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Harlett Daines

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Posts posted by Harlett Daines

  1. I hope my reply goes in the correct place, I do not post often enough to remember where to click...  

    I've been in SL two years.  I did not come as a creator, although I did eventually how to build.  I came because I heard people from work (all men, I don't know if that's pertinent), talk about Second Life.  I was, and still am, primarily a social user.  I have met someone in RL from SL.  I do chat on voice and sometimes use Skype with friends.  I am also a terrible role player, so it brings me right back to....social user.

    At times, I read posts that my kind are not really appreciated.  However, I am a great consumer of products that other people create.  The thought of chatting on voice, using Skype or meeting in real life completely creeps some people out.  I can't say I am the "target" but I know there are many people like me.  I wouldn't want to generalize, but I wonder if it's more common over the past couple years to be more of a social user.


  2. I am on the South Carolina coast.  Fortunately, we escaped the worst of it.  With the storms I've surivived, especially Hugo, Irene made very little impact.  I am now breathing again and very thankful.  We had some winds of 30-40mph and rain, but no major damage.

    My prayers are wth everyone this week.  I hope some folks up north keep this tread updated.  

  3. I watched it tonight.  It profiled 3 people:  a creator, a guy with a fiance, and a married couple that met in RL.  Out of the three scenarios, two of them ended somewhat badly.  I won't reveal too much in case you'd decide to watch.  I found it interesting, but at times I was a bit bored because I'm so familiar with SL.  Parts when they were explaining the development, economy, and a lawsuit filed due to work being copied-I already knew.

    I don't see any reason why you should not want to watch it.  Parts were sensational, but overall fairly innocuous.  It's just people, of all types, functioning in a different medium.  I would be willing to bet it will increase enrollment even if some people find it disturbing.  If I wasn't already here, I'd definitely take a peek.

  4. I have a 4096 parcel for residential use.  Although I change it frequently, right now I have a garden on the beach, a building platform at 400 meters and a skybox at 4000 meters.  I go back and forth about keeping it because I am not in world as much as I once was, but I REALLY miss having a place to tinker and build when I have the time.

    However, as someone above said, I'll never look for a larger space.  It's plenty for me.

  5. Thanks so much for the responses.  I am logged into SL now and getting ready to file an AR and mute.  Darren, I feel like the word that rhymes with snitch.  It really feels horrible.  

    I decided it is very risky to have any additional communication with him.  He lied, I know it and there is only one right answer.  I try not to be too dramatic about the consequences of NOT ARing him, but the consequences of inaction are too severe.

    Geez....this feels bad, really bad.  :-((

  6. You know, that's it.  I didn't think about lying on the birthdate....although now it seems obvious.  I wasn't always following the chat closely as we were building, but that is where he said he was 16.  I do not keep IM logs (and this could have been in local).  So, I don't think I'd have proof of the admission.  I've also never AR'd anyone before and do not know if that would be required.

    It makes me feel kind of sick that the appropriate thing to do is AR him.  Sighs.  It really makes me more hesitant to be as free in accepting friend requests, which is kind of sad.

    To AR and mute seems kind of harsh....I wonder if I should tell him that I AR'd him?  He's just a child whose made a child's mistake.  And not that it takes away the lie, he conducts himself very appropriately.

  7. Every once in a while, I stop by the Forum Cartel.  About five days ago, I met a one day old resident there.  I often hang out at the Shelter a newbie friendly place.  So, I help the new people if I happen across them.  I am quick to take friend requests and if they don't IM me with questions after a few weeks, I assume they are getting along okay in their SL life and delete them.  

    This resident IM'd me on his 4th day.  I was building a fountain on my property in SL.  I tp'd him and he was actually a better builder than me as he learned in another world.  While building, he flew up high, fell to the ground, tried out some light sabers.  And I got to thinking, he must be young.  Sure enough, he ends up being 16 years old.

    I have looked up teen rules (some are quite dated--I think they should be easier to find).  It appears I should not have been able to tp him to a "mature" area.  The land I live on is mature.  I always considered this a built-in protection.  Did it fail??  I will obviously let him know he is not allowed on the property in the future.  We could always build in a sandbox some where.  

    Lastly, with all of the drama surrounding teens, should I just end the friendship to protect myself?  I think being linked to a teen, even in a PG way, could end up causing some kind of problem in the future.  We live in a very suspicious society.  Rightfully so, maybe.  

    This is a very nice young person.  And since I am old enough to be his mother, I'd take great care not to hurt his feelings.  He is going to school today and is trying hard to get "Kimberly's" attention....it made me smile.  In a perfect world, I'd love to hear how that goes.  But in this one, I'm not so sure it's appropriate to continue.  

    I don't think anything has ever moved me to start a thread before.  I'd appreciate your advice and direction.  This is very much worth handling in exactly the right way.  Thanks so much for taking the time.


  8. I found the blogs when I was searching for an answer to a specific question.  After finding the answer, many thanks to those who take the time to help, I surfed around a bit.  I found many entries negative, rude, and full of people getting drunk on their own drink.  I simply opt out of them now--except I was curious when I saw the title to your post on my log-in page.  It's not so complicated to be respectful but since it seems too much to ask people in a public forum, I just only look for what I need and forget the rest.  Elijah, your point is well taken.

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