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Kris Kosrae

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Everything posted by Kris Kosrae

  1. A little kindness all even if you find eep/pbr frustrating. We are talking a software change not murder. No need for personal attacks on SL folk or volunteers. Btw FS project is a non-profit Incorporated organisation so has a rl identify itself.
  2. I do not think LL had a realistic choice over PBR. It was getting to look ancient and I was putting up with it because I have been there a while. Btw good looking clothes matter for me too as does riding on a pretty sim. It felt the same when they introduced mesh. I am using alchemy now which seems much faster at rezzing than FS ( I suspect this will be ironed out. I avoid the initial major software releases too. It would help if folk did not have the 150k complexity ( not an ideal measure I know) either. If FS at this point enabled a toggle to turn on/off for the latest release rather than reinstall the old it would have helped us adjust. LL have enabled a fall back to render non-PBR textures at least. I find the shared eep settings to be a big problem atm as they are optimised for non-PBR and tweaking this makes a big difference. I really just don’t want to, white list, optimise settings, guddle in the preferences and sort out my own eep in the same way I don’t want to fine tune carburettors or other ‘motor head’ things.
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