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Harlett Daines

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Posts posted by Harlett Daines

  1. I just got an Othello/Reversi game that did not come with a scoreboard.  Is there a generic scoreboard I could rez and update as we play?  I do not know how to script.  I can do some basic building, if anyone has an idea of how to make a simple one.  I don't expect it to communicate with the table.  I searched on the marketplace, but all the scoreboards were for specific games.


  2. Okay, I took this survey and stopped on page six.  It's too long, repetitive and the questions are not completely clear regarding SL/RL.  I have met someone in SL and taken it to RL, but I *think* these questions are for people who keep it completely online.  One question was, "have you ever had a RL relationship."  You mean, have I ever had one or one that came from online.  Oh wait...I don't care.  Shrugs.

  3. SL has broadened my acceptance of other lifestyles.  I like and enjoy the fact that I get to meet people all over the world, who have a wide range of interests and express them in a variety of ways.  From the kinky to the artistic, I am in a constant state of learning about how others conduct themselves.  Even if it's shocking, insulting, hysterical, or ____, I am consistenly entertained.  It's what keeps me coming back....

  4. On another thread, I wrote about my mesh avi.  Other people said I could appear naked due to the mesh avi and clothing.  I tried putting on standard panties and logged on with the standard viewer.  Yeah, didn't work.  I'm just going to go with it...if I get kicked out of places...so be it.  I am wearing the PG version of my avi, so I won't have any tiny, naked, fairy parts.  

  5. Thanks for the responses.  Those were my initial thoughts as well.  It's difficult to determine in SL where people will find an issue.  Evidentally, the way I posted my question even provoked a correction.

  6. Harlett is my original account, but I have four accounts.  I only use two.  The second is for a mesh fairy avatar.  I find that switching between mesh and the standard shape is too time consuming.  I like to log on and be a fairy without the hassle.  It's the only alt I've ever found consistent use for....  I wasted time/money with the others.  If I am in human form, Harlett has all the good stuff.

  7. I just got a petite mesh fairy avatar for my alt.  I am so in love with it.  It's a purple little fairy that flips around.  My question is this...are petites restricted like child avatars?  I have no intention of taking my precious little fairy to an adult location, but what about other areas?  I have been checking the land tab on places I visit, but petite fairies are not specifically mentioned.  Anything I should know?

  8. I was at a district sales meeting when SL first was launched.  I overheard my district mates talking about this new world.  I asked them to explain it, but I had no interest.  

    YEARS later, in 2009, I was googling online classrooms.  Second Life was an advertisement on one of the pages.  I recalled my colleagues and decided to check it out.  

    Every once in a while, I wonder if I'll ever cross paths with one of them....

  9. I have 12 friends total with about 6 that I talk to a few times a week.  The others don't log in as often but I;ve known for them for quite some time.  I clear out my list as well.  I friend a lot of newbies and assume they either quit or catch the hang of it.  

  10. Hi,

    Thanks for responding.  The properties show the eyes as copy only.  They are Pulse eyes that I've had for a year and a half.  They are all I have worn since I got them.  My graphics are on high (switching them low/high didn't matter) and my other eyes by the same creator still look fine when I change to them.  I can't imagine how I modified something no-mod.  I had been building and I think I also was fiddling around with an invisi-prim....not sure that makes a difference.

  11. My eyes that I have been wearing for about a year changed to what is pictured below.  I had been building.  I wonder if I accidentally edited them, although they are no-mod??  Anyone know what could have caused this?  I'll get some new ones, but I don't want to do it again.  

    And, if it matters...I have swaped them back and forth with other eyes.  They still come up this way after re-rezzing.


  12. Hello Folks,

    I enjoy playing greedy and have visited several places looking for people to play.  Unfortunately, I've encountered empty game sims and inactive groups.  I have my own table at my home in SL and a couple friends that play, but would like to find more.  I bet there is an active place that I'm missing....

    If you know of an ACTIVE group, casino or would like to friend me in-world, I'd appreciate it!!  

  13. I have about 3 friends that have been on since I started SL 2 years ago.  I have another 4 that were/are my neighbors in SL.  The rest, I keep trimmed down to keep my list to about 10-15 people.  I accept friend requests easily, but delete them just as easily.  I am comfortable and happy with the level of interaction I have....too many IMs are just distracting.  I spoke with a woman who had 300 friends on her list...it sounded exhausting to me.  I have always preferred my friends list to be active and current.  Seeing inactive names has always bothered me.  No problem hitting delete here.

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