerself and ole Camaro)?

    Hoshi the Guileless - always carefully read the OP before posting piffle...or paffle...or papple.

  5. ....and?


    Where is this genius developer, then? This techno titan?.....who, er, 'contributed' to the 'organ' you and Pap refer to as lacking any weight, possibly because he/she was tired of developing with his touch of genius, and felt like slumming it as a quasi-reporter with a (un)common rag, the like of which you seem to imply are two a penny?


  6. Relax...LL have always been....well 'relaxed' when it comes to gamb..sorry.....'gaming' sims.

    Sploders were allowed long, long after the gambling ban, and were only removed fairly recently  when someone realized at LL that they couldnt get away with it any longer.

    There will be doubtless be places where 'gaming' machines labeled as 'skill' games, that any doofus can see are actually gambling machines, still hold sway.

    Gambling and porn are frowned upon in polite society, but both bring in the mighty dollar aplenty.

  7. Alas and alack.

    Now that nothing seems to have taken up the small, tiny void that Pixeleen Mistral and the Alphaville Herald at one time inhabited, who can hold LL to account for it's remarkably cozy legal 'flexibility' and lack of responsibility?

    Doubtless, she/he/she/he has moved on to more profitable endeavours. Anyone know?  Jumpman La'm'e?  Anyone?

    Note, I am not posting this in the brown-nosing.... 'ask us a question, after years of not listening and just trousering your cash....what's that, Rod? You were truly hopeless? Yeah, we know, mate...but what a laugh, eh?... lol....but maybe it's high time we did something about it? After all,.... not all of our 'residents' are dumb, right?'   shenanigans.

  8. Which - of course - is a disgrace.

    I strongly suspect LL have been taken to court on a number of occasions with their flimsy 'ooh err, you're on your own, we're only here to take the money' approach to SL.  Alas, the disappearance of Pixaleen Mistal and the Alphaville Herald has allowed LL to come up with any old bollocks, as you have discovered to your cost.

    To the OP....why not ask the sudden appearance of Ebbe and his minions in the thread below - while it lasts, lol ! - about their legal twists and high jinks when it comes to 'getting stuffed' as you have been?

  9. ....and then what happened?

    Quoting movies...and OLD movies at that...is rather lame, don't you think?

    try typing your own thoughts....your own words.....

    It will be hard at first, but you will be you....not some screenwriter.

  10. Well, certainly  not shameless self-promotion, for one thing.  A talent that seemingly you struggle to contain.

    If only we all had 'connections' to - so it is rumoured among the wise, time-honoured and forlorn -  LL.

      Heavens...even Pixelleen Mistral gave you the wettest interview I think I have ever read.  Small wonder he/she/he - along with the Alphaville Herald,  disappeared....doubtless with shame.

  11. Aahh, yes...Pap..or Pep...or PapPep, even.

     Those were the days ,and yus he still here under a few alts it appears.  God, how his RL and SL inworld must drag if he likes spending time here!  His crimes were many, though to me ennui probably chief among them, though being jealous of, and chasing away, the amusing and entertaining Michael Caine was a close second.

    Consider, however, these forums are even more dire than 2009, so maybe, jus' maybe, all these peeps who spend way too much time on the forums and not enough actually in SL deserve him?!  :o)

    ALso, yep, there are always gonna be trainspotters who go back to the dawn of time to see wot you wrote in 2009 , and blow the dust off the folder and show everyone, and we wonder how anyone could possibly work for the taxman or put parking tickets on cars?

    Still, my advice is to post here rarely and spend your time inworld. Some great sims have gone, but some do remain,  but..... oh my...so many empty places, these days, which you will probably notice.   The saddest thing for me is travelling around mainland on occasion and seeing all the gaps, with the odd home or shop looking very old and dated dotted around the map.  


  12. Wow. Golly gosh.  In effect, cutting through your cloud cuckoo land waffle, you are stating you are managing to cope with the grim realities, and furthermore...your particular grim  realities are much worse than anyone elses...ergo...Marigold et al are whiners, and need to jus' roll the old sleeves up and git on, like you have - magically - seemed to do.

    Either you are a wizard floating on cloud 9 oblivious to the suffering the financial terrorism of western governments are causing or simply clueless. 

    Consider if you will.

    First, people 'having' certainly does affect the the have nots.  Particularly with the current system in the USA and UK, which rewards the people who caused a recession far bigger and longer than the great depression of the early 20th century, whilst making the poor pay and suffer for it.  If you cannot see that fundamental fact, you are in trouble.

    If I have food and you are starving, no matter your remarkable powers of enjoying life to the full with a smile and a wink, trust me...you will still be starving at the end of the day.  When the wealth of the already obscenely rich 5% doubles under the government for the corporate elite, whilst the poor are left with decreasing standards of living, you can rest assured the now staggering gap is a very dangerous thing

    Two, governments are supposed to have the answer.   Indeed, that is what they tell us, day after day, and promise us prior to election.   They are certainly not there to look after the top 5% as Camer-goon and his henchmen have already done, whilst preparing to take with undisguised relish the last crust of bread from the 'lazy' poor, who they tell us via the BBC and the corporate controlled tabloids are living lives of luxury in their sink estates around this miserable country that I now hate with a vengeance.

    Finally, the BBC is a state broadcaster that warrants comparison with any cold war soviet broadcaster.  Consider this, living as you do in a republic;  according to the BBC, anyone living outside the UK would think the whole population adores the largest benefit scroungers on the planet aka the royal family.  Indeed, during the sickening 'celebrations' of dear old Liz and her inbred brood living for her 60 years of freeloading, one would think not a single republican lived in the UK.

      The BBC bias and propaganda is beyond belief.   Whilst small media news outlets and blogs reported the riots in London and Cardiff after the elction, there was nothing on the BBC.   Not to mention the fact most people in the UK have to pay for the BBC to simply watch television or face prosecution for not paying the stasi-like enforced tv tax, which the BBC calls a 'tv licence'.  

    Watch RT...The Keiser Report.  It's available on youtube.  That we are at the point where a russian media outlet, despite the fact it isn't perfect,  gives better all-round coverage of world events than the mainstream western media says everything.


  13.  Like too many of the 'sheeple' you clearly believe what you see on the tv and read in newspapers.

    Even Cameron, an out of touch disaster who is more slick PR man than a political tour de force,  looked visibly surprised at the result.

    Effectively, what happened was nothing to do with labels like left wing, socialism, etc etc, it was due to the power of the media outlets owned and controlled by the very rich...(whose wealth has doubled this last 5 years under this mendacious government whilst the poor have sufffered in the opposite direction.)

    People were 'influenced' by the frighteningly transparent smears against the Labour party mixing it with the Scots (who at this precise moment are the only ones with any brains in this excuse of a democracy), and also at Ukip...who the controlling interests loathed for being a genuine, alternative voice to the illusion of choice that has plagued the UK for decades, and who campaigned against the out of touch westminster political elite.

    Giving the £10 million Cameron wastes on being in europe each week back to the UK, would have built a lot of hospitals...as Ukip championed......putting it mildly!  Especially bearing in mind the savage cuts the tories used to attack  the most vulnerable in society under the flimsy lie that anyone on benefit was a lazy loafer, where the reality was the genuine system freeloaders were a minute percentage, even given IDS's bull**bleep** figures.  At least that other tory reptile, Ester McVey lost her seat....one tiny sliver of light in the darkness.

    Immigration control is not racism. Yet, this lie, this constant media smear of racism at Ukip were seized on by the pc brigade, SNP, the clown like Greens,  and labour to the tories delight.

    Farage underestimated the ruthlessness of the corporate media fatally.  He never joined in the negative campaigning, or defended his corner as robustly as he should. Again, to the torys delight.

    Against the labour party (hardly a socialist party anymore, a centre left one at best; never forget the rich got richer under the last labout government like no other) the corporate media laid the lie that labour were responsible for the criminal banksters bankrupting the world in 2008. Labour may or may not have been profligate, but they did not cause the world wide recession.  Also according to Cameron and his cronies,  labour and those awful scots who see  the tories for the total scum they actually are, were going to join forces and dear old Blighty was going to be in a right mess.

    Be under no illusion, this is a black day for 75% of the UK, many of whom stupidly believe when Camergoon talks about 'hard working families', he means them, when in fact he represents 10% of the population at best.

    Many will rue before the year is out that they voted for the most heartless, venal, out of touch and elitist government I have experienced.  God help us all in the next 5 years.   


  14. It may - or may not, as your post seemed a mere preamble to matters of no interest whatsoever - to know that curly whirlys are a ephemeral shadow of what they used to be in their '70's glory days.

    Cadburys is no more, effectively.  You do know that, right?

    Rather like Fender.  A fullerton stratocaster is precisely that.

    A premise, or basic fact, is a must, I am afraid, when posting stuffs online.

    I had intended to take a break from the forums of these forums of th eundead, but you keep dragging me back in.


  15. Oh, the hypocrisy of 'right on' people who - naturally - could have 'handled' SL with maturity beyond their years if they had been under the TOS age, and, indeed, would have done so because, hey, they are/were fantastic enough to do it, unlike the vast majority who would not be mature enough at that age.

    Wow, they even went to 'adult' places in RL, again, because they are sophisticates from a higher realm lol. Yet, these buffoons  still pour scorn on adults playing - as they are permitted under the TOS - child/younger avs.

    I really have no words for you, frankly.  Hand me the in-flight sick bag.

    For the OP, sound sentiments re. your father. But. You were a TOS breaker.

    I am afraid to draw this to your attention, but rules are there - in virtual worlds, and, indeed RL - for EVERYONE.


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